Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1680: Not an enemy or friend, a fun place

Over the middle section of the Lunar Mountains.

The sky was beaten to pieces, but it was calm. Except for the flowing air, there was no sound.

Thousands of people of the spirit race are all excited and gathered at the side of the spirit king.

The streamer flashed in the void, and Yang Qingxuan and other members of the Right Star Alliance walked out one by one.

There are two thousand people together.

However, Yang Qingxuan and the few realm kings both had serious expressions. After a brief exchange of glances, they all looked at the void somewhere, showing vigilance.

It was at this space node that eight realm kings just escaped and ran away lifelessly.

It can be inferred that these eight realm kings must have been ambushing here before the Star Palace, and they all fled without knowing what happened.

Yang Qingxuan's scalp is a little numb, what kind of a terrible thing is the existence that can make the eight realm kings run away?

Wu Yun said: "The eight people just now are indeed the top powerhouses in the Star Palace. But Dongzhen is not seen."

Suddenly Yang Qingxuan thought, and the sound transmission said: "Could the cave really have been... planted in it?"

Wu Yun was taken aback, and then smiled bitterly: "How can there be such a good thing in the world. Moreover, in the world, who can have the ability to let a six-star realm king be silently planted?"

Yang Qingxuan thinks about it, and feels that he is whimsical.

Yang Qingxuan took out the Halberd Tianxu Ruins and gestured to everyone to disperse, all under the Realm King retreated ten miles away.

The powerful world king formed a circle around Qianzhang, blocking the entire space node.

Then the halberd swept into the air.

A bright phantom light flicked across the sky, like a zipper, pulling the sky apart.

Looking into the endless void, it was pitch black, and there was nothing but the eternal silence.

The spirit king and others frowned, but their hearts were loosened, and their palms were full of cold sweat.

Wu Yun said solemnly: "Go away."

Yang Qingxuan looked into the void with fiery eyes, but couldn't see anything.

Spirit King said: "I don't know what happened, is it an enemy or a friend?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Neither enemy nor friend."

Ling Wang and Wu Yun were both taken aback, and asked in unison: "How do you know?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "If it is an enemy, can we still stand here so peacefully? If it is a friend, at least there will be fighting spread out. Even if the eight realm kings escape, at least some arms must be left in the void. Heads, corpses, etc?"

When everyone heard it and thought about it, they all felt reasonable.

The Spirit King worried: "If you are not an enemy or a friend, why do you suddenly appear here? Is it because of the Taiyin Mountains?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's very possible."

He pondered, and then said: "Our scope of cooperation is only to deal with people in the star palace. If there are enemies outside the star palace, it will not be in the scope of cooperation."

The spirit king was furious, but soon calmed down.

If it was him, he would make the same choice.

Now it is very likely that the Taiyin Mountain Range is being watched by a more terrifying existence, and the spirit king's heart is agitated and restless, and his face is gloomy.

Yang Qingxuan grinned suddenly, showing Bai Sen's teeth, and said with a smile: "If there are new enemies, we can reconsider the cooperation conditions, things are not static."

The spirit king's heart trembled, as if seeing all kinds of extortion coming one after another.

But he was relieved.

As long as the Taiyin Mountains can be preserved and the Soul Guarding or Soul Guarding Technique can be found, even if the price is high, the Spirit Race will be willing.

The Spirit King snorted and did not express his position, but his expression was much lighter.

The Spirit King turned around and asked, "Le Ming, why are you trapped in this mountain range? Did the survey find it?"

Le Ming hurriedly said: "There are indeed some discoveries in this mountain range. There are a large number of geodes, which should be the place where the ancestors can sit and transform one by one. And many geodes are connected by channels. After surveying, I feel It seems...someone has been in."

Le Ming paused, seemingly uncertain, but he still spoke out his inner guess.

"Someone has been in?"

The spirit king's face changed drastically, and he said anxiously: "Where is the passage? Let's go down and search!"

Leming immediately led the way.

Yang Qingxuan ordered the people of the Star Alliance to immediately return to the void town to guard. After all, the passage in the mountain range is narrow and it is difficult to accommodate thousands of people.

The Spirit King also asked the tribe to follow the members of the Zhengxing League, leaving only three realm kings to protect the law.

Yang Qingxuan left Wu Yun and other five realm kings here.

The two factions combined, a total of ten people, immediately followed Le Ming and flew down to the central mountain range.


Somewhere in the void, a shadow dressed in a black robe flew forward.

The robe is hunting and hunting on the side, embroidered with gold silk moire, and there is a vaguely "xuan" character on the chest.

The man ran for a while, suddenly stopped, and shot down his hood-with a cold gaze, flashing like lightning in the dark night.

The darkness was restored under the hood.

I saw in the front, I don't know how long the space was apart, there was a slender shadow standing with his back facing him.

The shadow suddenly turned around, revealing a clear and resolute face, his eyes were like a deep cold pool, with waves, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight smile.

"Lord Earthman, pretend to be me, is this not so good?"

The black robe with the word "Xuan" made a loud noise in the void.

It seems that there is endless wind swirling around, just like the mood of the earth.

"Xuan" slowly changes into the word "地".

"Xuan Tianji!"

The earth's eyes flashed, shooting out two cold lights, staring at the man in front, there was a trace of dread.

Xuantianji smiled and said, "We are both members of the organization, so we should have the same morality and same heart. But you pretended to be me and beat people, and bad my reputation."

The lander raised his foot and stepped forward.

With just a simple action, the whole person is constantly changing in the void, and countless spaces overlap and open, and go back like the wind.

The distance between him and Xuantian Ji was close at hand for a while and far away in the world.

The two eyes faced each other, but they couldn't capture the distance between them.

"You led me to this place, and still have the face to say that I pretended to be you?" The lander sneered: "Do you want to suppress me here?"

Xuantianji hugged his hands in front of him, and smiled: "I just found this interesting place, so the sir who invited the land to come and enjoy together."

"interesting place?"

The earth-bearer's eyes flickered, looking at the void on all sides, suddenly trembled all over, and cried out, "This is...!"

Under the hood, a pair of clear and bright eyes turned, full of shock.

Eyes stretched out, countless ripples vibrated.

The shoulders of the earth-bearer couldn't help trembling slightly.

Xuantianji looked at him with interest, and chuckled: "The memory of Lord Earthman is still great."

The murderous aura suddenly exploded on the lander, and an aura of destroying the heavens and the earth was crushed in essence, and a cold voice that penetrated the hearts of the people sounded in the murderous aura, "Xuan Tianji, you already know my identity! "

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