Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1712: Beyond the disaster, come to the end


The flames swallowed and vomited like a poisonous snake, got into Yang Qingxuan's body, and sprayed out from other sores.

Every skin and meridian, every tissue of the body, including the internal organs, are scorched and burned by this flame.

Yang Qingxuan grinned in pain, this Eternal Tribulation Road is too terrible, right?

Is it true that there is no end, only the way to give up halfway?

Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes and looked for a direction in the flames.

At this moment, there was a sudden pain in his eyes, and big tears rolled down.

There is actually poisonous smoke in the fire.

The black gas billowed out of the fire, directly making his eyes red, painful and almost blind.


Yang Qingxuan's fingers trembled, trying to catch his eyes, but didn't dare.

The corpse poison on his body was all resolved under the high temperature, but the sores burned into black spots, which was much more serious than the poisoning.

Moreover, his eyes were smoked and his head was dizzy, Yang Qingxuan stood in the fire, suddenly bent down, and fell directly to the ground.

"No! If this goes on, you won't be able to pass the second level!"

"How did my mother get out of the high score of seventy-five?"

"This road to eternal calamity tests the potential of the warrior. It should be perseverance and Dao Xin. How could I lose!"

Yang Qingxuan suddenly understood in his heart, and climbed up from the ground little by little, trying to open his eyes to identify the direction.

Although the pain in his eyes was extremely painful, he did not blink.

Visibility is extremely low, but his eyes are extremely firm.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, the flames mixed with poisonous smoke, washing his eyes.

But the pain began to ease.

The line of sight in front of him gradually became clear, as if he could penetrate the entire sea of ​​fire and look towards the infinite shore.

Yang Qingxuan blinked his eyes, and suddenly shot out bright golden glow.

All flames disappeared little by little under this golden light.

The entire sea of ​​flames, temperature, poisonous smoke, and even the wounds and pains on one's body, all the signs of the law disappeared.

"this is……"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and delighted, and his eyes became clear about the recognition of the laws of heaven and earth and the rules.

The entire world of Eternal Tribulation was instantly seen through under the fiery eyes.

Heaven and earth return to Qingming.

Above the clouds and mist, there was a bridge, and he was on the bridge.

The so-called "eternal calamity" is just an inner illusion, just like this sea of ​​red dust and bitterness.

At the foot, it is just a bridge.


On the square, all the Ning family members quietly looked at the projection of the arch bridge, and Yang Qingxuan who was on the bridge quietly.

Void light can only project the truth inside the door, and cannot show the illusion of catastrophe that Yang Qingxuan has experienced.

Therefore, the long-term images are Yang Qingxuan standing there quietly, motionless.

"It's been two hours, is it over after only two steps?" Some people finally couldn't bear it, and began to whisper.

"Isn't it, he is a peerless genius who has cracked 96% of the towers of all things."

"You and I have experienced the road of eternal calamity. The calamities in it are not the same. If you encounter terrible calamities such as the Fire Sea Thunder Prison at the beginning, it is normal to take only two steps."

"If this is the case, it can only be said that he is out of luck."

Ning Hongru and the others watched quietly, but all the discussions around them came to their ears, and they couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Did it really encounter the most powerful catastrophes?

Is this kid so unlucky?

Qian Qian's big eyes suddenly lit up, and he exclaimed happily, "Moved! Cousin took another step!"

All the sounds stopped abruptly, and thousands of eyes looked at it.

Yang Qingxuan really took the third step.

Ning Hongru and Ning Qingyu looked at each other, they both breathed a sigh of relief, their palms covered with cold sweat. After waiting for so long, I thought Yang Qingxuan was really going to hang in the second level.

"Hehe, the speed is still okay, two more hours, two steps, hehehehe."

Ning Changli cried out in a weird voice, his face full of sarcasm.

From the perspective of the entire Ning family, this speed is slow.

Qian Qian said angrily: "Even if it's slower, what about it? Cousin is a peerless genius who has cracked the ninety-sixth percentile rule of things. This alone is enough to be recorded in the annals of history and famous all over the world."

Ning Zhiting said: "Yes. And the situation of my cousin's test is different from that of everyone else. Before, the value of the tower of all things structure jumped and jumped. Maybe it also jumped and jumped here, walk a few steps and stop."

"Hahahaha, a big joke!"

Ning Changli laughed wildly, and said sarcastically: "You give me a try? Jump, go, stop, cut!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Changli froze, his facial features zoomed in a little bit, looking at the projection in horror.

The people of Ning Changli faction all open their mouths.

All over the square was the sound of air-conditioning.

Qian Qian's eyes lighted up, and he said with joy: "Ah, cousin, you are so amazing. You guessed it. You really jumped!"

On the Bridge of Eternal Tribulation, after Yang Qingxuan took the third step, he did not stop, but continued to move forward, taking the fourth, fifth, and sixth steps...

Ning Zhiting was even more stupid, she was just talking nonsense, just like Ning Changli, how could she really jump?

All the members of the Ning family who were present had walked the road of eternal calamity and knew the specific situation inside.

Every level is a catastrophe.

Like a sea of ​​red dust and bitterness, eternal reincarnation, cannot be detached.

The so-called score is the length of time it has been supported and the number of disasters it has experienced.

No matter how strong the xinxing and Daoxin are, when it eventually becomes unsupported, it will be detached from the sea of ​​suffering, and the test will be over.

But at this moment, Yang Qingxuan was walking towards the other end of the road of eternal calamity without stopping.


Ning Qingyu said in surprise: "It's not a jump, he is...want to go straight to the end?"

"Walk to the end?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Isn't this the road to eternal calamity?

How can there be an end?

The figure of Yang Qingxuan on the bridge, after walking hundreds of steps, walked directly to the other side of the bridge under the eyes of everyone, and finally disappeared in a cloud of spiritual light.

The square was silent, all stupid.

Actually... is it over?

Ning Hongru was also full of black lines, feeling unreal.

From the time when the road of eternal calamity was erected in the Ning family, there has never been a situation where it has come to an end. Isn’t that 100% complete?

Just when everyone was dumbfounded.

The projection inside the door disappeared, and on the giant door, a slender figure slowly walked out, with a clear face and a light but confident smile, as if golden light flashed in his eyes, but it quickly converged and recovered. It was calm.

It is Yang Qingxuan.

Thousands of eyes looked at him in horror.

At the same time, those gazes moved up slightly, staring at the number displayed on the door: one hundred.

With a sound of "wow," the entire square was boiling.

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