Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1738: Sun Treasures, come from the human race

"嗞嗞", a large number of ablation sounds rustled under the contact of the two forces.

At the same time, accompanied by white smoke rising.

Countless flames are directly decomposed, turning into thousands of fire patterns, penetrating the gas of Xuan Yin, and burning on the beads.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. The origin of his own fire couldn't hold back the power of the profound Yin Qi, and was directly shattered into fire patterns.

If the starlight seeps into the Profound Yin beads, like embellishments on the white jade, it keeps flashing, like the beating of the heart.

At the same time, Yang Qingxuan's expression was shocked.

The power of the flame in his body is being consumed at an unimaginable speed.

But in an instant, his face paled.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly took out the fairy jade and shattered one by one in front of him. Large swaths of spiritual energy and Dao lines were sucked into the body, quickly replenishing the strength.

At the same time, he took out a few Xuanlong Pills and swallowed them in one bite.

Mrs. White Bone quietly watched the Xuan Yin Zhu change, slowly pinching the Jue Seal in her hand, her face was full of joy.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Qingxuan spit out blood suddenly, and said miserably: "Madam, I can't hold it!"

The tactics of both hands changed in a hurry, immediately cutting off the connection with tempering.

The fire pattern all over his body flashed, and all returned to his body.

Without the check and balance of the fire source, thousands of mysterious yin auras flowed into countless runes, like ice crystals or butterflies, constantly flying back into the mysterious yin beads.

The luster on the beads becomes brighter, clearer and purer.

Madam White Bone's face condensed with joy and opened her mouth, and Xuan Yin Zhu was immediately sucked back into her body.

The power of the secret space is instantly lost, the flow of breath slows down, and the breathtaking feeling of oppression and chill disappears instantly.

After Mrs. Bone swallowed the beads, her face showed satisfaction, her eyes gleaming, and she said, "Yes, I'm very satisfied with the effect."

Yang Qingxuan's face was miserable, and the fire source in his body was exhausted. After cutting off the tempering, he immediately took out a large amount of medicine and stuffed it into his mouth, pinched the formula again to adjust his breath, and at the same time resisted the surrounding Xuan Yin Qi, said bitterly: "Madam Xuan Yin Pearl The breath is too strong, my light is too weak."

Mrs. White Bone smiled and said: "So I said, cultivation is not a matter of a moment. You only have a glimpse of the pinnacle of truth, but you can achieve this level, which is beyond my imagination. At the same time, to assist my cultivation, for you, Isn't it a great thing?"

As he said, with a flick of his finger, a little red light was shot.

Yang Qingxuan took it and looked at it in the palm of his palm. It was a fiery red spar with a gilt-like texture, like a flame.

Mrs. Bone said: "This is a blazing spar, it could not be better to restore your fire source."

Yang Qingxuan's heart was strange, how could there be such a treasure of the sun in Wangchuan. After swallowing the divine consciousness, there is no problem, so he opened it and swallowed it.

Mrs. White Bone seemed to see his doubts and smiled and said: "This thing was born in the abyss of Wangchuan. It is a thing of extreme yin, born of extreme yang. It is the cycle of heaven, and the extreme of things must be reversed."

After Yang Qingxuan swallowed the blazing spar, he immediately felt a burst of hot energy rushing towards the limbs and corpses, quickly replenishing the void in his body.

Yang Qingxuan didn't dare to slack off, and hurriedly sat down, sinking his mind into it.

Lieutenant General Dantian extinguished the unextinguished fire, and under the infusion of this power, he recovered little by little.

And a large number of fire patterns flickered in the pubic area, demonstrating the changes in the origin of fire.

Yang Qingxuan's body skin also changed with that change, turning into flames from time to time.

Time passed by a little bit.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Qingxuan moved slightly.

The flame in the body no longer felt empty, but instead felt that it was overflowing with energy and vigor.

Only then recovered from that state.

In the huge secret room, Mrs. Bones has long been gone.

The air of Xuan Yin was also weakened by most.

A little bit of frost-like crystals condensed in the space of several meters around his body, which is the accumulation of mysterious yin qi.

A large amount of Xuan Yin Qi wanted to invade Yang Qingxuan, but was trapped three feet away, slowly condensing into crystals.

Yang Qingxuan fixed his eyes and looked at it, and with a flash of golden eyes, he began to analyze the internal structure of these crystals.

All the rules are broken down one by one in his eyes.


After a while, Yang Qingxuan muttered to himself and fell into contemplation.

Then with a wave of his hand, he gathered all the crystals of Xuan Yin in the air, put it into a jade vessel, printed several tactics on it, and sealed it.

Only then walked out of the skull secret room.

Nian Wen was already waiting outside. When he saw him coming out, his face was strange, but more respectful, clasped his fists in both hands, and said, "Master Qingxuan, please here."

Yang Qingxuan asked, "How long have I been in?"

Nian Wen said: "It's been three days."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, unable to think of the effect of Blazing Spar, so he was addicted to it for three days.

The key is that the fire source is in short supply, and the entire recovery process took an extremely long time.

Yang Qingxuan followed Nianwen back to the secret room.

Along the way, Nianwen's attitude towards Yang Qingxuan, from the cold to extreme enthusiasm, seemed to have changed.

Yang Qingxuan didn't care about this, but after counting the time, he continued to return to cultivation.

Soon after, Mrs. White Bone called Yang Qingxuan to practice.

Nian Wen is still leading the way.

This time, Yang Qingxuan's support was much longer than last time.

And after Mrs. White Bone took back the Xuan Yin Pearl, she once again gave Yang Qingxuan a blazing spar.

Yang Qingxuan was not polite and swallowed it on the spot.

But this time, in just one day, Yang Qingxuan recovered from his practice.

A lot of crystals still condensed around the body, all of which were collected by him.

Just like that, day after day.

Half a month later.

Suddenly, Nian Wen came to the secret room one day and said, "Madam, please."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said: "What's the matter, time seems to be a bit wrong, right?"

Nian Wen smiled and said, "This time it’s not a practice, but something to discuss." After that, he glanced at Yang Qingxuan and seemed to be willing to please, and whispered: "There are a lot of people from the human race outside. Madam asked me to call you Go there."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, could it be that the members of the Zhengxing League are here?

Hastily followed Nian Wen out.

Nian Wen walked through several corridors very fast.

The two soon came outside the Senluo Temple.

Yang Qingxuan felt the breath of a large number of powerhouses in an instant.

The space is slightly distorted by the oppression, and the force of the rules is reversed by the shock, but this change is so subtle that it is difficult for ordinary people to notice.

Outside the hall, there were hundreds of people facing each other.

Yang Qingxuan looked at him and felt shocked, the person who came was actually from the Star Palace!

He recognized three people who were confronting Mrs. White Bone, the first Huang Yin from the Abyss of Stars, the Dongxu and Dongxuan in the Three Immortals, and Feng Jinyu in the Second Lao.

Not only that, but there are also a large number of assassins coming out of the Star Abyss, one by one with murderous eyes and hideous complexions.

//What does the mysterious lady bone look like? How many of you know? At 22:30 tonight, Weibo (taiyiss) and WeChat public account (taiyiss) will be pushed simultaneously. Let's go and see if she is the Madame Bones in your mind.

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