Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1724: No comment, ethereal singing

The murloc clan chief was furious, and the steel fork in his hand shook, and he shouted: "Damn! Get out of here, we have nothing to tell!"

Sikong said: "Leader, this old fish head is not honest, it's better than..."

Yang Qingxuan waved his hand, shook his head and said: "We are guests from afar, and we did invade their territory. If we do it first, it won't make sense."

At the moment, clasped his fist and said, "Master Patriarch, where is the territory of the Jinxun tribe?"

The murloc clan chief's face changed drastically, and the murlocs all around were also full of anger, raising steel forks one by one, facing the eight Yang Qingxuan.

The atmosphere instantly became solemn.

Yang Qingxuan suspiciously said: "Why, did I ask something wrong?"

A few bold murlocs came up from all sides, ready to take action.

The murloc clan chief had a quick eye and stopped the murlocs at once, and then waved his hand: "No comment, you go hurry up. I tell you the truth, if you don't leave, huh, you really can't leave. Up."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "It's not that you don't know, but you have no comment. Then we can't leave."

Sikongduan and the others also sneered "hehe".

A murloc who glimpsed Dzogchen anxiously said: "Patriarch, talk to them, just do it. Get rid of these people quickly, time is almost here!"

The head of the Murloc tribe was embarrassed. If these human tribes are so easy to drive away, do they still have to wait until now?

At this moment, a slight voice suddenly sounded in the distance, hoarse and soft, like a tide tapping the beach.

Like grievances like complaints, like weeping like admiration, the remaining sound curls like a thread.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

The murloc who glimpsed the true Dzogchen exclaimed in horror: "Come! Here!"

Another murloc said anxiously: "Master Patriarch, hurry, get back to the water!"

The murloc clan chief was full of horror, his body was trembling, and he said angrily: "No! I won't go back! Every time I shrink underneath and let you stand on top, so humiliating, I might as well die!"

Yang Qingxuan had a different color on his face and looked at the source of the singing with fiery eyes. What kind of monster is it that can make such a powerful alien so horrified?

I saw the melodious singing, as if a shadow wagging between the water and the sky.

The voice came from that shadow.

Midnight said in a deep voice: "This song is so charming, I, I..."

While speaking, Midnight was full of horror and lost his mind a little bit.

The large murlocs all around fell one after another, all sinking and floating on the water.

Including the few murlocs who had a glimpse of Dzogchen, as well as the murloc clan chief, who collapsed on the surface of the water without resistance.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and said in horror: "This, what kind of monster is this?!"

No matter how to operate the tactics, he couldn't stop the sound from entering his ears. Gradually, his mind became blurred, and the whole person's consciousness gradually lost.

The moment Yang Qingxuan fell, he saw Midnight, Sikongduan and others, and they fell one after another.

The water of Wangchuan has extremely strong buoyancy, and everyone fell on the water without sinking, but drifted with the waves.

The voice fluttered like a song for a while before it stopped.

Then, a huge shadow descended on this sea area.

The body is like a huge centipede, with hundreds of feet and a hard shell, but the head is a fish head, looking ugly and terrifying.

The monster's sharp gaze swept across the audience, falling on Yang Qingxuan and other eight celebrities, and then took it back, with a hundred feet like a hand, and grabbed it to the sea.

"Boom boom!"

A large number of murlocs were picked up one by one, exploding directly in the air.

A white bead appeared inside, and the monster opened his mouth and sucked it into his belly.

In an instant, he ate two or three hundred beads.

A large number of broken limbs immediately appeared on the surface of the water, all within a radius of thousands of feet, were stained red with blood.

After the monster had eaten enough, he looked around and stretched out his hand to catch, and the murloc clan chief was taken into his hand, stared at it sharply, and threw it away.

Then the sharp eyes fell on Yang Qingxuan and the others, seeming to be quite curious.

Reached out one hand and grabbed Yang Qingxuan.


Suddenly a golden light burst, directly penetrating the palm of the monster, it was a sharp metal.

The monster was in pain, yelled, his face was full of anger, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife, staring at the sharpness of his hands.

Seeing that sharp shake, he chopped off his entire palm.

"It's strange, it's weird that I can only fascinate all the realm kings, but I can only fascinate all the realm kings."

Yang Qingxuan held the halberd and slowly stood up from the water, staring at the monster with fiery eyes.

The monster was furious, screaming and twisting his body desperately, dancing wildly.

A gust of cloudy wind blew out, like a knife.

Yang Qingxuan chuckled lightly, the halberd shook, and he slashed the air with one stroke.


The entire sky turned into a phantom light, like a lightning snake.

In a flash, countless cracks appeared in the space, and most of the monster's hundred feet were directly cut off.

The monster yelled in pain, turned around and fled.

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "Want to leave?"

It turned into a escape light to chase.

Suddenly, the misty and moving singing voice came from the monster and entered Yang Qingxuan's ears.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, and he hurried to catch up.

At the same time, five fires were formed on the halberd, intertwined.

He was indeed unconscious just now, but for some reason, he woke up for a short while.

If he fainted again at this moment, the monster would definitely turn around and take his own life.

In the panic, his consciousness had begun to lose a little bit, and the whole person fell down and fell on the surface of the water, unsteadily standing.

The monster was overjoyed, while continuing to sing, he charged over with a fierce face, murderous.

Yang Qingxuan held the halberd and squatted on the water.

Suddenly, he stood up slowly, the lost look in his eyes, little by little regained clarity.

The monster was suddenly startled, his eyes showed horror, and his mouth sang a song quickly. The confusing sound wave spread on the water and penetrated all obstacles.

But the sanity in Yang Qingxuan's eyes became clearer and clearer, and he didn't seem to be addicted at all.

In Yang Qingxuan's body, a gentle force radiated from the two Four Truth Jade, dispelling all negative factors.

Under the action of Karma Jade, although the sound is in the ear, it does not affect the mind at all.

In the frightened and enlarged pupils of the monster, Yang Qingxuan's mouth raised slightly, revealing a cold smile, and waving his halberd with both hands.

The five fires burned on the halberd blade, and the powerful force continued to rise.

The surrounding Wangchuan water evaporated into large white smoke, and retreated in all directions.

The monster made a trembling sound in horror, slammed his body, turned around and ran away, ignoring the singing.

Yang Qingxuan snorted coldly and jumped up.

The whole person flew in the air, and the halberd slashed downwards, "Shook the sky in one breath!"

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