Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1662: The saints are unkind, the strong are sympathetic

The entire mountain range has been completely leveled, and there are countless deep and shallow pits on the earth, and the surface has sunk hundreds of feet.

The soul shadow of the Five Aggregate Trees was still swaying slightly on the sky, but the light was dim, in the dark.

Slowly it faded, and finally dissipated between heaven and earth.

The brilliance on Qin Zhen's face was lost at once, becoming as white as paper.

Yang Qingxuan jumped down and came to Qin Zhen's side, held him, and said with concern: "Teacher, how are you now?"

Qin Zhen smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, it's just that it consumes too much. Wuhun will no longer eat me back."

Yang Qingxuan said: "That's good. Let's go back to Dreamling City, meet the dean and them, and then discuss the next plan. Now that the news of the birth of the Five Aggregate Tree is confirmed, I am afraid that there will be troubles. ."

Although this battle was won, it was a miserable victory. The Milong clan died of two real-world experts, more than ten of the True Star Alliance forces, only three of them are still alive. Wu Qiyue and others were all wounded.

Yang Qingxuan comforted An Qiluo, saying: "The deceased is dead, I'm sorry."

The Milong clan, after the sky has changed drastically, and now, there are only four people left, all with sad faces.

An Qiluo smiled suddenly and said, "It's okay. It is their long-cherished wish to be able to fight for Lord Holy Spirit. Now that they have done it, we should be happy for them."

Yang Qingxuan trembled, and he owed too much to the Milong clan. In the future, he must protect them, and he must not let the Milong clan disappear completely.

At the moment, after the deceased was cremated, the group turned into a escape and flew into the city of Dreamling.

Only then did Yang Qingxuan discover that the energy fluctuations in the battle of the Tian Cong Martial Arts Hall had already swept the Dream Spirit City. Fortunately, the defensive enchantment was carried down under the insistence of Wu Xiu in the city, so it did not cause much loss. However, the people in the city were alarmed and desperately fleeing through the teleportation array.

When Yang Qingxuan and others entered the city, there was a disorder inside, and a large number of people ran around like headless flies.

Yang Qingxuan used sonic martial arts and shouted: "Don't panic, everyone. The riot was caused by the star palace. It has been smoothed under the suppression of the Star Alliance. There will be nothing wrong. Please feel free to go home."

Qin Zhen and the others were speechless for a while, and they really didn't miss any chance to strike Xing Gong.

Immediately, a blockbuster warrior flew in and confirmed the news to Yang Qingxuan and others.

After getting confirmation, Wuxiu in the city began to organize spontaneously to maintain order, shut down the teleportation array, and ordered everyone to go home.

Yang Qingxuan sighed and said: "The gods fight, and the mortals suffer. Not to mention the terrible existence of the realm king, even if it is the Taoist realm and the heaven, the mortals nearby will suffer."

Qin Zhenruo pointedly said: "Remember a lesson from the past? I said that the world is not benevolent and all things are used as minions, the saints are not benevolent and the people are minions. The strong live in the world of the strong, and the weak live in the weak. In this world, people in the two worlds are in fact two kinds of people. What we usually call'sympathy' requires the same'same' to have'sentiment'. Now they are all different, where is the'sympathy' '?"

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fists solemnly and said: "Students have been taught, this is the ants under the realm king."

Qin Zhen nodded and said: "There are ants under the realm king, all ants under the realm, and all ants under the heaven. In the final analysis, the weak are like ants. Without strength, they have to bear the fate of the weak. And this fate, It is to be slaughtered."

Yang Qingxuan and others were silent.

Everyone understood this early, but it sounded more cruel at the moment.

Soon after, Qing did not leave the people waiting for the martial arts hall, and followed Yang Qingxuan's voice to find it.

The group was temporarily settling on the site of the martial arts hall in the city, discussing the next step.

In a chic and bright hall, everyone sat down one after another.

Qing Buli and Yang Qingxuan sat at the head, the members of the Zhengxing League, such as Shenle and Shi Yuyan, sat under Yang Qingxuan's head, while Lu Jiangpeng, Qin Zhen and others sat at Qing Buli's head.

Qing Buli asked: "Qin Zhen, what's the matter with your martial soul? In the college for so many years, I have never seen you show it."

Qin Zhen's face is still a little pale now, he smiled bitterly, and sighed: "I didn't expect it to be a five-aggregate tree. In fact, there is nothing to say. I always thought that my martial soul was an ordinary tree. It's not necessary to avoid being criticized, so it has never been shown."

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

Everyone understands Qin Zhen's concerns. Wuhun is the essence of a warrior. If you expose it at will, it is ridiculous. What's more serious is that it gives the enemy a chance to understand you.

Therefore, Qin Zhen simply closed the martial arts soul, making people unaware, but giving people a mysterious and profound sense.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Teacher got a blessing in disguise. This is also God's will. Now that the Five Aggregate Tree is born, the world will soon be known. I wonder what the teacher plans to do next?

Qin Zhen pondered for a while, and slowly said, "My five-aggregate tree is just the soul of the tree. Although it can also produce five-aggregate fruits, it consumes a lot of itself and is not that simple. The reason why it was able to bear fruit just now, It's because Qingxuan you gave me a fruit. I transferred the undigested power of the fruit to the tree soul, and solidified it again. So the fruit is one size smaller than the one you gave me."

Yang Qingxuan said: "That's it."

Qin Zhen smiled slightly, but smiled somewhat reluctantly, and said: "As for the next plan, I haven't thought about it yet, but looking at Qingxuan, you seem to have thought about it for me?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled awkwardly and said, "As expected of the teacher."

Wu Qiyue pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Let me speak for him. With the strength of the martial arts hall and the teacher, it would be extremely difficult to block the prying eyes of the world. Why don't you follow us to the Zhengxing League."

Qing Buli exchanged glances with Lu Jiangpeng and the others, their expressions were calm, and suddenly all of them burst into laughter, making Wu Qiyue a little baffling.

Wu Qiyue's cheeks were red, and said, "Master Dean, what are you laughing at?"

Qing Buli smiled and said, "In fact, we discussed it early in the morning. It is no longer a way to stay in Dream City. For the safety of the martial arts students, I have discussed with several elders to see if we can go to Zhengxing. Staying in the league temporarily, I'm afraid of causing you trouble, so I don't know how to speak."

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed, stood up, clasped his fists, and said to the elders, "It is so good. With the power of the dean and the elders, you can continuously cultivate talents for the Zhengxing League."

Qing Buli stroked his beard, looked at Yang Qingxuan with scorching eyes, and said, "We have a way to cultivate talents. It's just that we can grow people for ten years and a hundred years, and I am afraid that it will not help the Star Alliance. Struggle, do you have to fall into a protracted war?"

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