Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1497: Unwilling to leave, dig his own grave

After a moment of loss of consciousness, Weathers quickly calmed down, and suddenly his back was soaked in cold sweat. His face was also as white as paper, and his blood was restored little by little, as if he had recovered from a serious illness.

Yadan said: "My lord, you..."

Weathers was unaware of Yadan, but stared at Nosh on the ground, falling into solemn contemplation.

Then he turned his gaze on Nuoli's body, gently held up Nuoli's chin, and looked carefully.

Weathers knew that he had encountered a great event, which was even too big for him to make a decision, so he had to report it immediately, and at the same time bring the two siblings back to the Sky Whale Clan.

Yadan looked somewhat restrained, and asked: "My lord, Ya'an is dead, this is the position of the island owner of Spring and Autumn Island..."

Only then did Weathers come back to his senses, gave him a contemptuous look, and said, "I'll let Mr. Jason do the job first."

Jason has been standing silently on the side, recovering from his injuries, ecstatic after hearing the words, and bowed with trembling fists, saying: "Thank you, Sir, thank you! Jason must live up to your expectations!"

Yadan was shocked and said anxiously: "My lord, no. This Spring and Autumn Island has always been my father, the owner of the island. Now that he is dead, I should inherit it."

Weathers stared at him mockingly, and said coldly: "You mean, I'm doing something wrong?"

"No, I dare not!"

Yadan was in a cold sweat and bowed down and said, "It's just that I think it's better than Jensen to be the owner of the island. After all, I have assisted my father in handling island affairs for many years. I am very concerned about everything on the island. Familiar with."

Jason hurriedly said: "My lord, I have been on Chunqiu Island for many years, and I am more familiar with island affairs than this little bastard."

Yadan was furious, and roared: "Jason! You old man, taking my father's offerings and eating my family's resources, you actually come to compete with me for a position! Are you afraid that I will tell you all those shameless things?"

Jason looked nervous at once, his face changed angrily and said: "Shut up! What do you want to slander me?!"

Weathers frowned, and shouted: "Enough! Shut up all! The decision of this seat, how can you allow you to arrogantly?"

Jason was overjoyed and smiled openly: "Yes, my lord is wise!"

Yadan's face was pale, eyes full of resentment.

Weathers now has no time to spend on such boring little things. He said to Nosh: "In what year were you abandoned by the clan, and which department belonged to?"

Nosh was silent, as if he didn't want to answer.

Weathers said: "In the past few years, you have wronged your brothers and sisters. You will follow me back to the clan first, and wait for me to report the matter to you, and then see how to arrange your brothers and sisters."

Nuoxi was taken aback, and said: "Are you going to take us away?"

Weathers smiled and said: "Yes. The changes in your body just now are very interesting. I think the Elderly House will be very interested. Maybe you will return to the clan and gain resources far superior to others."

Nosh stayed for a while, shook his head and said, "I'm not going."

Weathers was stunned: "Why?"

Nuoxi turned and glanced at Yang Qingxuan, and said, "Because I already have a Holy Master. In this life, Nuoxi will follow the Holy Master to the death."

Weathers's face sank, and he glanced at Yang Qingxuan coldly, and said, "You are a child of the Sky Whale Clan, who is qualified to be your master?"

Nuoxi laughed at himself: "A child of the Sky Whale Clan? Ha ha, it used to be, but it's not anymore."

Weathers took a deep breath, raised his eyes, stared at Yang Qingxuan, and said, "You should know what to do now, right?"

Yang Qingxuan has been standing quietly all the time, watching them deal with affairs. Hearing the words, he smiled blankly and said, "I don't understand this."

Weathers stared at him and said, "Are you a human?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded.

Weathers said: "When you first came to Spring and Autumn Island, I didn't understand the rules, and my tolerance could be greater. I want to bring Nuoxi Nuoli back to the Sky Whale Clan. The relationship between you and him, how do you see? Stop it. Even if it is an outcast of the Sky Whale Clan, you are not qualified to be accepted as a subordinate."

Yang Qingxuan looked at Nuoxi brothers and sisters and said calmly: "In fact, if Nuoxi really wants to return to the Sky Whale Clan with you, I won't stop it. But it seems that he doesn't want to."

Weathers sneered: "So I said, you know what you should do now, right?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "I know, I will take their brothers and sisters away immediately." As he said, he clasped his fists and said, "Farewell."

With a cold face, Weathers burst out murderously, and shouted: "You really want to die?"

With a wave of Weathers, a thin layer of water curtain fell down.

It is like a prison, colorless and invisible, and almost integrated with the void, to cover Yang Qingxuan, Ziyuan and others.

Yang Qingxuan smiled indifferently, and reached out his hand to grab the void.

The water curtain suddenly condensed, and then a lot of white smoke came out, which evaporated clean in the blink of an eye.

A fiery wave of air swept away in the air.

Not to mention the water curtain, even the water element is gone, becoming hot and dry.

"Looking for death! Dare to take action against this seat, this Spring and Autumn Island is your grave!"

Weathers screamed, his right hand was raised, and the void was bent down, turning into countless blue lights, swirling on the palm.

Soon a huge millstone was formed, the sky and the earth were violently windy, the island was covered with dark clouds, there was thunder in the millstone, and countless elements of water and wind condensed again.

Weathers had a murderous look in his eyes. To this celebrity, he had exhausted his utmost patience, and he was a killer move, shouting: "Death!"


The space was suddenly distorted, and the big blue grinding disc appeared above Yang Qingxuan. Condensed with various forces such as space, water, wind, whales, etc., it is like a hodgepodge of energy, suppressed like a mountain!

Yang Qingxuan took a step forward, shielding Zi Yuan and others behind him, a flash of phantom light from the war halberd in his right hand, a force of thunderous force, straight into the millstone.

"Crack in the air!"

A light snake burst out from the halberd blade, tearing the sky apart.

No matter how hard it is to hold down the vast grinding disc, mirror-like fragments appear instead. Layers of strength spread from the halberd blade, smashing the entire grinding disc.

Ziyuan and Kong Ling hurriedly took Nuoxi Nuoli away and flew back into the distance.

Du Ruo transformed his body, his tail swayed in the air, and he was curled up with a battle spear, flashing a dazzling brilliance, and swept towards the men who were chasing Weathers.

The island owner's mansion, which had been in ruins, became a battlefield again.

Yadan was suddenly slapped on his shoulder, and a voice that made him chill all over his body came, "Hey, kid, dare to fight for the island owner with me? Let's come over and have a chat."

With a savage face, Jason grabbed Yadan and retreated a thousand feet away.

Whether it is Weathers or Yang Qingxuan, once they fight, they are not able to intervene.

"Good boy, it really is a bit of a way!"

Weathers screamed and shot again, his hands were printed in front of him, and a piece of water suddenly appeared, blooming like a flower, turning into layers of waves, as if a giant whale galloping in the ocean.

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