Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1564: To subdue the true light, the power of the five elements

The inside of the hall is very large. In front of it is a statue of Xian Kun's true body, with a stone table and incense burner below. Various scrolls are hung on all sides, depicting various activities such as battles, sacrifices, cultivation, treasure hunting and so on of the immortal Kun clan.

On the floor of the main hall, there are seventy-two futons, which seems to be a place for preaching and teaching the Fa.

Due to the prohibition, the fragrance diffused in the incense burner lasted for a long time, and now there is still a light fragrance, refreshing and very comfortable.

Yang Qingxuan's gaze fell on the stone table in front of the incense burner. Five jade boxes were neatly placed. Although they had been in the dust for a long time, it was difficult to conceal their brilliance.

Midnight horrified: "In these five jade boxes, I sensed a pure power, as if the heaven and the earth were born in the beginning, without a spot of purity."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Strange, what is inside?"

Yang Qingxuan showed his fiery eyes, but couldn't see through the five jade boxes.

Midnight said: "Be careful."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "I have seen the restriction on the jade table." He turned his palms with his five fingers, and gently pressed down.

A force of space spread, the stone table suddenly twisted and shook, and the five jade boxes on it did not respond.

Suddenly, the blue light flashed on the table, and a large number of runes were formed, arranged in the air, and condensed into an aurora.

"Hey! This is..."

Yang Qingxuan yelled and was so frightened that he quickly slapped his left hand and sacrificed the Wuji apricot and yellow flag.

The aurora fluttered in the air and shot down.

It is the true light of the magnetic pole that almost killed him before!

The Wuji apricot and yellow flag was rapidly enlarged in the left hand, the flag spread, and thousands of golden lotus were transformed into it.

But Midnight's figure was faster. At the moment when the true light of the magnetic pole was formed, he had already shot, and a golden rainbow light shuttled away, falling on the true light of the magnetic pole, covering it.

The aurora seemed to be frozen, frozen in the air, trembling slightly, trying to break free but not available.

Nine-colored glow on the magnetic pole's true light circulates, a seal slowly sinks and floats on it, and large golden butterflies fly around.

The other end of the rainbow light fell in the hands of Midnight.

With the power of the king of the world, the golden bridge on the other shore was shook, and it shook on the true light of the magnetic pole.

However, Midnight's face was extremely ugly, and sweat dripped from her temples, and she said in shock: "The power of this magnetic pole's true light is far better than the previous one. I'm afraid it won't last long."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and said in shock: "Even you can't suppress it? How come!"

Midnight said: "This magnetic pole's true light, I'm afraid it was laid by the top powerhouse of the Xian Kun clan in ancient times. The power is so powerful that it is not under the middle-level king."

"Interestingly, although this is the true light of the magnetic pole, it was cultivated the day after tomorrow, and was forcibly refined by simulating the evolution of the heavens. Tsk tsk, the powerhouse of the immortal Kun clan is really amazing.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupil of the dark night raised, shooting out strange black lights.

A black flame slowly ignited behind Yang Qingxuan, turning into a huge black flower, and an old man with black robe and silver hair and sharp ears stood on it.

"Master Elf King."

Both Yang Qingxuan and Midnight exclaimed at the same time.

The elf king said: "Midnight, bring this magnetic pole true light over, I will use the pupil of the dark night to store it, and study it carefully."

Midnight said: "Yes!"

A tactical seal was photographed, and the rainbow light in his hand was immediately drawn into the seal, and the large butterflies spread out.

The seal of the seal circled in the air, and the true light of the magnetic pole trembles fiercely, with golden runes crackling and disillusioning.

Midnight pinched a shot again, and the true light of the magnetic pole finally turned its direction, and shot at the Elf King with a "chick".


The black flames burst into the hands of the Elf King, and large flames shot.

A force that destroys the sky and the earth formed in the sky above the hall, condensed into a huge palm, and slammed it down.

The true light of the magnetic pole was instantly held by the hand of black fire, and with the five fingers closed, the brilliance disappeared. The hall was flooded with black fire and became dim.

The Elf King pinched the tactics with both hands, and the black hand quickly retracted into the giant flower and disappeared.

After doing all this, the Elf King's complexion was a little pale, he held his hand directly behind him, said nothing, flashed in the black flame, and disappeared.

Black fire, giant flower, and purple pupil all returned to Yang Qingxuan's body.

Midnight breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, Lord Elf King is here, otherwise this magnetic pole light would be really hard to handle. I can only change its course, but I'm afraid that it will be destroyed."

At this time, Yang Qingxuan cast his gaze on the stone table again, and pressed his five fingers down. The force of space waved away, the stone table trembled, and all the five jade boxes on it flew up.

The dust on the box was blown away in an instant, emitting a faint light, and the colors were different: gold, blue, blue, yellow, and red.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils dilated slightly, and said in surprise: "The power of the five elements?"

Midnight said: "It is the power of the five elements, the most pure source of the five elements."

Yang Qingxuan took a deep breath, unable to conceal his excitement, and said in shock: "It is the origin of the five elements, how powerful this immortal kun family was back then!"

Midnight said: "The Immortal Kun clan was the pinnacle race in the ancient times, and it lasted until the Middle Ages, and it was silent before the eight-strong battle for hegemony. Here may be able to find the reason for the immortal Kun clan's annihilation. Qingxuan, you majored in the fire system. , Swallowing this little fire of origin will help to integrate the five major changes of fire and return to the origin earlier."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and was about to get the fire source, when suddenly a voice came, "The origin of the earth is given to me."

The star ring flashed, and Du Ruo flew out, staring at the yellow jade box with aura, swallowing drool suddenly, revealing the color of extreme desire.

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly, the star ring flashed again, and Kong Ling and Nuoxi also appeared.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Nuo Xi cultivates water magical powers and can swallow the water source. Kong Ling is transformed by thunder and lightning, and can naturally swallow the wood source. As for the source of the gold..."

Yang Qingxuan pondered.

At this time, Shi Yuyan’s voice came, saying: "If no one wants the source of gold, just give it to me. Although I am majoring in water magical powers, my martial soul-knowing one strike, is gold. It's a martial soul. If I can get this source of power, I can turn the martial soul into reality, and cultivate supernatural powers similar to the incarnation outside the body."

Yang Qingxuan said with joy: "That's right."

Speaking of raising your hand to pinch, move a little into the air.

The mysterious big gourd swayed in the air, spit out a white light, and Shi Yuyan fell in front.

Midnight said: "The five big jade boxes have lost the ban, and the original power inside is dispersing. You can swallow it now. I will protect you for you."

"it is good."

The five people responded in unison, and they each grasped their own origin.

Yang Qingxuan grasped the jade box of red light in his hand, and a five-fire light array appeared at the center of his eyebrows.

Yang Qingxuan's whole body burned.

The origin of the fire seemed to feel the power, and directly burned the jade box transparently, and a red lotus-like flame jumped in Yang Qingxuan's palm.

//The mood is extremely low these days, and I rarely read the comment area. I glanced around today and found that there was another leader at the starting point. Thank you "Curiosity" for being the leader of the Heavenly God Jue. (//?//)

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