Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1651: Designed by others, unprovoked grudges

"what is this?"

Zi Yuan's eyes shot-a strange light.

"No, nothing..."

Yang Qingxuan trembled, trying to hide the letter, but it was obviously impossible, and he realized that it was not good.


After a panic, Yang Qingxuan immediately understood that he could only tell the truth and spread the letters in his hands, saying: "Some little girls who know the world have just asked the elder of the college to deliver it to me. If you don't like it, I will Burn it."

"Oh-little girl -"

Zi Yuan dragged his voice and said, "You mean, if I like it, you still keep it?"

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly said: "Dare not dare." A cluster of flames rose from the palm of his hand, and the bright tongue of flame burned the letters, emitting a warm light.

The two people looked at each other through the flames, looked at them, and couldn't help laughing.

Those letters burned to ashes in a flash.

The bright flame disappeared, letting the cool brilliance fall, covering his shoulders.

But my heart is full of warmth.

Afterwards, the two of them carried their hands, turned into streamers, shuttled under the bright moon, and went far away.

It didn't take long to flew down on a wilderness.

It is not very far from Mengling City and Tian Cong Martial Arts Hall.

Yang Qingxuan looked around, with fiery eyes flashing, and immediately saw the person in front of him with his back to him, and the hunting robe still couldn't conceal the fat figure.

"Fatty Pan."

Zi Yuan screamed in surprise and was about to go up, but was stopped by Yang Qingxuan. Zi Yuan was slightly surprised and immediately realized something.

Yang Qingxuan stood still, standing still.

Suddenly Fatty Pan's voice came and said, "Why, dare not to come up?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "It's not that I didn't dare to come up, but I was afraid of something beyond my control. For example, Fatty Pan's body had a problem."

"Hehe, you are sharp and clever. No wonder, no wonder."

"Fatty Pan" laughed a few times, and then turned around. It was indeed Fatty Pan's face, white and round, but there were blue blacks in his eyes, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

I don't know what he meant by "no wonder".

Yang Qingxuan's face was slightly dark, and he said coldly: "Who are you?"

"Fatty Pan" stretched his eyebrows and sneered: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you have to die!"

The fat body shook, then he leaped into the air and slapped it.

Under the palm of the hand, a large swath of black energy is transformed into a whirlwind.

Yang Qingxuan kept his eyes bright from beginning to end. At this moment, he finally saw the abnormality and sneered: "That's how it is."

With that said, take a step forward and take a quick shot, which is the Nine Thousand Fenghua Art.

All the black energy was blown away in an instant, and the force of the palm technique was pressed against the element of wind. No matter how hard it was to advance, the face of "Pan Fatty" was shocked.

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "What kind of ghost, dare to make trouble in front of me, looking for death!"

The sword print on the center of the eyebrows flashed, and a mighty spirit of martial arts was shot in the air.

The soul light flashed on Fat Pan, as if there was a ghost howl, and a soul light instantly disappeared.

Yang Qingxuan's figure flickered and appeared next to Pan Fatty. With a light push, the fat body flew towards Ziyuan.

At the same time, Yang Qingxuan raised his hand again and patted, a hot flame formed under his palm, patted somewhere in the void.

Two scorching suns came out one after another, chasing each other.

"No! Lord, save me!"

In the void, a black figure turned into a phantom, and the moment it appeared, it slammed into the distance.

Earlier, under Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes, he could see that Fatty Pan was controlled by a possessed martial spirit, similar to Shangguan Haitang's martial spirit "ghost upper body".

So a simple and straightforward move to suppress the Martial Soul, then shattered the possessed Martial Soul, and then by catching the fluctuation of the Martial Soul, the fiery eyes and golden eyes immediately discovered the hiding place of the Martial Artist.


A gloomy cold snort sounded, and then a crimson light flashed in the air, like a scarlet blood, hitting two blazing suns.


Two Yang's move by the sun was broken instantly.

The blood-red splendor was cast undiminished, rolling towards Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan took a breath, opened his mouth, and a dragon breath poured out along with the dragon chant.

The **** light stagnated in the air, and was instantly broken through, dispersing in all directions.

In the front, there were more than ten more figures suddenly appeared, and the Wu Xiu who controlled Pan Fatty stood in the crowd in embarrassment.

At the forefront was a gloomy old man, with a dry figure but a straight face, his facial features were like iron swords, his whole body hidden in a brown robe, his aura was solemn.

Yang Qingxuan put his hands on his chest and said in surprise: "Old man, don't we seem to know each other?"

"Humph", the old man snorted coldly, his eyes were very dark.

At this moment, Fatty Pan in the distance suddenly yelled "Ah", then woke up dancing and screaming, "Run, run!"

Zi Yuan knocked his head lightly and said with a smile: "I can't run away, get up and die."

Fatty Pan was stunned, then he could see clearly before his eyes, and said ecstatically: "Sister Ziyuan! Boss!"

Fatty Pan suddenly jumped up from the ground, ran to Yang Qingxuan, pointed at the old man, and shouted: "Boss, he is Lord Xia! He wants to kill you!"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Lord Xia? I remembered it. I remember you said that among the Four Lords, Lord Xia is the most mysterious and unpredictable. He hasn't asked about world affairs or seen people for many years. Why would he harm me when he came out? "

Yang Qingxuan was inexplicable, pointing to the old man and said, "I dug your family's ancestral grave?"

Master Xia's complexion was dark, his cheekbones were constantly moving, and he said coldly: "Kill! Kill Pan Haixing and this woman! Yang Qingxuan, I personally send him to the west!"

On the other hand, he stepped forward, and if the endless dark night enveloped Yang Qingxuan with a huge aura.

The dozen or so Wu Xiu behind Xia Zhu scattered all at once and ran like bats, surrounding Zi Yuan and Pan Fatty.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Mom, who are you? Do it without clarifying your grievances, really shameless!"

As he said, the light in the right hand flashed, and Tianxu swept away into the void.

The golden brilliance pierced the sky, and cut the aura of Lord Xia.

But in an instant, that momentum condensed again, turning into a stronger momentum, rolling down from the sky, just like the essence!

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "The Realm King!"

In fact, he didn't worry about facing the Realm King. On this journey, he had seen more Realm Kings than women.

What makes him inexplicably strange is, when did he offend a realm king out of thin air? And he is also the most mysterious summer master in the exchange.

Knowing that the other party was the queen of the world, Yang Qingxuan didn't bother to fight again, but under the shaking of his figure, a green sword aura shot out.

The powerful sword intent spread.

Under the entire sky, it immediately turned into a boundless wasteland, the sky was dark and the moon was dark and the wind was high, countless ghosts neighed out, and the whole surrounding was like a grave in the underworld.

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