Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1443: Find a helper

Lan Ningxu still said those words, "I can't die temporarily."

He paused, and then said, "Thank you so much, Demon Niu this time. I didn't expect that Human Sovereign has two powerful spirits at the same time. If you didn't show up in time, I'm afraid this time it would be bad."

The Great Demon King said: "Even without me, it would be extremely difficult for the Emperor to kill you. You may not be able to beat him, but there is nothing wrong with trying to escape."

Lan Ningxu's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something, he just said, "Not necessarily."

Yang Qingxuan recovered from his injuries after a day and night of recuperation, and said: "What should I do now?"

Lan Ning said, "Continue to heal, and then go to Shifang Star Terrace."

Yang Qingxuan worried: "Can we beat the Emperor?"

Lan Ning chuckled and said, "Our goal is to destroy the big formation on the Shifang Star Platform, not to kill the Emperor. The difficulty is completely two levels."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Well, in my opinion, the difference is not that big."

Lan Ning said: "The difference is very big. With me and the demon cow, I can trap the Emperor for a period of time at least. Whether you can break the star platform at this time is up to you."

Yang Qingxuan frowned, obviously not having much confidence.

Lan Ningxu muttered, "If the emperor said, the top ten and twenty-four families are all around the star platform, it is indeed very troublesome."

Yang Qingxuan said, "I saw Hong Yang fought with You Qin Sheng that day, if the top ten and 24 heads all have Qin Sheng, hey..."

Yang Qingxuan sighed, but did not say anything behind.

Lan Ning smiled and said: "Don't worry, not every head is as powerful as Qin Sheng."

"Really?" Yang Qingxuan just put a little light on this.

Lan Ningxu nodded and said: "At least I know that there are more than ten people, and the **** channel method is above the Qinsheng."

Yang Qingxuan: "..."

"Haha." Lan Ningxu said with a smile: "The peak power of the entire human race is gathered here. If this ability is not there, how can you suppress the hundred races and continue the magnificent situation since ancient times."

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "Listening to you, I don't have much confidence anymore."

Lan Ningxu said: "Don't worry, take your time. Above this sea of ​​clouds, there are a lot of powers that can deal with the Emperor."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, as if thinking of something, and said: "Why would they help us?"

Lan Ning smiled and said, "You know, if the cloud pressure is not broken, they will be trapped in the sea of ​​clouds and cannot go out."

Yang Qingxuan said: "This is a problem. Maybe we can win some helpers."

Lan Ning said: "Ordinary human warriors are no longer good enough. They don't dare to fight the human emperor. They can only think of ways from the strong men of the hundred races, knowing the reason and moving it for profit, such as promising Let them play for a few days on the World Double Rankings."

Yang Qingxuan changed his face and shouted: "No! The Heaven and Earth Shuangbang is so big that it must not fall into the hands of a foreign race."

Lan Ning gave him a blank glance, and said, "If we fall into the hands of the alien race, we can still get it back. This is much less difficult than getting it back from the human emperor, right?"

Seeing Yang Qingxuan hesitating, Lan Ningxu's gaze shifted, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and said: "Say yes, Lord Chongmu."

Yang Qingxuan was startled and looked at Lan Ningxu's eyes.

There was a flash of light on the sea of ​​clouds, and two figures appeared, walking one after the other, it was Kunna and Corot.

Neither of them looked good, especially Kunna. It was the first time Yang Qingxuan saw her so solemnly.

Kunna said coldly: "You have caused a catastrophe and want to pull us into the water? What a wishful thinking."

Lan Ning smiled and said, "But if you don't get into the water, you will have to be trapped in this cloud pressure virtual fence for a lifetime."

Kunna's eyes flashed murderously, sweeping over Lan Ningxu and Yang Qingxuan, and said coldly: "I can grab you two and give it to the Emperor, isn't it all right?"

Lan Ningxu said, "Of course we two are easy to deal with, but don't you take it seriously?"

Kunna's pupils shrank slightly, her eyes swept across the sea of ​​clouds, as if she was consulting something.

The powerful voice of the Demon Bull King came, saying: "If you move them, you will be my enemy."

Kunna's face was extremely ugly.

Like her, Dali Demon King is a strong man in the Middle Ages, and his reputation is far better than her.

The Yaozu back then, although it also belonged to the quarter-finals, it was definitely the first strong clan.

Especially the Eternal Sky, it was the strong man who suppressed an era.

And the powerful Demon Bull King in front of him was an existence that had fought against Demon Emperor Kong. If it hadn't been blocked by Demon Emperor Kong, he had even claimed the position of Demon Emperor.

Coluo said: "Demon Bull King, you are also a strong man of the era, why bother to sacrifice your life to the human race?"

As soon as Corot finished speaking, the wind and clouds all over the sky froze, and then a mighty force fell from the sky, instantly locking Corot.

"How do I act, want you to be a bug to give me advice? Get out!"

The voice of the Great Demon King shook in the sea of ​​clouds, and then a huge phantom pierced through that mighty force and fell down.

Ke Luo's face changed drastically, his body was unblocked and turned into a Zerg state, with eight arms stretched out on both sides, quickly pinching the tactics, holding a ball of golden light in each hand and throwing it forward.

The eight groups of light condensed in an instant, turning into a worm-shaped light shield with long antennae and carapace and wings behind it.


But the light shield only supported for an instant, and it exploded suddenly.

The phantom was actually a huge pitch-black iron rod, covered with iron nails, and hit it fiercely.

Ke Luo yelled in horror: "My mother, save me!"

Without waiting for him to ask for help, Kunna had already moved, her graceful figure flashed, her slender hands changed in the air, and then she slapped the iron rod intentionally or unintentionally, with a "buzzing" sound, shaking up the power of the powerful weapon.

The iron rod was shot away from the direction.

Kunna herself was shaken away and slid hundreds of feet away on the sea of ​​clouds.

Ke Luo suddenly felt his body loose, freed from the death breath of the top of the Tarzan, and hurriedly moved behind Kunna. The whole face was extremely pale, and he dared not talk nonsense.

Kunna hurriedly clasped her fists and said, "Dali Demon Bull King calmed down his anger, because I was not strict in discipline. I will definitely punish him after returning."

Dali Demon Cow King said coldly: "Hmph, this time it is for the face of the insect mother, spare him his life. If there is another time, it will definitely be killed!"

Kunna breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you for your kindness from the Great Demon King."

Quietly in the sea of ​​clouds, the Great Demon King did not say a word again, obviously the matter was exposed.

Lan Ningxu smiled and said: "Master Insect Mother, what I just proposed can be considered. With the help of the powerful Demon Bull King, plus you, Lord Ke Luo, and some other friends, we still have a great chance of winning. You can open as much as you want."

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