Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1633: The sky is destroyed, and the treasure is here

"Logan! You—!"

Gavin's heart was pierced by a long sword.

It was Logan who attacked behind him.

"Kill! Kill all the Shura people!"

Logan's face was grim, and he roared.

Adair was possessed by an evil monkey, and then half-deadly captured by a mysterious man. The outcome is unknown.

But the Shura clan who lost Adair, like a tiger to go to both wings, is the perfect time to counterattack.

Adair and Logan are both ruthless characters, but Logan has been suppressed by Adair. Now that Adair was taken away, Logan showed his ferocity in an instant.

Jiber and Ryle and other realm kings of the Amo clan came back to their senses, and they all rushed to the realm kings of the Shura clan with big drinks.

Logan attacked Gavin with a sword, and shouted at the same time: "Brother Qingxuan, let your friend help me!"

Yang Qingxuan knew that Logan was referring to Guizun and Midnight. He looked at the two of them and wanted to consult them.

After all, both of them were seriously injured when they confronted Adair, especially midnight.

Without saying a word, Gui Zun swung his sword and killed several realm kings of the Asura clan.

He just sucked his soul to restore his strength.

Once the Lord of the Thousand Realms, he was shocked by Adair's move. His heart was extremely aggrieved and depressed, and he wanted to go crazy to improve his strength.

There are several realm kings who bring it to the door to eat, how can you miss it?

Midnight glanced at the battle. The Amo faction had the upper hand. She took a short rest and rushed to join the battlefield.

The world kings of the other races all looked at each other coldly.

After all, the Asura clan has been rampant for a long time, and the grievances have deepened. The major races are eager for the Asura clan to collapse. Although he dared not step forward to help, he was secretly delighted.

In the next period of Tianhe, the Amo and the Shura will inevitably enter a state of rush, which is a huge good thing for all races.

Kori was killed by Adair, Gavin was attacked by Logan and died. The remaining world kings were all one- and two-star elementary world kings. Under the violent attack of Gilber and others, soon As soon as he died, his soul was sucked and cleaned by the ghost, so that Jibe and the others were afraid of the ghost.

The originally shattered Tiandu, after a few battles of the world kings, was even more riddled with holes and eyes.

"Brother Qingxuan, thank you for your help!"

Logan trembled slightly with excitement. When these realm kings of the Shura clan died, Adair was still missing. With the strength of the Amo clan, it was enough to set off a huge counterattack.

Yang Qingxuan gently "hmm", not caring about the affairs of the two clans, but frowned lightly, suddenly shot out fiery golden eyes, and looked towards the earth.

Logan said, "Brother Qingxuan, what's wrong?"

Yang Qingxuan swept his gaze for a while, and said in a condensed voice: "The structure of this Tiandu is far stronger than that of any place in the sky star field. After such a big battle, it is so broken, but the space is still so stable and strange."

Logan also thought about it: "Brother Qingxuan's words are reasonable, I haven't thought about it. So, it's really weird. And what happened to the birth of the fairy jade, I still haven't been able to figure it out."

Yang Qingxuan thought of the earthly person, this person suddenly appeared and took Adair away, as if he knew a lot about this day capital. I don't know who the people here are?

Yang Qingxuan had a headache, and the people in Dao Ying were mysterious and terrifying.

The people here looked a hundred times more terrifying than the Sundial.

The Sundial is already a six-star peak, and with the power of the Xuanwu seven-stars, it is enough to fight the seven-star high-ranking realm king.

But in front of the earthly man, he still looked like a child and took him away.

Logan said: "All the realm kings have come in. It seems that the restrictions of the sky are gone. In the future, this space can be entered and exited at will. We have time to study slowly."

Logan was full of excitement, and said: "The first thing I did after I went out, I sealed the entrance of the Tiandu and made it a private space for my Amos. I will dig out all the secrets inside."

At this moment, everyone suddenly changed their faces and looked at the earth in horror.

A violent beam of light shot out from the ground and rushed into the sky.

The earth that was already shattered is beginning to shatter at this moment.

Numerous golden rune strings appeared in the void, like tadpoles all over the sky, it was the rules of space that were fully manifested, and they continued to burst and reorganize.

"No! The space rules are completely messed up!"

Yang Qingxuan screamed, just now that the sky is hard enough, it's really a crow's mouth.

Logan and others were all shocked.

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "Go! It will be dangerous if you stay!"

Immediately, the light flashed, covering both the midnight and the ghost, and fleeing away.

Logan shouted: "Let's go too!"

Several realm kings of the Amo tribe hurriedly showed their escape and followed.


Suddenly there was a huge explosion.

All the ground was crushed into dust in an instant, and after the rules of space burst, the violent world energy was released and exploded in all directions, triggering a series of reactions.

Countless deep marks of space appeared in the sky, and thunder-like energy was shot out from it, stirring up a chaos of heaven and earth.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, seeing the sky burst into countless large and small spaces, floating up and down in the void of the universe.

What is strange is that no one was injured in this devastating scene.

As if everything I saw in front of me was just an illusion, nothing to do with them.

Just as everyone was feeling strange, suddenly an aura of suppression of heaven and earth burst out from the depths of destruction.

The heaven and the earth were quiet, countless brilliant golden lights were destroying and converging, and then burst out like the first sun, shining the heaven and the earth.

All power is as small as an ant under this divine glory.

"That is……!"

Yang Qingxuan trembled, his fiery eyes pierced through the layers of space energy, and looked at the center of the divine glory, as if he had seen a piece of jade pendant.

Every Wu Xiu trembled in his heart, looking forward the same, but his eyes pierced by the brilliance were sore that he couldn't see anything clearly.

I just felt a great pressure, shocking my heart, like the evolution of heaven, and I was just an ant in the long river.

Yang Qingxuan closed his fiery eyes, and when he moved inexplicably, his figure shook and flew towards that Shenhui.

Midnight was shocked: "Qingxuan!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Be careful yourself, leave me alone!"

As if inspired by a certain kind, the jade pendant in the depths of the divine splendor revolved with thousands of streamers, covering Yang Qingxuan at once.

The dazzling glow suddenly softened.

All Wu Xiu can finally open their eyes and see the scene ahead clearly.

Within Shenhui, one person and one jade face each other.

At this time, even if he was a fool, he knew that a peerless treasure was born.

All the realm kings present were agitated, their eyes exploded, and their fists clenched unconsciously.

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