Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1656: Abi ghost domain, thirty-six methods

Gui Zun sneered and said, "It's just a realm king, pretend to be a god, and make a ghost."

As he said, Hyakki Yexing appeared in his hand, and the dark sword body was shining with bloodthirsty rays, and under the scream of thousands of fierce ghosts, a sword shot out.

The huge sword light runs through the world, straight into the ink cloud.


The sword light shook away, wrapped in a powerful storm, and blew around. The entire ink cloud was stirred and broken, and then dissipated under the aftermath of energy.

The cold light shining from the Five Aggregate Trees was flashed by the cold cold light.

Within the cold light, there was a bronze bell of soul-calling, and the ghost banners spread out in the sky, and the ghosts inside were lingering, and hundreds of ghosts were crying.

The green fire in Gui Zun's eyes lit up, and he was excited about ecstasy, and shouted, "One Hundred Soul Banner!"

With a little bit of sword qi in his hand, Baigui Yexing flew down on his arm and melted into it as soon as it sank.

Gui Zun yelled again, his body swelled more than doubled, and he raised his hand to cut his sword down.

A fierce ghost gas poured out from under the palm, piercing through the cold color.

At this moment, his arm is the holy sword.


A shocked voice came from the ghost flag, and then a figure appeared, it was Mao Tu, who shot out two gloomy cold rays on his ghostly face.

The two of them had the same temperament, both of them were practicing ghosts.

At this moment, when the trick is displayed, the world is transformed into a ghost domain, like entering the nose.

"Don't be rampant!"

Mao Tu jumped, his five fingers turned his claws in his hand, and he hit the sword energy.


A piece of faint green light scattered, shocked into the flag, a hundred ghosts howled, screams hovering between the sky and the earth, and those who heard it changed color.

"The ghost flags can be divided into several levels according to the number of souls absorbed and their strengths. Ten soul flags, hundred soul flags, thousand soul flags, and ten soul flags. The former is not uncommon, and the ten soul flags are considered good things. . And the one in your kid’s hand is actually the One Million Soul Banner, which is extremely rare in the real ghost realm, hahahaha!"

Under the ghostly laughter, he already appeared in the banner, his green eyes swept over the souls of the ups and downs of the nose hell, sticking out his long tongue, licking his lips, and swallowing desperately, unable to restrain his heart. Strong desire.

Mao Tu said in horror, "Who are you? Why have you never heard of you in this world?"

Gui Zun grinned and said: "This world is in my eyes, what is it? Do I need to be named in this world? Thank you for sending me a hundred million soul flags, and your good soul. Smiled!"

Gui Zun's figure shook, he used a sword in his right hand, and cut to Mao Tu.

Jianguang shuttled across the ghost flags, completely suppressing Baigui and Maotu.

Mao Tu was shocked in his heart, his own hundred million soul banners have never been disadvantaged, and ordinary realm kings were trapped in it, and they all died forever.

This is also the fundamental reason why the Mao family has been standing in the twenty-four family and will not fall for many years.

Among the few people in the realm kings of the same rank that everyone didn't want to meet, Mao Tu was impressive.

But at this moment, the Billion Soul Banner was completely ineffective, and the appearance of the Abi Ghost Domain actually made the other party extremely excited.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two of them fought a hundred and eighty moves in an instant.

In addition to the red water formation on the top of the mountain, there is also a double-flag enchantment with the Wuji Xinghuang Yellow Flag and the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag. Although the aftermath of the ghastly spirit is strong, after passing through the three barriers, there is not much left, and it has no effect on everyone.

On the contrary, there was a shocking voice from a large group of warriors on all sides of the void.

The battle between the two realm kings before him was full of fear and disbelief.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Master Kagura, please help the ghost zun. At this moment, the situation is changeable, so it is the best to clean up the Mao Tu as soon as possible."

Kagura nodded and held the void with both hands slightly, and a string condensed between the void and the reality appeared in the palm of the hand, emitting a colorful glow.

Kagura pressed lightly, and the sound of killing trembled.

Countless sound waves gathered from all directions, all under this move.

The murderous breath loomed at the fingertips.

When Kagura's fingers were loosened, the murderous aura and sound waves instantly turned into substance, shot out from the strings, and smashed into the void.

Mao Tu's face changed drastically, but he was taken aback.

I saw that Qin Yin turned in the air, not hitting him, but cutting in another direction.

Under the brilliance of the colorful string sound, there was a sudden condensation of scarlet blood in front of him, turning into a **** scab-like barrier.


The **** scab-like barrier was shattered with that rainbow light and sharp blade, and shattered into a sky full of brilliance.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and under his fiery eyes, he could see who had come.

A figure slowly condensed from the surplus of energy, wearing a brown robe all over, with features like cast iron, with vertical pupils staring at Kagura gloomily, with a hoarse voice: "Kagura, you can go to death today! "

Kagura smiled slightly and said, "Master Qi Lian, you were deceived by Han Guang. These five aggregate trees are just martial spirits and cannot restore your strength."

Qi Lian said solemnly: "The soul of the five-aggregate tree can also obtain the same effects as the five-aggregate tree by using the secret method. Just cultivate this human being into a tree corpse."

Kagura and Yang Qingxuan changed their faces at the same time, and both frowned slightly, as if they could not understand what this tree corpse was.

Qi Lian raised his eyebrows, his expression a bit proud and contented, and said: "Can you understand the magical power of Tiangang 36 spells of the canopy water magical power?"

Kamura said, "Then there is nothing to say."

Qi Lian's murderous aura was overwhelming, and he said coldly: "Yes, you can just go to death!" Under the pinch in his hand, a five-colored thunder light burst out all over his body, crackling.

"Hell of Thunder!"

The entire sky was agitated by thunderclouds, and countless bowls of thick-mouthed Razers shot down from the sky, thousands of them.

Kagura's eyes moved slightly, and he muttered to himself: "The "Mastering the Five Thunders" in the Thirty-Six Law..."

With both hands strumming in the void, a sound of the piano shook, and the sluggish sound came out, and it reverberated through the world in an instant, and the infinite brilliance rose up and condensed into a colorful dome above.

The brilliance flowed above the dome, sending out a strong air of suppression.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless lightning strikes down, and the entire dome continues to vibrate, as if bathing in a thunderstorm, bursting energy continues to spread.

And a lot of energy was bounced off by the seven-color dome, turning into a piano sound and sharp arrows rushing towards Qilian.

The martial arts in all directions were all panicked.

Once the realm king shot, it was the power to destroy the sky and the earth.

The thunder and the sound of the piano continue to fluctuate alternately, as if playing a peerless divine comedy.

The range of the battle reached a thousand feet in an instant, the space was constantly destroyed and suppressed, and the energy was constantly exploding and being constantly reflected.

Among the world-destroying aura and the splendid brilliance, the two of them could not be seen clearly, only the aftermath that shook the world.

At the same time, Wu Xiu, who flew from all directions, started to rush into the red water array after a brief shock.

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