Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1429: The sacred instrument of communication, the real dragon appears

The world became quiet, everyone was silent, closed their eyes lightly, and felt the magnificent power that spread from the sacred artifact that day.

For most people, such an opportunity is only once in a lifetime.

Yang Qingxuan was uneasy, still thinking, "What is going on with this formation? What is the connection with the huge formation under Kunlun Mountain?"

But soon, the Taoist rules on the Heavenly Sacred Artifact dispelled his thoughts, causing him to fall into a wonderful comprehension, gradually forgetting everything, forgetting his own existence, as if being integrated into Taoism.

The remaining injuries on his body began to recover at an extremely fast speed.

The remaining energy deposited after swallowing the sacred artifacts was also slowly dissolved under the artifacts of the heavenly sacred artifacts and was absorbed by the flesh little by little.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan has a kind of enlightenment. If he is helped by the Heavenly Sacred Artifact, he can still go forward even if he can't find the second half of the Martial Scriptures, because the Taoist rules contained in the Heavenly Sacred Artifact are omnipresent and far Above the Wujing.

But this kind of thought only flashed past, and a sacred artifact like Tiandibang was far from what he could covet now.

Yang Qingxuan continued to converge and put all his energy into participating in the repair.

Suddenly, a voice rang in my mind, "Are you really going to help that person win the double rankings?"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, the voice was from the Elf King, and he nodded firmly and said: "Well, you must do the things that are promised."

The elf king said: "But this does not benefit you at all, and the risk is too great. The Emperor in front of me, even I dare not look at his cultivation base. You are no different from an ant before him."

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "I know, but I must do what I promised. Besides, I have grievances with the emperor. If Xuantian Ji can take the double ranking of heaven and earth, it is also a good thing for me. ."

Elf King said: "Understood, although I can't help you fight against the Emperor, the old man has also held the double ranking of heaven and earth, and knows some of its characteristics and secrets. I now pass you a set of tricks that can allow you to communicate with the heavenly artifacts. ."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and said, "Communication with the Heavenly Sacred Artifact?!"

The elf king said: "Hey, why, don’t you believe it? Don’t forget, the sacred artifact is not someone’s sacred artifact, but the owner of the sacred artifact. Even the human emperor is just a communication with the heavenly artifact, and It cannot be refining and appropriating as one's own."

Yang Qingxuan swallowed abruptly, and said, "Will the Emperor be aware of this?"

Elf King said: "There is a certain possibility, but you are planning to grab the world rankings. Are you afraid that the emperor will not notice it?"

Yang Qingxuan thinks about it, too, he is about to turn his face directly, what else is he afraid of?

He hurriedly calmed down and listened carefully to the secret method of the Elf King.

Afterwards, he kept the secret method in his heart, and pinched a weird tactic with both hands.

With the release of Jue Yin, Yang Qingxuan's mind was stunned, as if the moral rules around him had changed, and a strange mighty force penetrated into his body.

Elf King said: "Don't worry, you have already attracted the attention of the world double rankings."

A cold sweat rolled on Yang Qingxuan's forehead, and he said, "I will be fine, will I?"

The elf king said: "Under the heavenly artifact, all are ants. As long as you don't offend it, it will reject you at best and won't hurt you because of disdain."

Yang Qingxuan was speechless for a while, this Heavenly Artifact is too arrogant.

However, the sacred artifacts that have existed since the birth of the Star Territory are the incarnation of the entire Star Territory Dao Law and indeed have this qualification.

Throughout the ages, how many generations has the Lord of the Heavenly Artifacts changed? All disappeared, but the heavenly artifact remained eternal.

Yang Qingxuan released his happy spirit, allowing the power of the heavenly artifact to probe his body, showing friendly signals as much as possible and communicating with it.

At this moment, a strange reaction suddenly appeared on the world ranking list. In the light beam of the formation, the scroll seemed to be slowly opening, and runes flew out from inside, turning into nine-color streamers.

The aura is shining, and if the purple jade gives birth to smoke, a cloud of haze is condensed above the scroll, as if there is a dragon in it.

"True dragon now?!"

I don't know who it is, screamed in horror, and immediately interrupted the participation of hundreds of thousands of people, and looked at the center of the star platform.

Yang Yunjing opened his eyes violently, shocked and hard to add!

The real dragon appears on the world list!

It means that someone communicated with the heavenly sacred artifacts and got the approval of the heavenly sacred artifacts.

"Wow", above the entire sea of ​​clouds, everyone is boiling, and even forgot to participate in the repair, one by one stood up in shock, staring at the true dragon shadow on the list that day.

In the light and mist, Liu Cai Mengmeng, indeed a dragon is swimming slowly.

Yang Qingxuan himself was taken aback, and looked out in amazement, unexpectedly there would be such a huge vision.

However, judging from Yang Yunjing's shocked expression, it seems that he can only know that someone has communicated with the Heavenly Sacred Artifact, but it is impossible to know who it is.

Yang Yunjing's gaze swept across everyone on the star stage, especially when it fell on Yang Qingxuan, and paused for a while, but Yang Qingxuan was prepared long ago, pretending to be ignorant, and was not noticed.

The ten people around the world list were all stunned, all with a look of envy, jealousy, and hatred. How good would it be if the communicator was himself?

The strong from the top ten and twenty-four are even more shocked.

Because they immediately thought of another thing, the election of the emperors of the past, the first condition is to be recognized by the world ranking!

In other words, the person who communicated with the Heavenly Sacred Artifact had already obtained the first condition for becoming a human emperor.

Who is this person? !

The top ten and twenty-four powerhouses first swept their gazes in the center of the star platform, and then waited and looked at each other in the thirty three-star cloud.

Because the closer you are to the heavenly sacred artifact, the stronger the perceptual Dao law rules, and the more likely it will be recognized by the heavenly sacred artifact.

In addition, most of the top ten and twenty-four powerhouses have participated in the training under the rankings of the world, and have not been recognized for the first time, and the probability of being recognized again is not high.

Although the hundreds of thousands of people on the sea of ​​clouds outside of the star station may also trigger the induction of the heavenly sacred device, the probability is very small and completely negligible.

Therefore, the crowd immediately locked the ten people around the world ranking list and glanced over them one by one.

Yang Qingxuan had a guilty conscience, for fear of being seen by others, he simply closed his eyes and continued to practice Taoism.

At this moment, another exclamation sounded on the sea of ​​clouds, "Look! Another real dragon appeared!"

Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes in amazement, only to see the top of the world list, next to the previous true dragon, once again bred a cloud of white haze, and under the aura, another dragon shadow slowly formed inside.

"Hey! Two true dragons appeared one after another!"

"The sacred instrument of communication, isn't there one in a million? There are only a few people in each era?"

"Did I see a fake heavenly artifact? Or a real dragon?"

All kinds of horrified and incredible voices rang in the sea of ​​clouds.

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