Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1598: Spirit of Ice Soul, Inheritor

Yang Qingxuan withdrew his gaze, his eyes flashed with contemplation, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Chamberlain shouted: "Child, who are you?!"

The child pursed his mouth and grinned: "Me? I am the owner of this ice and snow, the soul of Xuanxu and Khan."

"What? Spirit of Ice Soul!"

Chamberlain and several others were shocked at the same time, and for an instant, everyone's eyes were red.

"Xuanxu cold ice soul! It's mine!"

With a sudden roar, a figure rushed up.

It is Borui.

Although the temperature in this icefield world is still extremely low, it does not have the power of freezing wounds, and there is no ice attribute damage. For several people, free display is not a problem.

"Damn! Stop, Ice Soul is mine!"

Chamberlain roared, his eyes were red, and he rushed forward.

The other Wu Xiu looked at each other, not to be outdone, and followed closely.

"Haha! Fate will take care of me after all!"

Borui laughed wildly, and grabbed the Spirit of Ice Apparition when he shot. Numerous runes flashed under the claws, and he was about to sweep away the Spirit Apparition.

At this moment, a cyan wind blew.

Then the sky rolled up with ice and snow.

As soon as Borui's body condensed, it stopped in midair, still keeping his claws out.

It's just that the sheen of ice flashed on his body, without any signs, it seemed that the spirit of the ice soul moved a little, and Borui became an ice sculpture without any vitality.


The figures of the other people suddenly stopped, and they hurriedly withdrew from the back, afraid to get too close.

Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes flashed, and he returned to normal.

"Hehe, don't you want me? Come and catch me."

The spirit of the ice soul showed a childlike skin and made faces.

Chamberlain's faces were pale, who would dare to go forward.

Yang Qingxuan said: "We won't catch you, you let go of this icefield world and let us leave."

"Leave? No, no one has come in to play with me for a long time. Since you have come in, don't leave until I can go out."

The Spirit of Ice Soul blinked.

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "Leave? Can't you leave by yourself?"

The Spirit of Ice Soul shook his head and said: "No, because I have the mission of the Xuanshuang clan. I need to pass on the sacred artifacts and the magical powers of the Xuanshuang clan before I can leave this place. This is the last Xuanshuang clan patriarch to use. The secret technique on my body must be completed before I can be free. And here is the space for inheritance. Unless... none of you can accept my inheritance."

"Sacred artifacts and supernatural power inheritance?!"

Chamberlain exclaimed in excitement: "I, I, also ask Master Ice Soul to pass it on to me."

The Spirit of Ice Soul shook his head and said, "You can't."

With that, he pointed to Yang Qingxuan, and said, "I have just tested it. You are the most suitable one to accept the inheritance. It's up to you. As long as you accept the magical tools and Taoist magical powers of the Xuanshuang clan, I will be free. "


Without waiting for Yang Qingxuan to speak, Chamberlain and others were all startled and angry.

Chamberlain angrily said: "My lord, did you make a mistake? In terms of strength and cultivation base, I am far above this human race. Why can't I miss him!"

The Spirit of Ice Soul frowned and said: "How could I make a mistake? I said he is him."

Chamberlain clenched his fists swiftly, anger and murderous intent tossing around him, almost turning into substance.

The attraction of the sacred objects is too great.

If there are other geniuses here, he might be able to convince him and pass it on to a low-powered human race. What is this?

Chamberlain gritted his teeth and said: "Why?!"


The Spirit of Ice Soul changed the appearance of the child, became cold and stern, and said, "It's up to me."

"Then you go to die!"

Chamberlain roared, and instantly drew his bow and arrow. With a "chirp", the golden arrow made a rapid killing sound, and shot away.

The arrow brought out a golden tail, like a scorching sun.

The Spirit of Ice Soul sank, and shouted: "I'm looking for death!"

With a wave of his hand, an ice lotus appeared in his palm, condensed into a huge palm shadow, and shot it in the air.


The giant ice palm pressed on the golden arrow, bursting out a powerful wave of ice.

Countless crystals spread from the center to both sides, all the aftermath and air are frozen, forming a dazzling ice sculpture, beautiful and magnificent.

Chamberlain's face changed drastically, and he wanted to shoot an arrow again. Suddenly the ground shook at his feet.

Under the sound of "Boom", the ice sheet kept cracking, and a huge ice hand protruded from it, grabbing Chamberlain at once.

The Spirit of Ice Soul sneered and held his fingers together.


The entire ice hand burst instantly, and Chamberlain's screams came from inside.

Countless bright red crushed ice shot everywhere.

Chamberlain's body fell far and flew out, his whole body was cold and pale, and his face was bloodless.

"Who else is not convinced?"

The ironic gaze of the Soul Spirit swept the audience.

There was no sound.

Chamberlain is not an opponent, who dares not accept it.

All of them turned pale, and they were extremely unwilling and dissatisfied, but they did not dare to speak.

The Spirit of Ice Soul chuckled and flew in front of Yang Qingxuan, and said gently: "You are the sacred artifact of the Xuanshuang clan and the person with the best inheritance of magical powers. I will take everything that everyone dreams of, It's all passed on to you."

Yang Qingxuan was not pleased, and said lightly, "Can we not inherit it?"

The Spirit of Ice Soul was stunned.

Chamberlain and others were stunned, suspecting that they had heard it wrong.

The Ice Soul Spirit asked incredulously: "What did you say?"

Yang Qingxuan sighed, "I said it’s okay if I don’t pass it on? I am majoring in the fire system. Passing on the ice soul is harmful to me, but it is not beneficial. These friends have cultivated to the sky, Taoist to the xuan, I think they are quite suitable."

Chamberlain and the others couldn't believe that someone would push good things out, and the sorrows that came to the door were all day long.

One by one shouted in a hurry, "Yes, yes, choose me, choose me to inherit!"

Chamberlain eagerly said: "Master Bing Ling, please choose me. You will not be disappointed."

The Spirit of Ice Soul laughed and sneered: "Don't you understand what I mean? You are not qualified."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Yang Qingxuan and said, "Don't worry, inheritance will not affect your original technique. Just let the holy artifacts recognize you as the master, and brand the martial arts of the Xuanshuang clan in your mind, anytime. Selective practice."

Yang Qingxuan said: "So, I have no choice?"

The Spirit of Ice Soul nodded and said: "Yes, no choice. If you don't accept the inheritance, you will die in this ice world."

Yang Qingxuan sighed and said, "If this is the case, then pass it on."

Chamberlain and others all wanted to cry without tears, accusing the sky of injustice!

The Spirit of Ice Soul showed a knowing smile, and said: "You let go of your mind and consciousness, and I slowly blend into your body as a seed, and then bring the sacred artifacts over."

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