Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1396: The world trades, the spring master's mind

Somewhere in the void, a chuckle suddenly sounded, "Congratulations, disciple Lei family for winning."

The disciples of the Lei family changed their expressions drastically and looked at them vigilantly.

Lei Yang was expressionless, just frowned slightly, and said, "Who?"

In the direction that the sound came from, the space fluctuated, and a figure slowly emerged, with a green front on the waist and smiling eyes.

Lei Yang said: "It turned out to be Brother Yu Kui, the head of the Shiling Shiling Mausoleum. I don't know if you are here, what can I do?

Lu Yukui clasped his fists and said, "Brother Leiyang is serious, he dare not teach him, but I am here to congratulate. I am in the ten tombs, why is there no talent in the top ten? Alas, the talent of the Lei family really envy me. Up."

Lei Yang smiled slightly and said, "Brother Yu Kui said envious, but his face didn't look half envy. Lei Jun's meager power might not be able to get into Brother Yu Kui's eyes."

Lu Yukui smiled and said: "How come, Brother Lei Yang joked. But I came this time to help Lei Junxian nephew, I don't know if Lei Yang has this idea."

Lei Yang said in surprise: "Help? How to help?"

Lu Yukui smiled and said: "Presumably Brother Lei Yang knows that Lei Jun and Yang Qingxuan are almost endlessly dying now. If they meet, Brother Lei Yang thinks that Lei Junxian nephew has the chance to win?"

Lei Yang pondered, and said, "Five to five."

Lu Yukui smiled at him and said, "There are really five to five, right? Five-color Lei Shang meets Yang Qingxuan's Fire Ming Yi, can he win?"

Lei Yang thought for a moment and said, "If Yang Qingxuan didn't fight the Halberd Sky Ruins, it was only the fusion of the three fires, Lei Jun's five-color Lei Shang would win. But the power of the ruins that day cannot be ignored. Although Lei Jun also has a small Wan Lei Magnet CD, but after all, it is only half-sacred. Even if there is no five or five, the victory or defeat is at least four or six."

Lu Yukui said, "Four or six, then Nephew Lei Jun is very dangerous."

Lei Yang remained silent, squinting his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lu Yukui also stood quietly to the side, not disturbing, but his eyes were smiling and meaningful.

After a while, Lei Yang said: "Brother Yu Kui will tell you, what good things have been brought to Lei Jun. Although I have no grudges between Lei Ting Ancient Realm and Chen'er Shi Ling, there is no exchange or favor. Brother Yu Kui is fine. If you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace, let's just pick out the words clearly. You still want to use Lei Jun's hand against Yang Qingxuan, right?

Lu Yukui did not shy away from it, saying bluntly: "Exactly."

Lei Yang smiled and said, "This is the only way to speak straightforwardly, so we can just open up and negotiate terms."

Lu Yukui was stunned, and said: "Conditions? I came here to help Lei Junxian nephew, Brother Lei Yang actually wants to make conditions with me?"

Lei Yang sneered: "Whether Lei Jun wants to win against Yang Qingxuan is not important, but it seems to be very important to Brother Yu Kui and the one behind him. I will ask Lei Jun to do such a great favor for you, and make some requests. Shouldn't it?"

Lu Yukui's face changed slightly, and he said coldly: "Since you also know that it is the adult who is going to deal with Yang Qingxuan, why are you embarrassed to talk about terms?"

Lei Yang said: "The business in the world is mutually beneficial and mutually beneficial. You can't let me suffer because of your high status. You know, the landlord's family has no surplus."

Lu Yukui's face sank and said, "Okay, what are the conditions? Brother Leiyang, please tell me."


After the first round, Yang Qingxuan five people entered the ring one after another, and Dong Zhen threw five small **** again.

Zhong Jie and Lance are number one.

Yang Qingxuan and Lan Ningxu are number two.

Lei Jun is number zero, a bye.

Dong Zhen glanced at the five people and said, "Once the game starts, there is no room for maneuver. You may have to rest, and if you have, you can suspend the game."

The five-person club said, "No need."

Dong Zhen said: "Okay, let's start then. Zhong Jie and Lance stay, and the rest will end."

Yang Qingxuan, Lan Ningxu, and Lei Jun all flew off the court.

It's just that Lei Jun frowned suddenly, his figure flashed, and with a "pop" electric light jumped, and he disappeared in place.

The spectators all around were staring and talking.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the direction of Lei Yun's disappearance, his pupils shrank slightly, and then returned to normal.

Suddenly Pan Fatty's voice came from behind him, "Boss, Boss, come here."

Yang Qingxuan turned around and found that Pan Haixing had squeezed to the front of the crowd.

I couldn't help but smiled and said, "You fat man, you haven't seen you for a few days, your face is radiant, and you have gained a lot of fat."

Pan Haixing smiled and took out a few jade bottles, stuffed them into the vacuum ground, and said: "Boss, this is the holy medicine for healing and restoring physical fitness. The effect and value of each one can be comparable to the Xuanlong Pill. There is also a bottle. , Inside is full of twenty Xuanlong Pills."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and took a few jade bottles. There were nearly a hundred medicinal pills in them. The value was too great to estimate.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Fatty Pan, you won't steal all of your exchanges."

A middle-aged beautiful woman flashed behind Pan Haixing, and said with a smile: "Young Master Qingxuan is joking. These pills are a little bit of gratitude to the son for helping Inuzi, and I still look forward to it."

Yang Qingxuan knew that this beautiful woman in front of him must be Fatty Pan's mother, the spring lord of the mysterious underground exchange, and immediately clasped his fist and said: "Lord Spring has a heart. If this is the case, I will be disrespectful."

Chunzhu smiled and said, "If these medicines can help Young Master Qingxuan a little or two, Haixing and I will also be relieved."

Pan Haixing hurriedly said, "Boss, take the Huiwei Pill and Yin Ying Pill in it, you can fully recover your current injury and physical fitness."

Yang Qingxuan responded without being pretentious, and immediately poured out two pills of different colors, but both of them were spiritual, and swallowed them directly into his stomach.

Suddenly, two strange forces hovered in the body and continuously flowed into the meridians, making it very comfortable like a spring rain.

Some minor scars remaining in the body were quickly repaired, and the true essence was constantly erupting from the Dantian like a volcano under the influence of the medicine.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly sat in the void, running the Taiqing Jade Art to maximize the power of the medicine to avoid wasting.

After the cup of tea, Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes again, and a bright glow appeared in his eyes, but after a flash, it returned to normal.

In the battle with Zhong Jie, all the injuries and physical consumption were not only recovered, but also made steady progress.

Na Huiwei Pill and Yinying Pill are indeed holy medicines for healing.

Just as Yang Qingxuan sighed, Lance and Zhong Jie also quickly decided the winner in the arena.

In fact, Zhong Jie has always been playing with Lance, and Lance has been struggling to support this moment, already doing his best.

Finally, when there was no doubt about defeat, he directly gave in.

Dong Zhen pronounced the sentence: "Zhong Jie wins this battle. In the next game, Yang Qingxuan will play against Lan Ningxu. Let's play with the two."

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