Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1716: Absolute combat power

Qian Liuxi remembered his fight with Yang Qingxuan, took a peek at Qian Qian beside him, and couldn't help sighing inwardly.

In order to win over Yang Qingxuan, even Qianjia was thrown out.

But this kid seems completely unmoved, and hasn't responded to himself until now.

Could it be that the power of the entire Qian Family, plus Qian Qian himself, is so worthless in his eyes?

Qian Liuxi's eyes showed a trace of bitterness.

Ning Hongru suddenly said, "It's okay if it's just upset, if not, hum!"

Not far away, Ning Changli's heart jumped wildly, his face turned extremely dark, and his eyes shone with dazzling light, deliberately concealing his inner emotions.

Ning Qingyu said: "Father, will Qingxuan be in danger if you continue to fight like this? It's better to stop them from fighting. With Yang Qingxuan's power to break the world, it is enough to give a hundred points. No matter how bad, you can always get four points. ."

Ning Hongru said: "The control of the test is in the hands of the five elders. The score can only be evaluated by the five elders."

Ning Qingyu said in surprise: "If it's the five elders..."

He said, looking into the distance worriedly, meaning something.

Ning Hongru's expression was a little cold, and said: "If this is the case, Yang Qingxuan has only one way to pass the test, that is the Qing Yao road back then. And Ning Ziqiang and some people have to bear the consequences!"

Ning Qingyu said in surprise: "My sister's path back then..."


On the Star Wars platform.

"Boom" with a loud noise, the sky moat that was cut open by Ning Zikeng shattered and collapsed.

A space storm blew up immediately, involving all the Qianzhang space in it.

The enchantment on the huge pillars around it passively defends, spreading out the three-color brilliance, suppressing the power inside, so as not to be spread out.

Within the storm, Yang Qingxuan shook the halberd in his hand and pierced into the void behind him, suddenly picking it.

A trick to crack the air will be displayed.


The void flashed in the air, and then it exploded like thunder, and countless cracks were like snakes, tearing away in all directions.

A lingering fist wind blasted out of the void with golden light.

Hit the rifting giant to break the void and the entire space is distorted.

After that, the fist exploded, and Ning Ziqiang's entire figure flew out, punching again, covering all the vitals of Yang Qingxuan's body.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Fifth Elder, is it too much?"

Before participating in the competition, Ning Hongru had already explained to him in detail, the key is to test the divine channel method and not to be too entangled in the cultivation base.

Ning Ziqiang's face was murderous, and he said coldly: "Whether it's too much, it's up to you! If you don't agree, just roll off, don't even think about getting a point!"

Yang Qingxuan's face sank and immediately knew that something was wrong.

There is nothing wrong with my previous perception, there is a problem with these five elders!

However, he was not worried, the opponent was only a one-star realm king, and only a one-star intermediate.

Although the realm king barrier is there, it is not a problem to fight a one-star realm king with my own strength.

He is just worried now, if Ning Ziqi is beaten, how will this test score be calculated?

Before he could think about it, Ning Ziqiang's punch was close at hand, and his skin was sore, and the ten unique array engraved on his body was triggered.

A large number of formations were formed and wound around the body.

Ling's Ning Zikeng's fist was blocked, and a strong roar and killing intent burst from the Shijue formation.

Yang Qingxuan raised his eyes and calmly looked forward, that punch and Ning Ziqi's eyes.

The two had a pair of eyes, and Ning Ziqi's heart trembled inexplicably, and a kind of comfort emerged.


Ning Ziqiang's heart shook violently, and he secretly thought: "Even if he crosses the barrier of the realm king, he will have at most one star of elementary power. I am a one-star intermediate realm king!"

Under thinking, get rid of the distracting thoughts in your heart.

The true essence in the body continuously poured into the fist, the golden light on the arm was flourishing, and countless regular runes flashed and disappeared one by one.

Yang Qingxuan was extremely quiet at the moment.

I feel strange in my heart, this is the power of the realm king.

From the Xuanye Continent, the North Five Kingdoms, Tian Cong Academy, and now.

Martial realm, ground level, heavenly position, Dao realm, to the peak of Dao realm, look at the realm king in the distance.

I have felt this power countless times, and even faced this power.

But all were crushed, or tried every means to fight against.

Only this time, I was truly, with my own strength, standing in front of the realm king, facing the blow that destroyed the world.

This feeling……

Yang Qingxuan smiled suddenly, watching the pressure of his fist, smiled and said: "This feeling is really good."

Ning Ziqiang's heart trembled, and the strong feeling of anxiety came to his heart again.

Yang Qingxuan grinned, and the cyan dragon scales turned over on his body, his body swelled instantly and turned into a huge blue dragon.

Then he grabbed it with a palm to the front, countless runes flew up and down around the dragon fist, the entire void retreated on its own, directly and completely dark.

Only a group of colorful lights remained, condensing continuously in the palm of the hand.

There seemed to be a dragon's voice, telling the avenue.

At the same time, a little flame emerged on its side, and it turned into a huge bone elephant with a bang, and quickly pinched the tactics with both hands.

The flames scorched the void, flew up, and condensed into a seal in front.

Dragon Fist, Emperor Flame Jue.

With two moves, the sky is shaking, and countless rules are evaded in all directions.

Even Dao Fa didn't dare to block its edge.

Ning Ziqiang trembled all over, and under the power of these two strokes, he was trembling with his punch, and he was about to collapse!

"No! Impossible!—"

Ning Ziqiang roared, pouring all of his power into his fist.

But the golden light only flickered for a while, and then suddenly disillusioned, "crashing" and breaking apart.

On the whole fist, there was no more gold, but it became a **** flesh.

The void burst instantly.

The dragon seal roared, and the fire wave was overwhelming.

Just like a powerful sun, completely blasting the darkness.


The guardian barrier opened in all directions exploded in an instant and turned into ashes.

The people on the sidelines were already shocked.

The involvement of the two in the space storm was only a momentary thing, thinking that Yang Qingxuan was in trouble, but in an instant, only saw a move, it seemed that the five elders...

Ning Hongru shouted: "Get out of the way! Suppress the aftermath!"

With a sway of his body, he disappeared in place.

Spreading both hands to both sides, the huge energy formed a huge barrier between the arms and pressed away.

The other elders also took action.

Ning Qingyu pinched the tactics with both hands, as if the air was frozen under countless frost flowers. A field of cold air burst out, and the aftermath within the range was also frozen.

Qian Liuxi waved his sleeves, and a burst of qi diffused, shielding all the space of Baizhang, making the aftermath completely counter-shocked.

A pair of shocked eyes stared at the Star Wars platform without blinking, with that calm and stalwart figure.

Like a character in another space, it is powerful and impractical.

Among them, the most dumbfounded are the three generations of Ning Changli's grandparents. The green faces are more ugly than bitter gourds, and they all look like eggplants beaten by frost.

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