Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1494: Sweep the mansion and seize the holy artifact

The Temporal Giant Spirit turned back to Yang Qingxuan's real body, his eyes swept across the three of them coldly, and said, "Where is Nuoxi?"

The alien race with three eyes was horrified, and said in fear: "I don't know, we don't know what Nosh."

Yang Qingxuan could see that this alien was not lying.

At this moment, the entire mansion was alarmed, countless powerful people came from all directions, there were hundreds of people, and Yang Qingxuan was surrounded.

There is no lack of powerful breath.

There are also four Immortal Realm existences, also in the crowd, looking at the three companions on the ground in shock.

One of the Immortal Realm shouted sharply: "Human race? Don't you dare to trespass into the island owner's mansion?!"

Yang Qingxuan said indifferently: "Let's not talk about this question, first tell me where is Nosh?"

The immortal realm expert said angrily: "What Nuoxi, we don't know!"

Among the other warriors, a few of them showed a look of astonishment, whispering to the people around them, and all of them spread into Yang Qingxuan's ears.

"Is that the deserter of the Sky Whale tribe who just came to make trouble?"

"I really don't know good or bad. I was originally a slave to the lord of the island, and even his life belonged to the lord of the island, so I dare to make trouble!"

"It is said that his sister picked pearls at the bottom of the river and was poisoned by shellfish, and was sent to the mansion for treatment. Not only was he not grateful for Dade, but he actually made a big fuss and was cleaned up and suppressed and sent to prison."

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood, and Nuoxi was definitely not the kind of foolish person, there must be something hidden in it.

He stared at the immortal alien race in front, and said, "Where is the prison?"

The foreign race's face changed slightly, his eyes flashed with fear, but because of the large number of people, and the hundred races in Tianhe have always resisted the human race, he immediately shouted: "Where does it matter to you?!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Then you are useless."

As long as you make sure that Nosh is in the mansion, you don't have to worry about finding it.

Immediately roared, transformed into a space-time giant again, and grabbed forward with five fingers.


Countless spatial axes whirled between the sky and the earth, covering most of the mansions.

All the space was fragmented in an instant, with a sharp howling sound.

Hundreds of warriors screamed screamingly, bleeding from their bodies, and many of them were separated by severed limbs.

The gaze of the Temporal Giant Spirit was fierce and cold, but the power under his palm was still very delicately controlled. All were severely injured, but none of them died.

After all, Yang Qingxuan had just come to Tianhe and was not familiar with everything here, and didn't want to cause trouble out of thin air.

But if the other party insists on seeking death, it is of course another matter.


The space-time giant grasped with a big hand, and the space axis burst open. Hundreds of warriors all flew out.

Countless axes are wrapped around each person's body, gradually dispersing.

The island owner's mansion was almost destroyed.

The Temporal Giant Spirit stretched out his hand again, and the immortal martial artist who was talking to him was directly photographed by the power of space, and was choked around his neck like a chicken, "I ask you again, where is the prison? And the last time. ."

The alien said in horror: "Do you really dare..."


The Temporal Giant Spirit twisted his hand, and the foreign race's head fell directly and died. The corpse was thrown away by the Temporal Giant and rolled into the garbage.

It is not waiting for the people around to react.

The Temporal Giant Spirit grabbed an immortal existence again and asked, "Where is the prison?"

"Yes, on the west side of the mansion, straight, directly below the island, and plunge into the bottom of the Tianhe."

The foreign race's face was bloodless, trembling fiercely.

This person suppressed a hundred people with one move, and among them there were four immortal realms. Such a terrifying power was at least the latter stage of immortality.

Most of them just eat the salary of Ya'an and his sons, and don't want to sell their lives.

The Temporal Giant Spirit carried this person, and came to the west of the Dao Mansion in a flash.

This place is like a garden, with tall and peculiar rockeries standing everywhere, and an atmosphere of solemnity lingers in this seemingly beautiful yard inexplicably. Apart from the fragrance of flowers, there seems to be a touch of blood in the air.

When the time and space giant's eyes flashed with golden eyes, he raised his hand and patted, "Boom," and the entire ground was directly turned into dust, and then grabbed with five fingers, countless debris stones were drawn into the air, revealing a huge passage.

"Who dares to be presumptuous!"

With a sharp shout, Yang Qingxuan was instantly locked by two extremely strong auras.

Yang Qingxuan threw away the martial artist in his hand, turned around, and saw one person with blue hair and sharp ears, which was the cultivation base of the mid-immortality period, and another person with dry hair and old body, which was the late immortality.

Yang Qingxuan said, "I'm here to find Nuoxi."

Ya'an's heart shook, suddenly thinking of something, and said in a condensed voice: "Which family are you from? What's the matter with Nuoxi?"

The breath that came out of the time and space giant spirit, only God became Dzogchen.

But the mansion was made like this, and the seven immortal realms were all abolished. This is definitely not something that God can do in Dzogchen.

So even though Ya'an was angry, he still calmed down and asked about the origin of the other party before proceeding.

In addition, the strong man of the late immortal period is the mansion's great worshiper Jason.

Yang Qingxuan said, "It's okay, I'll just go find him by myself."

After speaking, he turned to enter the passage.

The aura of Ya'an and Jensen instantly pressed up. They locked Yang Qingxuan, one left and the other right.

Ya'an said coldly: "Your Excellency is too presumptuous!"

Yang Qingxuan stopped, thought for a moment, and said: "Well, then I will give you a chance to bring Nuoxi to me."

"Hahahaha! Give us a chance? This is the funniest joke I have ever heard in my life!"

Ya An's eyes flashed murderously, and he shouted: "Great worship, take this person!"

Jason looked cold and nodded, "Yes, Lord Island!"

Then, the momentum on his body continued to spread out, turning into circles of hurricanes, violently strangling Yang Qingxuan.

Ya'an also shifted her feet, stepping on the vibration frequency of the island, constantly adjusting her state.

Both are gaining momentum.

Although the time and space giants only maintained God's fullness from beginning to end, their calm demeanor and temperament gave people an invisible pressure.

The Temporal Giant Spirit frowned and directly changed back to Yang Qingxuan's true body, and then the star ring flashed in his hand, and Ziyuan, Duruo and Kong Ling all figured out.

Yang Qingxuan said to the three of them: "You go to the passage to find Nuoxi first."


The three of them drank in unison, and went straight into the hole.

This scene stunned Yaan and Jason.

Ya'an reacted instantly and shouted in shock: "Holy artifact! Human race! He is Human race, he has holy artifacts on his body!"

In the voice, there was an extraordinary excitement, excitement, and difficulty in self-sustaining.

Jensen's eyes also shot huge greedy eyes.

A sacred artifact was enough to shake most of the Tianhe.

The two of them have the same mind, and in any case, they must keep the person in front of them and seize the sacred artifact.

When the two of them were undecided, they heard Yang Qingxuan's indifferent voice, "Sacred Artifact? Is this what you said?"

A phantom light, like a lotus, bloomed before their eyes.

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