Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1669: Fight to the death, spirit tribe

Thirteen figures instantly surrounded them, surrounding the seven people.

Saiyunke mocked: "Things that do not live or die, have you forgotten that I have a magic mirror?"

Saiyunke stared at the leader, and sneered: "Wu Kai, as the leader of a faction, you are actually willing to be a kid in the Star Alliance, and you are sent to be cannon fodder. Hey, I don't know what you think. Master Dongzhen still appreciates you very much. As long as you take the sect to trust and dedicate this black-robed man, you can leave everything in the past."

There were seven people who were surrounded, all of their faces changed. One of them was wrapped in a black robe, and there was no sign of it. However, under the siege of the thirteen people in the Star Palace, the robe fluttered and seemed extremely nervous.

Wu Kai sternly shouted: "Dong Zhen, as the three immortals and two elders, knows that exterminating the law is a fake emperor, but he is willing to work for him and become a running dog. How can such a person be worthy of Wu Kai to return? It is also heavier than Mount Tai. And you will die under the great wheel of history in the future and be carried on the pillar of shame of the human race!"

Saiyunke was furious, put away the treasure mirror, made a beheading gesture, and shouted: "Leave the black-robed man, and kill the rest!"

Wu Kai shouted: "Brothers of Lie Sect, fight to the death!"

The six of them all looked miserable.

In the previous battles, they had all suffered injuries of varying degrees. At this moment, they were surrounded by 13 people from the other side.

At the moment Wu Kai gave up and surrendered, the other five knew that they were going to sacrifice their lives today, and their eyes showed their attachment to life and determination to die.

Suddenly, Wu Kai swung his broad sword and slashed it at Saiyunke, a brilliant radiance burst out from his body, and countless runes were released from his dantian.

A breath of fear shrouded everyone in an instant.

Wu Kai shouted: "Brothers! Run away!"

He was actually going to blew himself up to stop the people of the Star Palace, and fight for the first line of life for his sect brother.


Several other people shouted in grief.

Saiyunke angrily said: "Damn it!"

As he said, with a shot with his right hand, the phantom mirror appeared again, zooming in several times in front of him, like a light shield.


Wu Kai's big sword slashed on the shield, and the lake-like luster exploded a lot of cracks, but it did not hit the mirror itself.

And those cracks continued to recover in an instant.

Wu Kai was horrified and looked down at his dantian suddenly. He had already triggered a self-destruction, but why did it stop suddenly?

There was a strange force in his body, completely suppressing his self-destructive force.

Wu Kai said in horror: "Saiyunke, your strength is already..."

Saiyunke received the phantom mirror and sullenly shouted: "If you fight against my star palace, how can you end up well? Go and die!" He snapped it with a palm.

Suddenly the palm wind enveloped the area, as if the sky was overwhelming.

The other twelve people also shot one after another, killing several people from Lie Shao Sect.

But in an instant, everyone's movements slowed down, and all kinds of shocked, puzzled, and scared expressions appeared on their faces.

Saiyunke's eyelids suddenly twitched, and in the corner of his eye, a few figures dangled, on the stone pillar on one side.

There were a total of eight people, each standing on a pillar, without any sound. They didn't know how they appeared, all of them expressionless, even looking at them with a cold face.


Saiyunke was startled, and hurriedly retracted his palm, stepped back and stared at the eight people and shouted, "Who are you?"

The seven members of Lie Shazong and the thirteen members of Xinggong were separated immediately, and they all looked at the sudden appearance of the eight people in alert and shock.

Scanning the divine consciousness, it was found that several of them couldn't see through their cultivation bases at all, and couldn't help being shocked.

Wu Kai stared at the man on a stone pillar and suddenly exclaimed: "Master Fu Haifeng!" His face was suddenly full of joy.

At the same time, he immediately understood that it was not Saiyunke who prevented him from exploding just now, but the eight people in front of him.

And to Wu Kai's shock, Fu Haifeng just smiled at him, as if everything was headed by the young man in front.

The man is only in his early twenties, and the aura on his body is far less powerful than that of Fu Haifeng. Who is it, and how can he be the first?

Wu Kai looked carefully, his whole body shook violently, and he cried out: "Yang Qing...Yang...Yang...Leader!"

"No! It's a member of the Zhengxing League!"

Saiyunke suddenly changed his face, turned around and fled, even his companions ignored.

A feeling of extreme anxiety spread inside.

He also recognized Fu Haifeng as the Deputy Sect Master of Daluo Xianshan, the powerhouse of the Two Star Realm King. This one person alone is enough to destroy all 13 of his own.

It seems that these people in front of them are not headed by Fu Haifeng, so the unusually familiar face in front is...

Hearing Wu Kai yelling "Leader", he immediately sat down to realise his inner guess, was so frightened, and hurriedly fled.

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "You are right. If you are against my Zhengxing League, how can you end up well? Leave them all for me!"


After a word of it, Fu Haifeng, Kagura, An Qiluo and others immediately took action, and immediately injured the 13 people in Xinggong, vomiting blood one by one, all of them frightened.

Wu Kai felt a sense of ecstasy for the rest of his life. He hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, respectfully saying: "Lieutenant Sect Wu Kai, led the five people of the same family, met the leader, the lord of the people!"

"You are Welcome."

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly stepped forward, flicking his sleeves lightly, and lifted up all the members of Lie Shao Zong.

Wu Kai was secretly shocked. At such a young age, the leader was originally worried that his cultivation level was not enough to gather the people of the Zhengxing League. Now it seems that it is at least the degree of truthfulness, plus the help of Wu Xian and Shi Yan to maintain The cohesion of the Star Alliance should not be a big problem.

With a flash of golden light in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, he could see the face of the man in the black robe, and said in surprise: "Spirit race?"

The black-robed man shook his whole body and took a few steps back, seeming to want to escape, but he didn't dare.

Yang Qingxuan asked Wu Kai, "What's the matter?"

Wu Kai hurriedly said: "Leader, this is still in the scope of the Star Palace, let's leave this place first, and then slowly elaborate?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Also."

With a wave of his hand, he sacrificed the great gourd of heaven and earth, and collected all the thirteen people including Saiyunke. Then he sacrificed Xiao Wanlei's magneto-optical disk, carrying Wu Kai and others, and disappeared in place.

After a while, on the wasteland not far away from the stone forest, thunder light shot down, transforming Yang Qingxuan and others.

Wu Kai was shocked in his heart. With his eyesight, he naturally saw that the object of thunder sacrifice was Lei's Xiao Wanlei magneto-optical disc.

Yang Qingxuan said: "This should not belong to the scope of the Star Palace."

Wu Kai looked around for a few times, clasped his fist and said, "I have already left the scope of the Star Palace. Rong's subordinate will report the matter to the leader."

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