Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1522: There are different ways, Prince Shura

Yang Qingxuan smiled lightly, and laughed at himself: "Isn't this the Emperor Flame Art can't be used? It should be no problem under the sweep of the truth."

The elf king said: "Body refining and soul refining are different before the real glimpse. But once you reach the real glimmer, they are collectively referred to as \'the realm of glimpse\'. Do you know why?"

Yang Qingxuan said solemnly: "Because after the immortal peak of body refining, and after the peak of extreme soul refining, they all have a glimpse of the true nature of the Dao."

The Elf King nodded and said: "It is. There are different ways, but they are the same. Therefore, the Realm and Immortal Realm are actually a huge watershed. The Realm Realm begins to see the truth of the Dao, and it is the gateway to it. Realm King’s \'passage\'. It is extremely difficult for this realm to leapfrog and defeat. Even if you don’t use the Emperor Flame Art, you will have the power to fight against ordinary Peeping Elementary and even intermediate levels. This is already impossible. A terrible thing to imagine."

Yang Qingxuan sighed, "After all, I am too impatient."

Zi Yuan came forward, her beautiful eyes filled with distress, and said concerned: "Brother Qingxuan, are you all right?"

Although Yang Qingxuan's body was scorched and black, his skin was chapped, and all his flesh and blood turned out, the aura on his body stabilized after a burst of irritation, and his eyes were enlightened, but his injuries were shocked and there was nothing serious about it.

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "I'm fine. I blamed me for eagerness to make quick successes and even suffering with Kite."

Zi Yuan frowned slightly and said angrily: "Brother Qingxuan, why is he so polite when he speaks?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled sadly, seeing her slightly angry look very cute, could not help holding her in her arms. The two leaned together quietly and separated for a long time.

Ziyuan said: "I sensed midnight just now, but I was in a daze and couldn't pass on the detailed information to her. But she should sense that we are in trouble and where we are. For the specific coordinates, wait for her to come. After Tianhe, it should be able to accurately locate."

Yang Qingxuan said: "As long as Midnight can enter the enchantment smoothly, the danger of siege can be resolved. When the time comes, the power of the entire eighth channel can be included in the Star Alliance to fight against the destruction. The only thing I worry about right now is The matter of the Nine Heavens."

He pondered, and then sighed: "It's useless to think more, try to improve yourself first."

At the moment, the two continued to sit cross-legged and adjust their breath.

Yang Qingxuan devoured the heavens, materials and treasures a little bit, refined his cultivation, stabilized the five fire stars in his dantian, and at the same time raised the realm of God becoming great and perfect.


Outside the boundless island, the water waves are surging and the wind is surging.

The flow of the entire Tianhe River has changed, forming a unique vortex within a radius of thousands of miles. Like huge eyes, looking after the world.

Thousands of crimson waves rose from the water. On each wave stood a powerful martial artist, mainly martial arts of the Shura and Amo tribes, and Xiaoban martial arts of different shapes and sizes, mobilized from different races.

These martial arts realms are all above the Tao realm.

Within the vortex, there are strong ghosts shaking from time to time, hiding it. But the violent breath came out from time to time, rolling up huge waves.

Above the water waves, there is a huge plantain leaf floating, and the crimson meridians are highlighted, flowing like blood.

Ten martial artists stood on Basho, all of which were realm kings.

Everyone's face is very solemn, and Gavin and Yarman are among them, and their faces are even more ugly than the others.

At this moment, the expressions of the ten realm kings changed, and they looked in surprise in one direction, and then all knelt down.

The thousands of martial artists on the waves did not know why, but they all hurriedly knelt down and bowed in the same direction.

Suddenly, in the depths of the vortex, there was a loud rumbling noise, like a muffled thunder. A very bright red light appeared in the center of the vortex, which continued to spread, dyeing the entire vortex into a red.

The vast fireball burst out of the water, like a green sun breaking through a cloud, slowly falling.

And that vortex was also suppressed by the energy of a fireball, flowing extremely slowly and continuously lowering.

Suddenly the coercion of that huge energy was removed, and the scene inside the fireball could be seen.

Among them is a huge stone ball, with red lines cutting the surface of the stone ball. With a sound of "kaka", the stone ball splits along the lines and becomes a huge throne, with a figure showing the center of the throne.

His appearance is handsome, his posture is dignified, his skin is covered with jewel-like blue bone armor, and his ice eyes are full of the arrogance of the superior.

When everyone saw this person, they were all frightened and hurriedly bowed down, saying in unison: "I have seen Prince Adair!"

The man's face was deserted, and he turned a blind eye to the worship of everyone. He just turned his eyes and looked at another whirlpool.

The running water roared, and a huge six-tooth white elephant stepped out of the vortex and paced out. Sitting on the top of it was a thin figure, wearing a purple star double-moon robe, with an old appearance and a holy temperament.

Under his control, the white elephant seemed to affect the world with every step, and waves of light emerged from under his feet, calming and calming the violent fire element that day and earth.

"Master Hanguang."

Adair's cold expression showed a slight smile, and he stood up from the throne, arching his hands away.

The old man raised his slightly tired eyelids, a glimmer of light flashed across his eyes, and smiled: "Prince Adair."

Adair said, "Master Hanguang has worked hard."

Master Hanguang nodded lightly and stopped making a sound. He stared at the huge formation enchantment in front of him. It was a radiant glow, mixed with a lot of blood, and it was blurred.

He took out a metal array plate with several precise formations on it, with a large number of complex runes and numbers carved into it, like flowing gold. A white pointer twisted upwards slightly, but stopped shortly.

Master Hanguang's eyelids slowly closed, closed, and whispered: "The blood gas concentration is only 30,000, which is too far away from the 100,000 value."

Adair's face changed drastically, and he suddenly turned his head, staring at the ten realm kings on the banana leaf, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Adair's cultivation is only a glimpse of the pinnacle of truth, but it is the most talented existence of the Asura clan in the past ten thousand years. No matter talent or resourcefulness, it is the best choice.

So Adair has not yet inherited the throne, but in the eyes of the Shura tribe, he is already the undisputed king.

Following Adair's murderous gaze, the ten people on the banana leaf were all silent and felt like a light on their backs.

Gavin swallowed his saliva before bowing his head and said, "Prince Adair calms down and gives us three more days to make our blood qi reach one hundred thousand."

Adair stared at Gavin with a stern face, and said coldly: "The plan is foolproof. Which link went wrong?"

Gavin trembled in his heart and hurriedly said, "It's because his subordinates are not doing things well. At the Four Clans auction, the patriarch of the Four Clans failed to strangle and all of them escaped into Luoshen City."

Adair nodded lightly and said coldly: "No wonder. The four realm kings ran away, no wonder the blood vigor can't increase. Could it be that Bolton or Anjieer broke through to the four-star realm king and let you eight? Encirclement and suppression fell."

//It’s not changed today, quq everyone rest early, good night, mua! !

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