Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1630: The left hand, Shangbao Qinxin

"Take your life! New and old hatred, count together!"

Adair roared, and the evil spirit of Tianhong swept away.

The strength of the two monkeys was almost the same, but Adair's sacred artifact continued to burst out of powerful sacred artifacts, like a tiger like a dragon.

The sacred artifacts in the hands of the King of the One Star Realm and the hands of the King of the Seven Star Realms are completely two concepts.

The power of the whole evil spirit of Tianhong was almost urged to the extreme, and the runes on the gun appeared one by one, and the blood moon slashing from the blade of the gun split the space every time.

"Yang Qingxuan" constantly shook his fists with a flesh and blood body, contending with the **** moon cut, every fist burst to pieces, and blood marks were drawn on the fist bones.

Yang Qingxuan was anxious in the Supreme Profound Sky, and thought to himself that there are so many sacred artifacts on Laozi, does this monkey know how to use one? Anything can suppress the evil of the sky, isn't this monkey's brain not good? Or is it unable to drive your own holy artifact?

After thinking about it, "Yang Qingxuan" began to dodge from side to side, and unexpectedly fell into a disadvantage.

"Hahahaha! A clone wants to deal with me, you are just as arrogant and ignorant as that person. No wonder, you are all the same kind of people originally, you all want me to die, I will let you die today!"

Adair roared wildly, and endless anger was generated in his body and spread to his body.

With one stroke of the gun, one move was quicker, and the constant cross, split, stab, and slash pushed the monkey Yang Qingxuan into desperation.

Suddenly a piece of colorful color overflowed from Adair's hand and flowed into the evil spirit of Tianhong.

The evil spirit of Tianhong erupted with a clank of pain and excitement, which could not bear the huge energy.

This colorful color is the pulse of virtual light!

Adair's figure shook, and he slashed with guns in both hands.

The virtual light pulse and the spear evil are mixed together and transformed into a new force, such as rivers traveling through the earth, sun and moon traveling through the sky.

"Yang Qingxuan" raised his head and looked at the huge arc light, fierce flashes in his golden eyes, blood rushing from the depths, his palms grabbed his side, and the huge and pure energy was madly inhaled by him.

The flame danced wildly like a dragon, and the whole body was like a huge vortex.


"Yang Qingxuan" raised his hand and clenched his fist and blasted over, and there was a loud noise like thunder, and terrifying energy swept out in circles.


The sky and the earth fell into dim moments, only that gorgeous flame and colorful illusion light shining on the earth in disillusionment.

The two monkeys were shaken apart.

When "Yang Qingxuan" shook, he fell straight to the ground with a loud "bang".

Above the ruins, the ground shook, the mountains shook, and the ground split thousands of miles.

A huge tremor sounded continuously from the underground, and the whole heaven and earth veins were breaking, as if they were being broken a little bit by a person, and the barren scene that had first arrived had already turned into a doom.

Adair flew hundreds of feet away, and stopped his body.

All Wu Xiu faces horrified, staring at the front.

The place where "Yang Qingxuan" fell, exploded a huge deep hole, with a length of thousands of meters, like a huge scar, traversing the ground.

"Yang Qingxuan" was even hit into the ground and disappeared.


Midnight exclaimed worriedly.

Although Yang Qingxuan's previous performance would not fall under this blow, he would definitely suffer serious injuries.

"Cut! Get out and die!"

Adair spit out **** sputum, holding a gun, staring coldly at the pit.

"Boom", the ground vibrated.

A figure flew out of the pit under the shaking, with mud and blood sticking all over his body. It was "Yang Qingxuan" with a strange look on his face.

Adair's pupils shrank slightly, and he grinned and said, "Why, have you lost your temper after being beaten?"

"Yang Qingxuan" glanced at him contemptuously, completely disdainful, raised his hand and pointed his fingers down a little bit, a little bit of fluorescent light drifted out of his fingertips and sank into the pit.

A few huge celestial jade flew out from the deep pit, flat and smooth, but broken apart from it, as if it had been cut.

Adair's face changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "This is..."

Under the control of "Yang Qingxuan", the fairy jade was slowly glued together to form a complete cuboid, which was the platform where the jade monkey was standing before.

After the Jade Monkey was born, this platform was directly broken in battle. Just now, "Yang Qingxuan" just hit this platform, and then crashed down together.

Adair's pupils shrank suddenly, staring at the platform, for some reason, there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Yang Qingxuan" shot a strange golden light in his eyes, and suddenly showed a slight chuckle, as if he had seen something through it, and scratched with five fingers.


The entire jade platform collapsed inward, as if space was squeezed from all directions. First, the surface continued to crack, and then it exploded into dust, and blue light burst out from it.

Those dusty powder kept floating in the air, and finally glued together, turning into a light blue rune, hanging quietly in the void.

In the center of the talisman is a pattern of long soldiers, on which the blue light flourishes, washing thousands of miles like water waves, emitting a faint strange power, causing the surrounding space to vibrate up and down.

"Hey! This is..., damn! Damn! It stood under my feet and left a talisman against me! Damn man!"

Adair's eyes were violent, staring at the blue talisman, and his entire face became extremely distorted and terrifying.

But looking at the blue talisman, a figure of the golden armored war **** flashed in his mind inexplicably, giving birth to infinite fear, kicking his legs, and fleeing into the distance, unexpectedly chose to escape.

"Yang Qingxuan" showed a sneer in his eyes, pinched the tactics a little bit forward, and the blue talisman fluctuated like water, and the power of the above rules was released.

A little bit of Jin Hui was released from the talisman and condensed in the sky into a golden long soldier. It was the phantom of a huge rake, with nine teeth and a relief of a giant beast, exuding a terrifying chill, as if it could be done by moving it. Destroy the world.

"That's... a symbol!"

The warriors in the distance were all surprised.

The so-called Qi Talisman is to integrate the power of the Yuan Qi into the Talisman, and once released, it is equivalent to a blow to the Yuan Qi.

In addition, Tianhe Wuxiu's face changed drastically, showing a look of horror.

Looking at the weapon, everyone in Tianhe Wuxiu knows that it is the treasure of the Tianhe Water God Palace, belonging to the Xiantian Lingbao, and ranked sixth on the sacred instrument list.

"Yang Qingxuan" touched his hands, the nail rake whirled and flew high into the sky, and suddenly stretched to a thousand feet. There was a beast roaring on it, and the golden light rushed to the world like a violent blow with thousands of clear blue waves.

"Damn it! No!—"

Adair roared, countless runes burst out of his body, and the pulse of phantom light poured into the evil spirit of Tianhong, the whole gun body showed a beautiful glaze color, and terrifying energy was ready to go.

Intuitively killing intent was approaching, Adair desperately turned around with a shot, the infinite colorful rays of light burst out, blasting the space into a huge tunnel.

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