Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1706: Qualification test makes things difficult

Yang Qingxuan was full of black threads. He was here to form an alliance. How could he feel that he had fallen into the wolf's den, but he couldn't bear to let the child catch the wolf.

Yang Qingxuan said sternly: "The entire Taiyin Mountain Range has been returned to the Righteous Star Alliance. I have some immortal jade brought back from Tianhe in my hand, but regardless of the quality and quantity, it is far less than what the Taiyin Mountain Range can get. Alliance, the fairy jade is naturally enough."

Ning Qingyu couldn't help but want to laugh.

Ning Hongru also smiled bitterly, this is too good to talk, and circled back to his head. And it directly indicated that the Taiyin Mountains belonged to the True Star Alliance, not his. If you want fairy jade, you can use it endlessly if you join the Star Alliance.

"Ahem, joining the Zhengxing League, this matter is too relevant, and it is not in line with the Ning family rules, it is very difficult."

Ning Hongru coughed twice.

On the contrary, Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed, saying: "It's difficult? It means, it's not impossible?"

Ning Hongru said: "I can't do anything about this. A meeting of elders is to be held, but the chances of passing a resolution are extremely low."

Ning Qingyu said: "There are seven elders who have seven voting rights. As the patriarch, his father has two voting rights. However, besides me, the other six elders will not approve of joining the Zhengxing League. of."

Ning Qingyu is also one of the elders.

Ning Hongru said: "With me, there are only three votes. And... to be honest, even I don't agree with joining the Star Alliance."

Yang Qingxuan said anxiously: "Grandpa, the world is in chaos, and the orthodoxy of the human race is at stake. Everyone in our race has the responsibility to support the great cause and keep our dominance. If the human race declines and the hundreds of races rise, the hidden family will never hide. It's over. How can it be our turn in this great treasure land of Lingshan, the space of Sumeru mustard seeds?"

Ning Hongru was slightly moved.

Obviously Yang Qingxuan's words are correct.

The rise of the human race only started from the present and ancient times, and it has not been many years in the history of the entire sky star field.

Prior to this, they were all in one corner, and the road was blue.

Once the human race really weakens, these great rivers and mountains resources will really be given away.

Ning Hongru said: "It is not impossible to pass a resolution in the clan."

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "What is the solution?"

Ning Qingyu frowned slightly, revealing a look of doubt, suddenly his face changed drastically, and exclaimed: "Father! Do you mean the qualification test?!"

Ning Hongru nodded and said, "Apart from this, what else can be done?"

Ning Qingyu smiled bitterly: "It's just, how could Qingxuan pass it."

Ning Hongru said: "If he can't get through, then I have nothing to do. At most, all the elders are called directly to vote. But the result of the vote is self-evident."

Yang Qingxuan said: "What is the qualification test? There are ways, no matter what, I have to try it."

Ning Qingyu said: "The ancestors of the Ning family have a ‘qualification test’ rule. As long as a member of the clan can complete all of it, they can put forward conditions to the clan. As long as the survival of the clan is not endangered, it must be agreed."

Yang Qingxuan said: "That must be difficult, right?"

Ning Qingyu smiled bitterly and said: "It's more difficult. Since the Ning family retired from Xingluo, only two of them have completed the test. The first one is a long time ago, not to mention it. The second one is your mother."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "My mother? What conditions did she put forward when she completed the test?"

Ning Qingyu and Ning Hongru looked at each other, both eyes were dim.

Ning Hongru sighed: "I shouldn't have asked her to test it, otherwise there would be no disaster today."

Ning Qingyu said, "This is the path my sister chose. I have never regretted it. I don't need to sigh." She looked at Yang Qingxuan and said, "Your mother had a marriage contract with Cheng Jue of Qianjia since she was a child. She passed the test. , He made a request and cancelled the marriage contract."

Yang Qingxuan opened his mouth wide in surprise and stayed there.

Unexpectedly, Qiancheng Jue was so sad.

I couldn't help asking: "What happened later? Qianchengjue must be unwilling, right?"

Ning Qingyu said: "More than reconciliation. Qian Chengjue is a peerless genius of that generation. He met your father in a test, but he failed. Later I heard that he tried to look for your father many times and he never won. In the end, his whereabouts were unknown. "

Yang Qingxuan sighed in her heart. The so-called whereabouts are unknown, but she is already dead. It seems that the people of Qiancheng may not know the fall of Qianchengjue. Should we tell them about this?

Ning Hongru said angrily: "Yang Yunjing had better be dead, otherwise the old man would never let him go! The old man gave Qing Yao to him, but he caused Qing Yao to suffer, and now he is left in the void of the universe. Traced!"

Yang Qingxuan frowned slightly without saying a word.

Ning Qingyu sighed and said to Yang Qingxuan, "So if you want to pull the Ning family into the chariot of the Star Alliance, you must pass the test your mother passed that year."

Yang Qingxuan said calmly: "What kind of test, I am willing to try."


"What? Let Yang Qingxuan enter my Ning family ancestral temple to worship, no! He is Yang, not from my Ning family!"

At the top of the cyan mountain, inside a grand hall.

Many senior Ningjia leaders gathered together.

Grand Elder Ning Changli objected immediately, staring at Yang Qingxuan coldly, with a sneer and chill on his face.

Ning Qingyu's eyes were slightly cold, and said: "He is the son of my sister, why can't he enter the ancestral temple? Since the Ning family entered Xingluo, there have been many people with foreign surnames who have entered the ancestral temple."

Ning Changli said coldly: "There are a lot of them, but they are all directly related. If Ning Qingyao is here, I will definitely not object. But Ning Qingyao doesn't know his life or death, if Ning Qingyao is already dead, then he They can’t enter."

A dull expression appeared on Ning Qingyu's face, and she said coldly: "My sister's natal card has always been there, please keep your mouth clean!"

Ning Changli sneered: "Then you let Ning Qingyao come, let Ning Qingyao take him into the ancestral temple, I have no opinion at all."

Ning Qingyu said coldly: "My sister is not here, so my aunt will take him in."

Ning Changli sneered: "Haha, joke, are you his immediate family?

Yang Qingxuan remained silent and suddenly said, "Elder Changli, do you hate me for beating your grandsons Ning Xingze and Ning Jingshan, so you make things difficult for me?"

Ning Changli's face suddenly changed, and his eyes were gloomy like pig liver, and anger spurted from his eyes.

But it was the Ning family's high-level meeting at the moment, and he naturally suffered from inconvenience. He gave Yang Qingxuan a hard look and said, "Of course not! I just follow the rules."

The senior Ning family all looked at Yang Qingxuan, and curiously looked at the young man, the son of Ning Qingyao, the peerless genius of the Ning family.

It is said that this young man turned the outside world upside down.

They all secretly said in their hearts: Ning Qingyao and Yang Yunjing's son, it really is not easy.

Even Ning Xingze was not an enemy of one of these moves, it was hard to imagine.

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