Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1448: Three thousand net winds, eradicate outliers


Ye Chongyuan's body swelled abruptly, and several golden runes on his body moved to the extreme.

Dong Xuan's complexion was calm, and with a grasp of his right hand, a golden banana fan appeared in his hand, constantly growing, and the streamer flowing on it turned into a cloud of dim white light, covering the entire fan in it.

Just before Ye Chongyuan's body was about to burst, the banana fan slammed.


Aura slammed out, and the entire sky shattered and turned into countless fragments, disappearing without a trace with the power of a fan.

Ye Chongyuan's corpse was also fanned into the pitch-black void, and a "bang" explosion came from a distance.

The powerful aftermath of energy shattered, and the warriors around the star platform were shocked, their bodies swaying from left to right, and they were a little unstable.

The onlookers were shocked. If the corpse bomb had exploded over the star platform just now...

Everyone was pale and didn't dare to think anymore.

Su Lishang's face changed slightly, and he said in shock: "The sixteenth sacred artifact on the list of sacred artifacts-Three Thousand Pure Wind!"

A cold light radiated from Dong Xuan's pupils, and said: "Since you recognize this fan, then accept your fate!"

Three thousand pure winds swayed in his hands, turning into three feet long and wide.

Dong Xuan stepped towards Su Lishang.

After Feng Jinyu's sword, the anger in his heart was gradually suppressed, and his eyes were cold, he approached Su Lishang from behind, and blocked his way.

Yang Qingxuan was very anxious, looking around, there was no shadow of Lan Ningxu.

Did Lan Ning play tricks on herself?

This idea flashed in my mind, and it was immediately ruled out.

He had the double ranking of heaven and earth and the jade seal of Misunderstanding, Lan Ningxu had no reason to let him give it to the Emperor, and Su Lishang also appeared, proving that Lan Ningxu had indeed arranged the place today.

Just why he hasn't appeared yet?

Yang Qingxuan was thinking about it, but he saw Xiang Ling staring at him. Xiang Ling's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and the broad swords, together, slashed towards Yang Qingxuan.

Xiang Ling's heart was filled with endless anger and self-blame. Although Ye Zhongyuan was not killed by him, he died in his hands. All the original sins were attributed to Yang Qingxuan.


"Clean the Xinghai!"

The sword intent spreads vigorously, like a sea of ​​stars.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly felt that he felt lost in the world of stars.

The purple pupil of Yang Qingxuan's eyebrows flashed, and he opened a vertical eye, and in an instant shot a black light, and suddenly he was full of agitation. He woke up, hurriedly pinched his hands with both hands, and shouted: "Ye Lin!"

The boundless black fire ignited on itself and turned into a huge black flower, slowly blooming under the feet.

Not only Yang Qingxuan, but even Xiang Ling was shrouded in black flowers.

Xiang Ling's pupils shrank slightly, revealing a solemn color, and he naturally recognized it as the pupil of the dark night.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sea of ​​stars slashed down, splitting Yang Qingxuan's body, and the sword intent was like a sea, continuously turning into a whirlpool, twisting the two halves of Yang Qingxuan's body to pieces.

But the next moment, in the other direction of the black giant flower, Yang Qingxuan appeared again.

Then there was another figure, the third, the fourth...

Hundreds of figures appeared on the huge dark night pupil, and in the center of the giant flower, slowly opened one eye and stared directly at Xiang Ling.

"Earth Fire Mingyi!"

Hundreds of Yang Qingxuan's figures, at the same time, took out the war halberd sky ruins, danced in front of him, the giant flower ignited endless black fire, merged with the red flames and purple flames, turned into hundreds of halberd lights, to Xiang Ling go with.

"Not good!"

Xiang Ling was shocked. Although the power of Huo Mingyi was strong, it could not hurt him.

It's just that the pupil of the dark night is blooming under his feet, giving him a creepy feeling.

Especially the dark purple pupil, shooting out a strange light, as if there is life, staring at him all over.

Xiang Ling slashed out with a sword, and the power of the star sea washed away from the ground fire Mingyi, and then jumped up and retreated from the giant flower.


Purple-black flames rose to the sky at once, and hundreds of Yang Qingxuan's figures were all in one.

The huge black flower slowly gathered and returned to Yang Qingxuan's eyebrows.

Yang Qingxuan felt a strange feeling in his heart. This was the first time that the Eye of Dark Night took the initiative to cooperate with him. Although it was a little strange, the effect was excellent, and he shocked Xiang Ling of the Realm King Realm.

Yang Qingxuan summoned Baigui Yexing again, grabbed it in his hand, and said solemnly: "Ghost, can you still fight?"

Echoes came from within the sword, and he said: "Naturally! Release me, and then help you kill a so-called Tianjun!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Okay!" His eyes flashed murderously, staring at Xiang Ling.

At this moment, a hissing roar suddenly came from the sky, "Xinglie!"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and hurriedly looked up.

I saw that Su Lishang was forced by Dong Xuan and Feng Jinyu back and forth, sneered, and pushed with his hand, a ripple waved in his palm, and then a corpse appeared, with loose hair, sallow complexion, and various runes engraved on his body. It is Yun Xinglie.

Su Lishang stared at Dong Xuan, and said with a smile: "Can your three thousand pure wind blow this corpse off?"

When Feng Jinyu saw it, he was irritated and almost fainted, hissing loudly, and his whole body exploded like hair. The extremely strong murderous aura rose into the sky, and turned into a billowing murderous vortex in the sky.

Dong Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and the three thousand pure winds swayed in his hands, and they became five or six times larger. Holding them in both hands, countless auras flowed on them, turning into dim brilliance, like a huge piece of beautiful jade, giving birth to entanglement.

Yang Yunjing stared at the sky and said coldly: "Daoying people, the means are so despicable. As the heads of various factions and human leaders, it is your responsibility to kill the people of Daoying with me!"

The strong of the top nine and twenty-four were all dignified, and many people nodded lightly.

Shi Yan and Wu Xian looked at each other, both showing embarrassment.

Yang Qingxuan was obviously standing with Dao Ying at this moment, fighting against the Emperor.

And they also know that there is something wrong with the Emperor, but can they compete with the Emperor just by relying on the power of Yang Qingxuan and Dao Ying?

Both of them are swaying and unsteady.

This is an unbearable bet.

Shi Yan sighed inwardly: "This stage is too early for Yang Qingxuan. If you give him another twenty years, the result will be completely different."

But in this world, there will never be if.

Tantai Ming said: "Sir Renhuang said that the previous massacre of Qianyun Sect's extermination was done by Dao Ying's people. It is incumbent to kill Dao Ying."

A large number of top ten and twenty-four senior executives kept nodding their heads.

Some of those who were expressionless and did not respond were all seen in Yang Yunjing's eyes, and said coldly in their hearts: "In addition to killing Tao Ying and eradicating Yang Qingxuan this time, we will also distract you from all the aliens from this seat eradicate!"

"The head of Tantai is right, this seat is here, come and get rid of me."

A green light flashed in the void, and the blue-shaped Qinghai spider shot down and landed outside the Shifang Star Terrace. Hong Yang, dressed in a golden silk moire robe, slowly landed on the spider’s back with a playful look. At Tantai Ming.

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