Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1464: Battle of the Star Palace (19): Command the world

The emperor's inheritance conditions are extremely harsh.

In fact, almost every generation of the emperor was selected from the thousands of strongest by the previous generation.

And the sky discussing martial arts is an excellent selection channel.

First, the previous generation of the emperor observes the character and talent of the martial artist, and after recognition, the communication between the world and the earth is carried out, and then the martial artist is induced to sense the destiny. In the end, the winner is given the emperor's order as a proof of inheritance, and then announced The world, enter the main star palace.

In other words, the previous generation of Emperor Human played a vital role in the inheritance of Human Emperor.

There is no generation of human emperor who directly became human emperor without the guidance of the previous generation of human emperor.

Because both the heaven and earth double rankings and the human emperor order are in the hands of the previous generation of human emperor, and human emperor stars are mostly hidden by the human emperor's anti-sky tactics. Without the guidance of the previous generation of human emperor, none of the three conditions can be triggered. .

Therefore, Yang Qingxuan's situation at the moment is unprecedented in the past.

Communicating and controlling the double rankings of the world and the earth, inspiring the human emperor star, if the human emperor order in his hand is true, then...

Countless people thought it was a little absurd.

Especially the warriors of the Star Palace, under the leadership of the human emperor, fought hard, only to find that it was the human emperor who was fighting.

Dong Xuan said loudly: "There can only be one real Emperor's Order, and it is absolutely impossible to have two at the same time! Yang Qingxuan, hand over the Emperor's Order in your hand for inspection!"

Yang Qingxuan sneered: "Master Dongxuan, you can pay if you want, I tell you to eat it-do you eat it?"

Dong Xuan was furious and was about to break out, but he heard Lan Ningxu say: "It is of course no problem to test the Emperor's Order. This is also what people want, but both people must hand over the Emperor's Order for inspection, not just Yang Qingxuan. cross."

There was a look of embarrassment on Dong Xuan's face, and he looked at Yang Yunjing a little whistlingly, not daring to call the shots without authorization.

Yang Yunjing said coldly: "I want to see, what tricks you can make!"

With that, he grabbed his five fingers, and the human emperor in his palm flashed light, and shot out.

Lan Ningxu raised his left hand, grabbed his five fingers, and the human emperor order was taken into his hand. At the same time, he grabbed the right hand and took out the human emperor order from Yang Qingxuan and placed them on both hands.

The two human emperor's orders are exactly the same, and even the brilliance flowing on them and the faint organs fluctuations that spread out are extremely similar and difficult to distinguish.

Hundreds of thousands of eyes fell on Lan Ningxu, wanting to see how he checked.

Lan Ningxu suddenly smiled evilly, flipping his hands at the same time, and the two human emperor orders disappeared in his hands instantly.

Yang Yunjing shouted: "What are you doing?!"

The faces of the people around changed drastically.

Lan Ning swept his eyes away and said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, everyone, let's see."

He said, flipping his hands and two human emperor's orders reappeared, but a golden flame ignited on the piece of the left hand, which quickly burned the human emperor's order, while the right hand was intact.

Lan Ning smiled and said: "Everyone has seen it, the dummy emperor's piece is fake, and Yang Qingxuan's piece is real."


The sea of ​​Yunhai exploded, all kinds of questioning voices, "You just changed the two human emperor orders and disappeared, who knows if you have dropped it?"

Yang Yunjing was even more confused, and suddenly realized that he had been stupid, and actually gave Lan Ning a false test of the real Emperor's order.

Moreover, at the moment when the human emperor's order disappeared, Lan Ningxu directly erased the aura left by Yang Yunjing on the human emperor's order.

Although he expected that Lan Ningxu would definitely have small movements, Yang Yunjing was conceited of his own strength, thinking that any small movements could not escape his eyes.

However, he never expected that Lan Ningxu did not make small moves, but directly made big moves. In front of hundreds of thousands of people, he changed the two imperial orders and then changed them.

Originally, it was only necessary to check, and it became clear what was going on, but it turned out to be inexplicable and unclear.

Yang Qingxuan, Yang Zhao, Shi Yan and others immediately understood the key, all secretly said: "Awesome."

Whoever is true and who is false will be clear at first inspection.

But now that the fake is gone, only the real one is left, and it's unclear who this one really belongs to.

Because it was missing, no one in the world knew except Lan Ningxu.

Even if you are 100% sure that he dropped the bag, it is impossible to get evidence.

This is a controversy that can never be explained...

Sure enough, Lan Ningxu slapped haha ​​and said, "How can you suspect me like this? If you don't trust me, you should propose a replacement check at the beginning. Since there is no proposal at the beginning, you should trust me."

Dong Xuan said angrily: "If it is okay, why do you want to change the two imperial orders?"

Lan Ningxu smiled and said: "I said this Emperor's Order belongs to Yang Qingxuan. If you don't believe it, then I say it belongs to Yang Yunjing, so you believe it?"

Dong Xuan Dao: "Naturally believe, the original Human Sovereign Order in the hands of Lord Human Sovereign is true!"

Lan Ning smiled and said, "Why?"

"Yes, why do you say that the emperor is true?"

There was a lot of sighs from all around.

Dong Xuan's head grew bigger, and he immediately realized that this matter was unclear.

Lan Ning Xu said: "The situation is now very clear. Yang Qingxuan has fully satisfied the three conditions for becoming a human emperor, and the fake Yang Yunjing in front of him, that is, the extinction of the law, although it can communicate with the heavenly artifacts and inspire the stars, but But there is no human emperor, so he is not a human emperor."

After speaking, he stuffed the real Emperor's order into Yang Qingxuan's hands and said, "Twelfth generation of Emperor's Lord, please give orders to the world."

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood, clenched the Emperor's Order and held it high, and said loudly: "The Emperor's Order is here. All warriors of all races will obey the order and punish the law. There is still the truth about the incident that year. Punishment!"

Everyone in Yunhai was dumbfounded.

Only the aliens sneered secretly, eating melons and watching the show with great interest.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's heart trembled, and the danger of death suddenly came.

Yang Yunjing appeared in front of Yang Qingxuan only a moment, and Taichen Cang Ancient Emperor's sword slashed straight.

Yang Yunjing understood that it was useless to say anything now. Killing Yang Qingxuan was a top priority, even more urgent and more important than eradicating Dao Ying and clearing away Shi Yan and others.

As long as he killed Yang Qingxuan and snatched the Emperor's Order, he would be what he said.

Even if people's hearts are floating and doubts are everywhere, I have time to suppress it slowly.


Shi Yan, Yang Zhao and others were on guard.

The silver brilliance in Shi Yan's hand flashed, and countless runes surged, condensed into a blade, swept past.

Yang Zhao roared even more, his whole body violent in an instant, countless sword intents swirled around, turning into a sword and slashed!

The sword light and sword intent instantly stood in front of Taichencang Ancient Emperor Sword.


When it was blocked for only a moment, the blade and sword intent shattered at the same time and burst apart.

Yang Yunjing was intent on killing him coldly, his sword power continued to be cut at Yang Qingxuan.

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