Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1538: Regroup and make a blood oath

Midnight, Ziyuan, and Shi Yuyan felt unhappy when Yang Qingxuan called Wu Xian's father-in-law.

But above the sky on Wu, Yang Qingxuan had already shouted out in front of all the people in the world, and the three women were relieved after thinking about it.

Wu Qiyue was happy in her heart, with a sweet astringency on her face.

Regardless of the future, he is already the wife of Brother Qingxuan.

Wu Qiyue said softly: "Well, Brother Qingxuan is right, what should we do next?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "The blood sacrifice technique is probably inevitable. In addition to the key, Adair's purpose is also the sacred artifact on my body. This time they retreat, I am afraid they will gather more support. What we will do It’s not to stay on, but to leave. It seemed impossible before, but midnight is here. You should be able to build a large teleportation formation with the Golden Bridge on the other side?"

Midnight said: "It takes a lot of power to break this island barrier, and it can't be transmitted far."

Bolton was overjoyed: "There are six nearest islands around Wuyin Island, about four to five thousand miles away. As long as they can be teleported over, the Shura can't react for a while, and they won't be able to encircle us."

Midnight groaned, and said: "If it is four to five thousand miles, it should still be possible. Will the whole city be sent away?"

Bolton turned his gaze and said, "It's not necessary, just send away the core personnel of our important ethnic groups. If they are all sent away, Master Midnight may not be able to bear it."

Yang Qingxuan glanced at him lightly and said, "Send away the whole city as much as possible."

Bolton's face flushed, and he was a little embarrassed.

Midnight nodded and said: "I will try my best."

Yang Qingxuan said: "After the defense formation is restored, it will be concealed with the formation. Lord Bolton, as well as the patriarchs, adults, and the intentions of the Shura clan, apart from the key, also have the ambition to unify the Tianhe and even the world. After you leave the Boundless Island, you are afraid that you will have no place to go, and there is nowhere to go. It is better to go to the Zhengxing League, first there is a place to live and live, don't worry about the chasing of the Asuras, and secondly, you will also honor your previous Promise to help our Zhengxing League defend against the enemy."

Bolton and others all looked at each other and hesitated.

Before it was a mortal situation, it was natural to say anything in order to survive.

Now that there is hope of survival, let them go to help the Star Alliance, and they are suddenly unhappy.

Zi Yuan said angrily: "Why, adults seem to be treacherous."

Berg said: "Girl Ziyuan calms down, you can't say that. I waited for more than ten clan, all of them were maimed by the Shura clan. After going out, I should regroup first, wait for recuperation, and recover for a while. Star Alliance."

"Yes, yes, Lord Berg said exactly."

The patriarchs of the other dozen or so races, the strong, all echoed the Tao.

More than a dozen people in the Zhengxing League were all sneered.

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Master Berg said, I don't know how long the adults will take a rest?"

Berg thought for a while and said, "At least two to three years? Maybe four to five years."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and then looked at the powerhouses of the other races.

"It's always necessary for one or two years."

"Five years, at least five years of rest."

"Ten years. My clan is already sparsely populated, and it won't be able to recover after ten years."

The major races are competing to report.

Both Bolton and Angel frowned.

Naturally, the two of them did not want to go to the True Star Alliance. The Tianhe was vast and boundless, even if the Asura tribe occupied the Boundless Island. They can still settle down on an island at random. Why go to that unknowable human world and fight against powerful enemies that you never knew.

Yang Qingxuan quietly listened to the audience and said with a smile: "I know. At midnight, write down the time that the adults just said. When the meeting is transmitted within the city, arrange it according to the length of time. First, all the residents in the city will be arranged. Send it off. Then these short breaks will be in the front and the long ones. The race like this one who will be amended for thirty years will definitely be the last."

Midnight nodded and said: "Okay. With my strength, it is impossible for the whole city to send it away. When the residents in the city are sent to the city, the power will be consumed almost. In fact, these adults don't need to line up, they will definitely not be in turn.

Yang Qingxuan said: "You can't say that, you still have to do your best. Of course, you don't get tired, your body is important."

Midnight said: "Okay, I see."

All the people waiting in the hall were dumbfounded.

Especially the patriarch of the race who said he would rest for thirty years, stood up in horror, and said with a trembled: "Young Master Qingxuan, no."

Yang Qingxuan rolled his eyes and said, "Weird, it's my Zhengxing League repairing the teleportation array, but I'm not sure about my Zhengxing League yet?"

The patriarch said anxiously: "This, this..."

The patriarch suddenly slapped his head, and said with a serious face: "I remember, my clan's talent is to recover extremely fast. As long as you leave the Boundless Island, you can go directly to the Star Alliance without rest."

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "Is it true? The patriarch has to do what he can. Don't hurt your race to support the Star Alliance."

The patriarch said firmly: "It's true, that's right."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Okay. Midnight, this patriarch's ethnic group is walking in the front."

There was a sudden commotion in the hall, and one by one stood up and shouted, some said that Young Master Qingxuan had just heard it wrong, and what I said was to rest for three to five days...or three to five hours, and some said they were A natural fighting clan, they never know what rest and reorganization is. Some say that their distant relatives are humans, and they have long wanted to go to the Central World.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I understand everyone's situation and appeals. Now, please take a blood oath one by one."

The noisy hall suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's face changed drastically.

The blood oath is similar to the heart demon, unless you don't want to make progress, it doesn't matter if you send it casually. But if you want to continue to advance in the martial arts, once the oath is not fulfilled, when it hits the bottleneck of the realm, it will be hundreds of times more difficult than ordinary attacks. It is even possible to go into trouble directly, and the Tao will die.

Bolton coughed twice, breaking the silence, and said: "Young Master Qingxuan, everyone is very motivated. In my opinion, this blood oath is unnecessary, right?"

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "I naturally believe in everyone's enthusiasm, credibility, and enthusiasm. You have just shown it."

Everyone bowed their heads in shame, even Bolton blushed and turned his head.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Don't talk nonsense. Midnight, you go to prepare the teleportation formation. Ziyuan, you count, and the blood oath will go first. Of course, we can't retaliate if we don't make it. One game is all friends. And Yang Qingxuan, when I do things, has always served people with morals. Those who didn't stand up were ranked last. Let's leave later. Anyway, early and late are the same, the difference is not big.

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