Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1604: Incompatible, the only realm king

An Qiluo's voice came over and said: "When you will fight, you will stay in the bottle honestly. I don't have extra time to take care of you, so be careful yourself."

Jin Guangyu gave her a white look and hung under the crystal vessel.

In Yang Qingxuan's view, An Qiluo is a little girl who has been lonely for too long.

Anyone who stays in one place for hundreds of years will go crazy lonely.

So after getting the golden light fish, if you get the most precious treasure, you think you will have an extra companion since then.

The surrounding water suddenly began to become turbid, and all the Milong tribesmen opened their eyes wide, and murderous aura flashed on their bodies.

The old man raised his head, looked at the sky above, and said: "The enemy has reached the third level of water, we will attack! We must stop them from the first level, so as not to affect Master Qinglong Holy Spirit."

The old man counted the five people left, and then took them all and flew over the waters.

Yang Qingxuan found that the surrounding water was filled with a little bit of dragon energy, and as the Milong clan swallowed and breathed, he inhaled it.

And as it goes up, the dragon's Qi keeps thinning.

An Qiluo's voice suddenly came, saying: "I have entered the second floor, you should be careful."

Yang Qingxuan discovered that the watershed on the first and second levels was where the dragon spirit disappeared. It turns out that the first and second floors are divided in this way.

At this moment, everyone's speed slowed down, and a black spot in front of them kept drifting over.

The old man shot in his eyes-with an angry look, and roared: "Brie!"

The black spot floated over, and it became clear that it was the corpse of a Milong clan martial artist. His complexion was dull, his chest was pierced by sharp claws, five terrifying blood holes were clearly visible, and the blood had already flowed out.

The old man roared: "Sura Clan! I am at odds with you!"

A Wu Xiu said in surprise: "Master Patriarch, look at it!"

I saw large black spots in front of him. Unlike Brie's corpse, those black spots moved extremely fast, and the murderous aura was transmitted directly through the water.

The old man said coldly: "It's the shrapnel of the Asura clan! Kill! Kill all of them, not one left!"

A violent force burst from the body of the old man, the water flow suddenly became turbulent, and countless eddies formed at the bottom of the lake.

The temperament and body of the old man are completely different, the dry muscles become extremely full, and the whole body reveals youthful vitality and peak strength.

The large number of black spots on the opposite side seemed to sense an extraordinary aura, and they all stopped.


The old man yelled and ejected like an arrow-out.

The Wu Xiu of the Milong clan had already suffocated his anger, and they all rushed up with a roar.

In the crystal vessel, Yang Qingxuan could see the situation on the other side clearly. Those black spots were all martial arts of the Shura clan, and there were some other races who didn't know what they were mixed in, not many.

Adair sat on the round boulder throne, with a playful cold face, looking ahead.

There are also several great masters who are also the real-world peepers, standing on both sides of Adair, and Calvin is also impressive.

The people of the two tribes were all murderous, and they soon rushed together, and a large area of ​​the lake exploded, shaking the earth.

Adair held his cheek with his right hand, looked blankly for a while, waved his hand: "The strength of this Milong clan is stronger than we expected. You can all go on it. Lest you all die, no one will be left behind. Up."


The real Peeping Realm powerhouses on both sides immediately took their orders and stepped into the war zone at the same time.

Calvin stood on the left and smiled flatteringly: "The Shura clan unified the Fifth Vein and continued to expand. There is indeed a reason. These forces are enough to sweep most races."

Adair frowned slightly and said, "Are you deaf?"

Calvin was taken aback, and the flattering smile still condensed on his face, not knowing what he meant.

Adair said: "What did I just say? Let you all go, didn't you hear?"

Calvin's heart was furious, and his face darkened at once. Lao Tzu is not yours. Why do you order me?

But when Adair's slightly cold gaze turned around, Calvin's scalp numb, and he hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Yes, Lord Adair, I will take action."

Calvin flicked his sleeves and walked into the battlefield to kill the strongest Milong clan. The unnamed anger in the heart was all vented in the moves, which was more fierce than the warriors of the Shura clan.

Although the Shura tribe has the upper hand in terms of numbers, the average strength of the Milong tribe is stronger, and in the lake, they have the home court advantage. The two factions fight equally, and the blood dyes all the square meters red.

Yang Qingxuan waved his tail, considering whether to go out and help.

Suddenly, a pair of fish eyes blinked and looked at Adair in the distance. Suddenly a burst of light appeared on the Throne of Stone, which turned into a colorful rotation, and a strange water vortex appeared around it.

The throne continued to sink, and gradually disappeared.

The golden fish shook its tail abruptly, and said through the voice transmission: "Adel is gone. Maybe he went directly to Qinglong Holy Spirit."

An Qiluo was holding an ordinary war knife and was fighting with people from the Shura clan. She trembled all over when she heard the words, and she forgot to transmit her voice, and exclaimed, "Really?! Who is Adair?"

Jin Guangyu said: "Adair is the leader of the Asura clan, the prince of the Asura clan, the one who sat on the Throne of Stone before, look for yourself.

An Qiluo glanced at the distance, and Adair was gone.

An Qiluo was anxious, her eyes kept searching among the crowd, looking for the shadow of the patriarch, and going to report the matter.

But the entire battlefield has fallen into a huge melee.

More than two hundred real-world experts fought in it. Even though the lake has evolved over millions of years, it is so huge that it can't bear it.

There are blisters and vacuum zones everywhere, and various terrible energies collide with each other.

An Qiluo was distracted and almost hit by the opponent, she couldn't help being frightened.

Jin Guangyu said: "Even if you report to the patriarch, it is useless. He has no time to do so."

An Qiluo was shocked, Jin Guangyu's words were indeed good, and the Shura tribe was so powerful that it was already a repressive advantage. Whether the Milong clan can survive it is unclear, but there is no strength to go back and rescue.

But An Qiluo thought about it. There are five clansmen guarding the Holy Land, so there shouldn't be a big problem. But then Jin Guangyu's words directly caused her to fall into the ice cave.

Jin Guangyu said: "If you don't want a problem with the Holy Land, you should turn around and go back now, because Adair has the cultivation of the Realm King."


An Qiluo said in shock: "Within the heavenly capital, there can be no realm king!"

Jin Guangyu said: "Adair has planned for this trip to the heavenly capital for a long time. At least thousands of people have seen him enter the heavenly capital and break through to the realm king. He is different from your patriarch, and he has already obtained it from outside All the conditions for the breakthrough are just being forcibly suppressed."

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