Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1477: Landlord

The green fire in Guizun's eyes was shaking, and he did not dare to move.

Yang Qingxuan was forced to retreat step by step by Gong Yeming, but no matter how he dodged, he was still shrouded in Gong Yeming's aura and had nowhere to go.

Yang Qingxuan gritted his teeth and said: "There is nothing in this world that cannot be talked about. You two are too arrogant, right?"

Gong Yeming said: "Indeed, anything can be discussed, but the premise is that you have the weight to talk to us, do you have it?"

"He didn't, what about the old man?"

A voice came quietly.

Both Gong Yeming and Wen Weicai changed their faces and shouted in unison: "Who?!"

Not far from the battlefield, I don't know when there were two more figures. An old man had a gentle complexion and a quiet breath. A young girl had beautiful features and graceful appearance.

Yang Qingxuan exclaimed, "Ning Zhiting."

That girl was Ning Zhiting, smiled slightly, and made a face at Yang Qingxuan.

Gong Yeming stared at the old man, and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency knows what you are doing?!"

The old man said: "Naturally know."

Gong Yeming said: "Then you know what the consequences will be if you intervene in this matter?"

The old man frowned and said, "You said just now that Lu Yukui died of talking a lot, so why didn't he accept the lessons of his predecessors?"

"Damn it!"

Gong Yeming shouted, "I want to see, what qualifications do you have to let me learn!"

Gong Yeming dropped Yang Qingxuan, and his figure flickered before moving to the elder's face, with his five fingers close together like a knife, and he cut directly.

The gesture was extremely fast, like a flash of lightning in the air.

But Gong Yeming's expression instantly appeared astonished. The old man just raised his hand and took photos at will. The speed was obviously slower than his own, but his gestures hadn't fallen yet, and the old man's palm was about to be printed on his chest.

Gong Yeming screamed, but he had to withdraw his hand and hurried back.

The palm of the old man's hand changed in the air, and he directly pinched the tactic in the air, turning it into a pointing.

The finger light shines like a scorching sun, covering thousands of miles in an instant.

Even Wen Weicai and Gui Zun felt the terrifying power and looked at them in horror.

The old man stored his power at his fingertips, did not click, but slowly withdrew his power, saying: "Go back and tell the law to kill, don't think that his power can suppress the world, otherwise it will only be laughable. Through the ages, it can suppress an era. It’s not that there are no strong people, but he is far from qualified."

Gong Yeming was frightened and said: "Whether you can leave your name, we can go back and have a business relationship!"

The old man said: "Ning Hongru."

Wen Weicai said in surprise: "Star Luoning's house?!"

The old man said: "Exactly."

Gong Yeming said solemnly: "Okay, Ning Hongru, I remember! You Ning family, but you are responsible for this matter, and wait to bear the anger of the Pharaoh!"

Turning around suddenly, with a gloomy face, said: "Wei Cai, let's go!"

Wen Weicai said in surprise: "Master Gongye, but..."

Gong Yeming glared at him and said, "This old monster is extremely powerful, I'm afraid he has reached Seven Stars!"

Wen Weicai's heart was shocked. He just felt the pressure from a distance and did not face Ning Hongru directly. Therefore, the judgment of Ning Hongru's strength is far less than Gongye Mingshen. He immediately recovered the momentum of locking the ghost, and turned around to follow Gong Yeming. Leave behind.

A high-ranking realm king is definitely not something that the two of them can compete.

The two disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Yang Qingxuan looked at Ning Hongru. If this person was the head of the Ning family..., he was about to step forward to salute, but when he saw Ning Hongru's gaze, he looked towards the void and said, "Lingxiu fairy turtle? You belong to the Xuanming Wei family people?"


There was a cold snort from the void, and then a huge tortoise-shaped shadow, which went away and disappeared quickly.

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "I am the stunner of Dao Ying, the owner of the Holy Spirit Farm."

Ning Hongru frowned and said: "Daoying? Humph, what are the peerless murderers in Xing Yuan, no matter how murderous, they can't compare to those villains in Tao Ying. Let's leave here first, there are countless strong people in the battle of Xing Gong. The people who can pursue this place are definitely not just exterminating the Dharma and Dao Ying. You are carrying a few earth-shattering great sacred artifacts, and I am afraid that you will not be at peace wherever you go."


Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan was shocked, the sky was big, he seemed to have nowhere to go, his only idea was to want revenge, but the strength was too poor, and it was impossible to achieve it.

Ning Zhiting said: "Yes, why don't you stay here? Brother, come back to Xingluo with us."

"Back... Xing Luo?"

Yang Qingxuan was stunned.

Ning Hongru looked at him with a complex look in his eyes, but more gentle, saying: "Child, Ning Qingyao is my daughter."

Yang Qingxuan had already guessed, but after Ning Hongru said it personally, he was still shocked. After a long silence, he said, "Grandpa."

Ning Hongru said: "I know that you have many questions and emotions in your heart. Some of the things I can answer to you will naturally tell you without reservation. Some of the things I can't, I'm still looking for answers slowly. Let's leave here first. Zhi Ting, check if there are any cities nearby, and return to Xing Luo as soon as possible. Then Qing Xuan will be safe."

Ning Zhiting said: "Grandpa, this is the boundary of Lingji City. There are forty-six sub-city. The nearest one is Mutian City, which is a three-level city. We will use the spirit boat to go there. It takes about six hours. "

Ning Hongru said: "Just go to Mutian City, and then go home."

Ning Zhiting opened her five fingers, a golden light lit up, and a golden leaf flew out, which grew bigger and bigger under the seal of the Jue, and turned into a golden boat with powerful aura.

Yang Qingxuan put away the ghost, jumped onto the spirit boat, and went to Mutian City with the two.

Faced with the sudden addition of relatives from the Ning family, Yang Qingxuan looked a little strange, sitting in the middle of the spirit boat alone, pinching the tactics to practice.

Ning Hongru stared at the Jie Yin in Yang Qingxuan's hand for a while before nodding slightly, revealing a knowing smile. He naturally saw that this was the Taiqing Jade Art of the Juntian Purple Mansion, and it was the purest and top-notch mysterious technique in the human race.

Ning Zhiting said: "Oh, this person is so boring, he will practice as soon as he comes up, like wood."

As he spoke, he focused on manipulating the spirit boat.

Yang Qingxuan sighed secretly when he heard it, but the current situation made him a little at a loss, so he simply kept a little distance.

Six hours later, a majestic and magnificent city appeared in front of the three of them, unable to see them at a glance.

The Central Great World is extremely vast, and any major city is unimaginably wide. As a three-tier city, Mutian City has a population of over one billion.

Flying over any city is forbidden to ordinary warriors.

But Yang Qingxuan and the three were not ordinary warriors. Ning Zhiting directly controlled the spirit boat and entered the city in a flash.

When passing through the city barrier, there was a slight wave.

The Supervisory Office in the city immediately noticed the entry of the strong.

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