Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1701: Ningjia, goodbye Zhiting

"Is this the Ning's house?"

Yang Qingxuan looked at the world in front of him. On the endless plain, there were a large number of silver-white buildings scattered.

In the middle of the plain, there is a mountain that directly leads to the sky.

The abundant spiritual energy is like white mist, dispersing between the sky and floating on the earth.

"Is this the place where my mother was born?"

Yang Qingxuan stood quietly in the sky, expressionless, but there were ripples in the depths of his eyes.

"Who! Dare to trespass into Ning's house! Don't you want to die?!"

With a cold shout, Yang Qingxuan's gaze was immediately pulled back, and in an instant he was locked by several divine senses.

In the upper and lower sides of the surrounding space, a total of eight warriors appeared, surrounded by them, all with silver armor and long swords, with fierce expressions on their faces.

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fist and said, "In the Xiazheng Star League, Yang Qingxuan, I came to visit Patriarch of the Ning family. This is a token given to me by the Patriarch of the Ning family."

After speaking, he took out the jade pendant and spread it in his hands.

A middle-aged warrior shouted: "What Zhengxing League Yang Qingxuan! I have never heard of it. Patriarch token, precious and unusual, how can it be in the hands of a hairy boy! Hurry up and catch it, and honestly explain the purpose!"

Yang Qingxuan patiently said, "This is really a token of the Patriarch, please take a look at it. As for the purpose, it is to see the Patriarch."

Another martial artist said: "Captain, don't talk nonsense with this kid, take him down first, and see if he dares not be honest!"

The captain shouted: "Take it!"

After a while, all eight had a black nose, a swollen face, a broken sword, a burst of armor, and their faces full of horror.

Yang Qingxuan handed over the jade pendant again and said, "I really came to see the Ning family Patriarch."

The captain took Yu Pei tremblingly, looked around, and said in surprise: "Your Excellency really came to see the Patriarch? This token is indeed true!"

Yang Qingxuan made a gesture of invitation and said, "Please also ask the adults to lead the way."

The captain hurriedly waved his hand and said, "My lord dare not be, please come with me, please."

He ordered the other seven people to stay in the void, and he took Yang Qingxuan and flew to the huge mountain.

On the mountain peaks, there are countless huge trees growing tall and straight.

Large buildings scattered among the mountains and forests, Yang Qingxuan's eyes turned around and he had a panoramic view, with a total of 81.

The team leader took Yang Qingxuan to a side hall, settled down in the living room, and said: "I'm going to notify the master of the house."

As he said, he bowed back.

Yang Qingxuan nodded gently, took a few sips of tea from the case, and immediately spread the coolness into the limbs and veins, which was extremely comfortable.

Before long, a familiar voice came, "Cousin, cousin, you are here!"

Yang Qingxuan stood up immediately and looked out of the hall. With a flash of yellowish color, Ning Zhiting had already appeared at the door with joy and joy and walked in.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Cousin."

Ning Zhiting leaped over, the joy on her face suddenly condensed, and she shouted in shock: "You, your cultivation base..."

Ning Zhiting pinched her hands with her hands in front of her, her eyes flickered, as if she had transformed into a layer of aura, like two gems.

Actually directly used the spiritual eye and supernatural power to spy.

Yang Qingxuan smiled faintly, let go of his cultivation, and let him investigate.


Ning Zhiting swallowed with difficulty, put away her spiritual eyes and supernatural powers, and said in disbelief: "Keeping true Dzogchen... Turns out to be the perfect Dzogchen..."

Yang Qingxuan said, "It's just a coincidence."

Ning Zhiting smiled bitterly and said, "How can this be explained by coincidence."

After losing to Yang Qingxuan in the battle of Lunwu in the sky, Ning Zhiting has been practicing hard in retreat and has made rapid progress. Just hearing Yang Qingxuan's arrival, in ecstasy, there was still a trace of contending heart, wanting to fight again.

At this moment, the whole person is in a bad condition, and it is a little too slow.

Seeing her appearance, Yang Qingxuan laughed and hid the cultivation base without revealing the slightest breath.

Ning Zhiting came back to her senses, shook her head with a wry smile, and said, "Monster."

The obsession of the battle in his heart also disappeared, no more.

Ning Zhiting asked: "Your kid still knows that you are coming back, but grandpa always thinks of you. Although your surname is Yang, we all treat you as Ning family members."

Yang Qingxuan felt warm, and said softly: "My cousin and grandpa are worried. I am here this time and I am going to see grandpa."

Ning Zhiting said: "It's not a coincidence that Grandpa is in retreat. But I have asked Dad to inform Grandpa. If it is something else, we would not dare to disturb the retreat. But Grandpa will definitely not blame you for your business."

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "Why is this not a coincidence."

"Cousin, cousin!"

Outside the hall, there was a soft and pleasant voice.

Yang Qingxuan watched. In front of the hall, there was a girl in a pink dress standing with white skin and stunning eyebrows. She shook her figure and reached the center of the hall.

Outside the hall, there was another slender and handsome figure, stepping in from outside the hall.

Yang Qingxuan looked down at this person and felt a bit familiar with his looks, sturdy features, and his flying sword eyebrows.

The beautiful girl took Ning Zhiting's hand and looked at Yang Qingxuan carefully with her big eyes, full of curiosity, joy, and a hint of timidity.

Ning Zhiting twisted the girl's face and smiled: "You got the news so soon? Let me introduce it."

He said, pointing to Yang Qingxuan, and said to the girl: "This is your Aunt Qingyao's son, Yang Qingxuan. The son of the previous generation emperor Yang Yunjing, is also the number one in this session of the Cangqiong Lunwu. My cousin is defeated by him. Hands."

The girl gave a surprised expression, "Wow! That's amazing."

Ning Zhiting introduced the girl to Yang Qingxuan again, saying: "This is the daughter of your mother's sister Ning Qingyu, Qian Qian. The daughter of the contemporary patron of a thousand families."

Yang Qingxuan's heart was shocked. Thousands of surnames are extremely rare. Is it related to Qianchengjue?

Right now politely clasped his fist and said, "It turns out to be cousin Qianqian."

Qian Qian also saluted, with bright eyes in his eyes, staring at Yang Qingxuan with admiration: "Cousin Qingxuan is so powerful, he actually won the first prize in the sky, I am so envious."


The somewhat familiar young man behind Qian Qian's face was extremely bad, and he gave a cold snort, his chin slightly raised, revealing an obvious disdainful and proud appearance.

Ning Zhiting looked at the young man and snorted slightly. She didn't seem to like this person, but she politely introduced: "This is Ning Xingze. His grandfather is the elder of the family." After a pause, He said again: "The last time you met Ning Jingshan was his own brother."

Yang Qingxuan was surprised at this, why is this person familiar.

When I first met Ning Hongru, three juniors who were not long-eyed were repaired by himself. One of them was Ning Zhengqing, the son of his own uncle's uncle, and there were two others.

It turns out that this man is one of the elder brothers.

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