Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1572: Wind Blade, the battle of the world king

Yang Qingxuan and the others flew down, their expressions solemn.

Because the ruined bluestone ground is full of broken corpses and flesh, all of which have just died and have not yet dried.

Yang Qingxuan looked over with fiery eyes, these people were all killed in one blow, and there was no room for resistance. It even killed a blockbuster with one hit.

And most of them are from the Shangman tribe and the Yunmo tribe, and there are also some other races involved, but not many.

Logan said solemnly: "Could it be that Feng Jiao and Sky Whale did it?"

Yang Qingxuan narrowed his eyes to the golden light and said, "It is very likely. The souls of these people have all been drawn. Why do you want to draw souls? The Sky Whale Clan does not have such a hobby."

Standing on this ruined ancient relic, the wind of the years was blowing, and I felt a little chill in my heart.

If it's just killing, with their xinxing, there won't be any fluctuations at all.

But this kind of soul extraction, anyone will be jealous and hate.

Midnight said coldly: "Could it be that after being sealed for too long, all of them have been mentally abnormal?"

Everyone frowned, and this statement was obviously unconvincing.

Ghost Venerable's voice suddenly came and said, "The two previously broken alien world kings have very weak souls in their bodies, as if most of them have been extracted. The soul should be devoured to nourish themselves."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and asked, "How can the soul be weak?"

Gui Zun hummed: "There are many such possibilities. The soul power has been taken away, or the soul has been severely damaged. Sometimes it can be a problem if it is sealed for too long, depending on the situation."

Yang Qingxuan secretly thought that if it was swallowed for the purpose of restoring soul power, it would be excusable.


Suddenly there was a scream in front of him, and then a huge energy exploded, impacting in all directions.


A beam of light rose into the sky.

Yang Qingxuan looked at it with golden eyes, and there was a body flying in the beam of light, covered in blood, and eyes full of horror. It was a member of the Yunmo tribe.

Look at that cultivation base, above the realm king, I am afraid that it is the patriarch Brand.


Brand's chest suddenly exploded, and an aurora shattered from behind, and the whole body exploded into two halves, the flesh and blood shattered.

Then the beam of light dimmed, and moved toward the ground.

The two halves of Brand also fell from the sky, especially a beam of light yellow energy, which was quickly sucked downward.

"Soul sucking!"

Logan and others were shocked.

The huge fluctuation disappeared in an instant, leaving only the dust and gravel dregs to collapse.

Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes in amazement. The aurora that penetrated Brand just now was actually the true light of the magnetic pole!

Yang Qingxuan's heart flew, is it possible that the immortal Kun clan, the powerhouse who masters the true light of the magnetic pole, is still in the world? !

The true light of the magnetic pole is unlikely to belong to the Fengjiao and the Sky Whale clan, otherwise the two will definitely be displayed in the battle of the Partial Palace.

Logan and others all had extremely ugly faces, staring at the discovery that the light beam appeared, but hesitated.

Brand was the King of the Star Realm, and he was killed without a sound. What a terrifying existence was under that ground.


At this moment, the bluestone ground not far away exploded, and a large figure flew out of it.

Two of them are realm kings, constantly pinching in the air and hitting each other.

The aftermath of magical powers spread, and the surrounding martial arts were all affected, screaming in all directions, and some directly exploded in the air.

Among the two world kings, one of them is the patriarch of the Upper Mandrill Clan, Eridon, his face is as dark as water, a giant mountain-like shadow appears behind him, the head of the beast, the tail of the beast, and his fists are constantly beating out, but it is already hustling. Dark, at a disadvantage.

And in front of Eridon, there is still a blue jade jue floating, exuding infinite brilliance, supporting the phantom attack.

The other man covered his face with green hair like seaweed, only exposed the three horns of his forehead, and was naked. With both hands pinching the tactics, many blue thunder bursts out, like an arrow like a shield, taking the virtual shadow fist.

"Boom! Boom!"

Electric arcs "crackling" exploded all around, containing extremely terrifying energy, pushing the huge shield that the phantom had punched back inch by inch.

But Eridon was blessed by the jade jue, so it was difficult to lose in the battle.

The warriors around were all from the Shang Manchu clan, and there were also some Yun Bao clan who were seriously injured. They looked at the battle in the sky in horror and couldn't get in at all.

Gilber was surprised: "Lei Rhinoceros!"

It was the Lei Rhino tribe who suppressed Eridan, one of the two who broke the seal in the hall that Yang Qingxuan had searched earlier.

The Lei Rhinoceros face is blue, and there is a faint anger in his eyes. If it is not for the loss of power, the soul is unstable, and his elementary equipment has been destroyed in the war that year, otherwise it is necessary to deal with a two-star realm king in a small area. Laborious.

Yang Qingxuan said: "The sky whale, wind chrysalis, and thunder rhinoceros of the four clans of the immortal kun are all resurrected, so there is still a magic spring left..."

As soon as the words fell, everyone lowered their heads, and saw that a large area of ​​spring water suddenly appeared on the bluestone bricks that were stepped on. The ancient ruins that were originally weathered were submerged by spring water more than half a foot high.

Under the shock of everyone, the silver bells of "dangdang" kept ringing from far to near.

And above the spring water, there was wind blowing, breaking the water surface, turning into a sharp shadow.

Yang Qingxuan and the others blinked, and the water directly flooded the top of their heads.

"What a joke!"

Yang Qingxuan gave a soft drink, using his hand as a sword, he cut the water wave through a crack and flew up.

But as soon as he jumped out of the water, a terrible breath came.

It is the Blade of Wind!

The whole world is under this blade, cut in half.

The wind blade passed by, like a swallow.


Several screams sounded, and several warriors of the Amo clan burst into two directly. Under the wind blade, the shadow of the Fengjia tribe was transformed, and he grabbed it in the air, and several souls were taken into his hands.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed his five fingers, and the Halberd Tianxu burst out, a large area of ​​phantom light bursting out, rushing forward.

"Shocked to the sky!"


The spring water was swept up by the power of virtual light, wrapped around the front end of the halberd, and transformed into the form of a dragon.


The dragon shape was instantly smashed by the wind blade, and the imaginary light that shook the sky was also instantly annihilated.


Tianxu hit the wind blade, trembling violently, making a crisp trembling sound, and Yang Qingxuan was knocked out.

But fortunately, the attack of the Fengjiao tribe was not against him alone, but wanted to harvest as many souls as possible.

So Yang Qingxuan just had trouble with his arms, and the blood in his body was shaking.


But the Fengjia people looked surprised, staring at the ruins of the day, "Holy artifact?!"

"Not good!" Yang Qingxuan secretly said, an extremely dangerous aura emerged in his heart, and suddenly the sky was shaken, he cut into the void.

The Fengjiao tribe has disappeared in place.

//Four changes will be resumed tomorrow, and the update time is uncertain.

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