Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1733: Surprise, chance of effectiveness

Poison Repair immediately became murderous and roared: "Block the Chamber of Commerce, everyone is killed!"

Screams came from all around immediately.

A large number of powerful warriors rushed into the compound together.

And a layer of enchantment opened up in the sky, enclosing the chamber of commerce in it.

Poison Xiu's eyes were even colder, and there was an extra spear made of monster bones in his hand, squeezing the space into a whirlpool, and stabs it with powerful force.

The goal is Yunyang!

Yun Yang was horrified, and hurriedly pinched his hands with both hands, and a virtual image of a pink jellyfish appeared, like a shield blocking him.

However, it was broken in an instant.

Seeing that the spear was about to pierce Yunyang's throat, Du Xiu suddenly felt that the space around him stagnated, as if being suppressed.

"This... how is this possible!"

Poison Xiu's expression was shocked, absolutely no one in this hall could surpass him.

But the next moment, the spear shattered.

The huge energy came back, as if someone slapped his chest with a palm.

But Yunyang's side was no strong at all.

Poison Xiu Kuang spouted a mouthful of blood, his entire breastbone was broken, and his body flew out backwards.

Vaguely, as if seeing a dark shadow moving, it seemed to be a woman.

"No! There are strong ones!"

Poison Xiu was anxious, and felt severe pain in his chest, like a fire.

Knowing that the situation is not good, and it is important to save his life, he made a sharp turn in the air and fleeed away from the Chamber of Commerce.

Yun Yang was startled, from death to life, only a moment.

She also didn't see the truth of the matter, but just felt a cold wind from Pippi shrimp, she was saved, but the poison repair was seriously injured and fleeing.

Could it be that Pippi shrimp made it?

Without thinking about it, Yun Yang shouted: "Poison repair has been seriously injured and flees. Killed, killed these traitors!"

The catfish monster and the others were in a state of uncertainty, as if watching the poison repair escape, but they were not sure, let alone believe it, when they heard Yun Yang yelling, they were so scared that they were frightened and fled one by one.

But the Chamber of Commerce has been trapped by the barrier set by itself.

He was rushed up by Yunyang and others to kill him, and eradicated all the catfish monsters and others.

Jiachen was also cut into two pieces in the chaos.

From the raid to the quelling, but in a short time, Yun Yang showed her leadership skills and calmly ordered: "According to my order, the whole city will be searched for traitors and poison repairers, and the poison repairers will be caught. Reward!"


Juchuan Chamber of Commerce.

In the magnificent hospitality hall.

Yang Qingxuan was invited to sit here, and Yun Yang and various strange-looking aliens sat on the other side to host a banquet.

Yang Qingxuan tasted the wine made from the water of Xiawangchuan, and various delicacies and delicious fruits.

Yun Yang respectfully said: "Thank you, my lord, for your help. For this help, Entong rebuilds."

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly, put down the wine in his hand, showing a playful look, and said: "My busyness is conditional."

Yun Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was shocked.

She has been wondering whether Yang Qingxuan happened to help herself, or premeditated early. Now it seems that it is the latter, and hurriedly said: "My lord, please tell me, as long as the Juchuan Chamber of Commerce can do it, we will do it. ."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Okay, then I'll just say it straight. I know that your Chamber of Commerce will pay tribute to Mrs. Bones every quarter. I want to seek an opportunity to work with Mrs. Bones. I hope your Chamber of Commerce can find a way, Let me see Mrs. Bones once."

Yun Yang and the others were all shocked, and their faces became solemn.

It's not a joke about Mrs. Bones.

After a while, Yun Yang asked cautiously: "Is just seeking an opportunity for effectiveness?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "I know what your Chamber of Commerce can do."

Yang Qingxuan took away all the memories of Jiyuan, knowing that the Juchuan Chamber of Commerce and the large number of powerful men under Mrs. Bone had benefited.

This is why the Juchuan Chamber of Commerce can dominate the White Bone City and even become the largest chamber of commerce in Wangchuan.

Just seeking an opportunity for effectiveness is not a problem.

However, Yang Qingxuan's request and the desire to meet Mrs. Bones had increased the difficulty many times.

But money can be supernatural, and Yang Qingxuan knew from Jiyuan's memory that the connections and strength of the Juchuan Chamber of Commerce were enough to accomplish this.

This is also the main reason why he came to Juchuan Chamber of Commerce.

As for saving Yunyang, it was completely coincidental.

"Good! I promise your lord."

Yun Yang gritted his teeth, thinking of Yang Qingxuan's kindness to him, and immediately agreed.

The other executives of the chamber of commerce showed concern, but did not say anything.

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed, holding a fist and saying, "Thank you very much, then."

Yun Yang looked a bit resentful, looking at Yang Qingxuan, his eyebrows flickered, and said: "I just hope that your lord will rise to the top one day, don't forget the help of our Juchuan Chamber of Commerce, and don't forget Yun Yang, just fine."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I will never forget."


The next day.

A chamber of commerce team went to Senluo Temple.

Headed by Yunyang, Yang Qingxuan followed the team.

The Bone City was extremely huge, and the team had gone for more than a few days before reaching a huge palace.

Yang Qingxuan's heart trembled, the palace was tall and magnificent, and it was made of bones.

Look like jade from a distance, look sensuously up close.

Leng Sha's Xuan Yin aura hovered around Sen Luo Temple.

Yun Yang whispered: "You go in with me. Remember, don't look around, don't talk. Remember."

Yang Qingxuan nodded.

Yun Yang took Yang Qingxuan and two maidservants into the temple under the leadership of a disciple of the Senluo Temple.

The team waited outside a side door of the main hall.

Several people entered the side hall, a cold path leading directly to the inner palace.

It is planted with various exotic flowers and grasses, rockery and flowing water. Under this ordinary scene, I don't know how many killing arrays have been engraved.

After a short while, he entered a hall.

The carved beams and painted buildings inside are very elegant and look like a warm residence.

There was a man standing with his back to the door and holding his hands.

The female disciple who led the way called out, "Master Nianwen, Master Yunyang is here." She said, she humbly retreated.

The man turned around, his facial features were handsome, his eyebrows flew into his temples, his blue pupils were calm, and his breath was cold and profound.

Yun Yang hurried forward, clasped his fists and said, "Let the adults wait a long time."

Nian Wen said: "It's okay. I heard that something happened to the Juchuan Chamber of Commerce this time, is it okay?"

Yun Yang smiled and said, "Thank you, adults, for your concern. It's just a small matter, and we have eliminated a few younger generations. Naturally, I dare not neglect."

As he said, winked.

The two maids immediately dragged a jade plate, stepped forward, and knelt in front of Nianwen.

In a jade plate is a treasure box, and inside is the yin zizhu that Mrs. Bone wants.

Yun Yang pointed to another jade plate with three jade boxes on it, and said with a chuckle: "This little gift is not respectable, please accept Master Nian Wen."

Nian Wen smiled lightly and swept across the three boxes with his fingers.

A little streamer spilled from the fingertips, just to probe the contents of the box.

Suddenly, his fingers stopped on the third box, touched slightly, and his face was shocked.

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