Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1431: Confidant, waiting for the opportunity

Hundreds of thousands of warriors were shocked one by one.

All of this in front of me seemed to be in a dream. Someone dared to grab the world and earth double rankings on the ten-point star platform. Don't talk about such things, even if I saw it with my own eyes, I felt so fake.

"Is it because I participated in the world double rankings and fell into an illusion?"

A large number of warriors thought in their hearts, and then slapped their heads fiercely, and found that the shooting was bleeding, and it was very painful, before they woke up, it was definitely not an illusion!

On the Shifang Star Platform, a huge shock spread and swept across the entire sea of ​​clouds, but the main attack was still soaring into the sky, straight into the sky, otherwise the death and injury would be unimaginable.


The aftermath of Yang Yunjing's and Moon Soul's blow hit the sky, and was immediately blocked by the cloud pressure virtual fence, turning into a rolling red cloud and spreading, the sky and the earth were gloomy, and the entire sea of ​​clouds was as magnificent as the setting sun and as tragic as the end of the day.

The world seemed to have stopped for a moment after this huge earthquake.

Everyone stood on the spot, staring at the two figures on the star platform with amazement on their faces.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the sword in Yang Yunjing's hand. The sword was slender and tough. It was silvery white with a golden blood groove on it. It stretched to the cold tip of the sword. The whole sword was intertwined with holiness and killing.

"It really is a real sword!"

Yang Qingxuan secretly said in his heart: "The terrifying part of Taixuan sword intent, in addition to the sword intent and profound, it can also turn the emptiness into reality, and condense the entity of the sword soul with the supreme sword intent."

And the stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the sword intent, and the longer it can maintain the real sword.

When he used Hundred Ghost Night and Slashing Demons, he only condensed the sword soul for an instant, but Yang Yunjing could sustain it for a long time.

Yang Yunjing stared at the figure in the sky, and said coldly, "Mooner Moon Soul!"

Moon Soul put his hands in his pockets, and said coldly: "The grievances of the Black Sea, I have to do a good job today."

Yang Yunjing turned his eyes to the surroundings, Lan Ningxu and Zhulong were gone, but he was not too worried, because of the cloud pressure, Lan Ningxu could not disappear out of thin air, but was hidden somewhere under this starry sky formation. .

And he communicated with the world list, and then he could find it out.

The top priority is not to grab back the world rankings, but to punish the people in front of them one by one!

Under the world, there are only four forces that can shake one's own status and strength: nine strong and twenty-four families, foreign races scattered throughout the star field, some old monsters that cannot be seen in the world, and one force is Dao Ying. .

And Tao Ying is Yang Yunjing's real confidant.

Most of the twenty-four of the nine strongest families are under their control, while the strong foreign races are scattered around and are not united. It is difficult to form a shaking force. As for those old monsters that are hidden from the world, they are wholeheartedly asking for the gods, regardless of world affairs. .

Only this shadow, every one is a perverted madman with a great Taoism, he has no scruples when he does things, dare to do everything, and can do it.

So when Mr. Yin found the trail of Tao Ying, Yang Yunjing had made all kinds of preparations. The first was to lower the cloud pressure virtual fence and seal the entire Nine Heavens and Canglan Sea, even a fly could not fly. Get out.

At the beginning, above the Black Sea, it was just a projection of the cloud pressure virtual column, which could block all the strong.

And what landed at this moment was the real body of the cloud pressure virtual column!

The first big array under the stars!

Murderous aura flashed in Yang Yunjing's eyes, and there was even a hint of excitement. He hadn't been able to find the opportunity, Dao Ying sent it to the door by himself, and just took advantage of the chaos to kill Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Yunjing pointed at the sword, and said, "Moon Soul, Xuantian Ji, and Lie are nothing but you three flies? It's not enough for this seat to shoot."

"Are there few suspects? Then add one more."

There was a sneer from the void, and on the steps of the Shifang Star Terrace, a figure suddenly appeared, his face full of sluggishness and panic, his body was covered with mosquito-sized wounds, densely swollen, and pustules filled with green water.

In addition, there are large cobwebs covering the body, mechanically climbing the steps, step by step.

Everyone looked at each other in amazement. At first glance, this person was under control and was in a state of half-dead. The most shocking thing was that the cultivation base revealed by this person was actually the realm king!

"Master Amu!"

Suddenly, around the Shifang Star Terrace, Bauhinia, one of the Twelve Heavenly Monarchs, yelled, and his beautiful eyes were full of shock.

"What? This person is Amu? One of the previous twelve heavenly monarchs!"

"It is said that after this person stepped into the realm queen, he withdrew from the position of the Twelve Heavenly Sovereign, and began to ignore world affairs, in order to break through the avenue, how could he appear here?"

The high-levels of the top ten and twenty-four families are all shocked, and there is a sharp look in their pupils.

Yang Yunjing's face was even more gloomy, staring at A Mu, murderously awe-inspiring.

The whole world became quiet, hundreds of thousands of eyes all fell on A Mu, watching him step by step to the star platform.

Yang Qingxuan looked around and found that the ten-square star platform was indeed not the main body, but was projected. The damage that was just caused by Yang Yunjing and the moon soul was recovering at an unimaginable speed, and he thought to himself: "Just I don't know where Lan Ningxu went. If he is among the hundreds of thousands, Yang Yunjing is afraid he won't be able to find him."

The voice of the Elf King came and said, "You look down on the King of Humans too much. The World Ranking is not a simple holy artifact. Lan Ningxu can take it away and may not swallow it. Please calm down and use what I just taught Your secret method should be able to sense the existence of the world list."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and hurriedly pinched the tactics with both hands, and secretly displayed the secret method. As expected, he was vaguely aware of the fluctuation of the heavenly artifact in the sea of ​​people.

If he could be aware of it, then Yang Yunjing would naturally be even more concerned. No wonder he looked confident.

At this moment, the Nine Clouds and the Canglan Sea were covered by the cloud pressure virtual fence, and everyone could not get out. Yang Qingxuan secretly adjusted his true essence, waiting for the opportunity, and immediately flee if he had the opportunity, so as not to fall into this terrible confrontation.


Yang Yunjing suddenly spoke, staring at A Mu, and said coldly.

A Mu made a hoarse voice and stopped, but after a while, he continued to walk forward.

Yang Yunjing said: "I asked you to stop, didn't you hear?"

A Mu turned a deaf ear, and continued to board the star platform, and the speed tended to accelerate.

Yang Yunjing raised his hand, a touch of sword aura condensed at the fingertips, spreading awe-inspiring sword intent, forcing people's hearts.

Bauhinia said in surprise: "Master Renhuang...Don't...!"

Yang Yunjing said: "Amu has lost his mind and is completely controlled by the people of Dao Ying. If he is allowed to board the star platform, it will only bring us great danger. Therefore, I must kill him under the star platform! "

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