Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1613: Once the promise, forcibly transforming the dragon

"Brother Qingxuan, are you all right."

Wu Qiyue and others immediately surrounded her.

Yang Qingxuan shook his head and said: "I'm okay." Turning around, he found that Hua Jieyu was already sitting on the ground, pinching out the Dragon Art with both hands, with a blue "Kang" on the center of his eyebrows, flashing non-stop.

Yang Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, only a slight smile appeared on his face.

Hua Jieyu opened her eyes, with an unspeakable complex expression, and sighed, "Why come from it."

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said, "I remember you once said that you want to witness me ascending to the top of this world. I haven't reached the top yet, how can you die?"

Hua Jieyu's eyes were a little moist, and he nodded: "Okay. I will surely witness you reach the top. I Hua Jieyu, I wish to be the step of the holy lord to the top of this world."

Yang Qingxuan said: "No, you and my brother, I will take you all to the top of the world."

The man looked at Yang Qingxuan with complicated eyes, but he was more delighted and admired, and said: "The Qinglong line is bound to shine again! Yang Qingxuan, my time is running out, are you ready?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "Okay."

The man said: "In addition to the complete martial arts scripture, I will also pass you a drop of real dragon essence and blood and dragon transformation. After you refine and absorb it, you can incarnate as a real dragon, possessing the most powerful body in the world."

Yang Qingxuan frowned lightly, thinking.

The man smiled slightly, seeming to see through his thoughts, and said with a smile: "You must be able to walk here, you must have a great opportunity. There must be magical powers or treasures in my body that I can't imagine. Don't worry, true dragons are the rules of heaven and earth. Condensed, it will not conflict with any magical powers."

Only then did Yang Qingxuan relax and say, "I'm ready, let's start."

The two sat cross-legged.

The man raised his hand to pinch the tactics, and a dragon mark struck Yang Qingxuan's eyebrows, and suddenly a cyan enchantment spread, and the dragon's breath on the two of them fluctuated and tended to be the same.

A little scarlet blood, like a red crystalline gem, overflowed little by little from the center of the man's eyebrows, and then shot into the center of Yang Qingxuan's eyebrows.

Yang Qingxuan's whole body instantly turned red, his eyes suddenly opened, and he roared to the sky in pain.

In an instant, Yang Qingxuan's skin suddenly turned up countless dragon scales, his body melted under the infinite blue light, and it was solidified under the infinite blue light.

Wu Qiyue and others are all in a hurry.

Ziyuan comforted: "Don't worry, Brother Qingxuan is fine. Although painful, he is very safe."

The other stars nodded slightly.

They are connected with the Holy Lord.

Immediately, at the center of Yang Qingxuan's eyebrows, seven spots of light appeared, which symbolized the Azure Dragon and Seven Stars, five of which were unusually bright and radiant.

Zi Yuan and the others also had the feeling, and characters were transformed into the center of their eyebrows.

Ziyuan has a "heart" at the center of the eyebrow, Duruo has a "tail" at the center of his eyebrow, Kong Ling has a "di" at the center of his eyebrow, Huajieyu has a "kang" at the center of his eyebrow, and Nuoxi has a "ji" at the center of his eyebrow.

Yang Qingxuan's body seemed to be frozen, sitting there in a painful posture, opening his mouth, his eyes hollow.

It was the power of the man's inheritance and the power of dragon blood that completely exceeded Yang Qingxuan's tolerance, causing him to lose consciousness all over, and his whole person was as if dead.

The man grinned and said: "Yang Qingxuan, it's you who wasted time, so I have to pass it on to you as quickly as possible, otherwise I am afraid it will be too late."

After the man finished speaking, his complexion calmed down, and the light on his body dimmed a little.

Zi Yuan seemed to feel something, and said in surprise, "Master Qinglong."

The man raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "My mission is complete, the line of the Qinglong Holy Spirit will depend on you in the future."

A little brilliance floated from the man, like fireflies, like dandelions, slowly sitting down and dispersing into nothingness.

Ziyuan and the others all looked solemnly, and they all bowed respectfully, paying the highest respect to this worldly powerful man.


Yang Qingxuan suddenly yelled, and his figure began to swell, and a blue light burst from the scales above his body. The whole person was like a balloon that was about to burst and burst from it.

That huge dragon energy, just the slightest, made people palpitate.

Zi Yuan and the others were all horrified, Yang Qingxuan's body was swelling in front of him, showing signs of transforming into a dragon. It was understood in an instant that the power that Qinglong Holy Spirit had imparted to Yang Qingxuan was too strong to be absorbed in a short time.

Fortunately, although this power overflowed from his body, Yang Qingxuan was not in danger at the moment, but accelerated the change of his body, constantly showing the form of the true dragon.

The surrounding void space also vibrated and cracked continuously following the dragon qi's riots, turning into cobweb-like patterns, and splitting on all sides.


Outside the blue dragon holy elephant, the tragic fight continues.

"Old Piff, I don't know how hard you are still holding on. Obediently kneel down and surrender. Maybe you and your whole body can be left."

Adair licked the corner of his mouth and said with a bloodthirsty smile.


The patriarch of the Milong clan paled for a while, and most of the armor on his body had already been knocked out, revealing his **** inside.

Rao is so, still the giant fist blasted away.

Under the purple fists, Adair's face became more stern, "If that's the case, then this trick will send you to the West, and I will send you all of your disciples and grandchildren!"

Under Adair's hands pinching the tactics, countless signs floated out, turning into blood-colored palms.

The palm prints are superimposed one by one, and the power is also in the infinite superposition, slamming the Milong clan chief.


The fists met, bursting with purple-red light, and spreading away with the terrifying turbulence.

In the surplus of energy, the aura on the Milong clan chief was rapidly wilting, and the armor all over his body shattered, his figure shrank, and his whole body bathed in blood.

"Master Patriarch!"

An Qiluo and the others all yelled sadly, with blood and tears intertwined on their faces.

After all, the old man relied on external forces to break through the rules of the world king, and he was still a bit behind Adair. Coupled with age and weakness, Adair is at the pinnacle. After the two competed, the result was finally separated.

Ye Sheng and Ye Wusha were also taken aback. In the melee, they originally wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, but the people of the Asura clan didn't even let them go, and they were all included in the kill list. So Ye Sheng and others have always joined forces with Wu Xiu of the Milong clan.

At this moment, seeing the old man vomiting blood in a rout, his face changed, looking at the entrance of the blue dragon holy elephant, anxiously.

"everything is over!"

Adair took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and he took advantage of the momentum.

Thousands of blood rushed from all directions, rushing into the palm of the palm, and wanted to set the universe with one palm.

At this moment, the blue dragon sacred statue not far away trembled, and numerous cracks appeared on the thick surface, making a clicking sound, and the large dragon scales shattered directly.

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