Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1748: Crushing power, lessons

Yang Qingxuan turned his eyes and found that everyone was staring at him, and they were all hostile. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "It seems that there is no place at all. Let's stand on the outside."

With a treasure, he naturally understands that things like the Book of Wind and Moon cannot be obtained from a good position.

In addition to fighting for more first-line opportunities, these strong positions are more often just a manifestation of strength.

Huang Yin and the others stared coldly at Yang Qingxuan, Shi Yan, You Qin Sheng and other powerhouses, their faces were extremely ugly.

Moreover, Yang Qingxuan did not conceal the cultivation level of his realm king, and even more so that the three immortals and the two elders, as well as the original Xinggong Wuxiu, were beyond shock.

Regardless of the strength of the Star Alliance, just Yang Qingxuan's terrifying cultivation speed has already made their backs chill.

"Huh, it's Human Race again! Without a position, won't you get out?!"

Ji Jiang was defeated by Huang Yin, and he knew the gap between him and that person. Even if he fought again, there would be no chance of victory.

This breath can only be swallowed in the belly.

But at this moment, Yang Qingxuan and others just appeared, and when they saw that it was Human Race, they immediately burned with anger, and the murderous aura burst out again.

Especially Yang Qingxuan's breath, only one star realm king, made him even more murderous.


Yang Qingxuan looked fixedly.

In fact, even though he didn't see all of the battle between Jijiang and Huang Yin just now, he saw the ending, and he smiled faintly and said, "Master Shi Yan."

Shi Yan stepped out, clasped his fist and said, "Leader."

Yang Qingxuan asked: "What do you think of this position?"

Pointing at the location of the Jijiang clan.

Shi Yan immediately understood, and smiled: "I think it's good."

"Hahahaha! Laughing at me, what are you talking about?!"

Ji Jiang shouted angrily.

The Qingya clan was also full of anger and murderous intent.

Shi Yan smiled faintly, and said: "Leader wait a moment."

As soon as the figure flickered, it disappeared.

Ji Jiang was furious and roared: "Go to hell!"

A huge beast shadow appeared again, covering the world.

The giant beast's fists flicked in the air and was about to strike out.

At this moment, Ji Jiang was shocked, his eyes showed incredible horror, and he trembled: "No, it's impossible! How could it?"

Everyone who watched the battle didn't know what happened.

It is as if time and space are still in general, with one palm, if a butterfly shuttles through the void, the space is shattered wherever it passes.

Ji Jiang wanted to move, but couldn't move.

I could only watch that palm lightly, and press it lightly on his chest.

Immediately, golden light broke out.


Large areas of space then annihilated.

At this moment, the entire space-time order collapsed on its own and turned into ruins.

Ji Jiang spouted blood, screamed, and flew out far away.

The Wangchuan clans recovered from the terrible shock, each of them opened their eyes wide and panicked.

Come to the individual clan casually, and shake the patriarchs of the four famous clan flying?

This time it was worse than last time, almost a crushing force.

God, how terrible is Human? !

Seeing the Qingyan clan flee in horror, Jijiang fell directly into the water in the distance, knowing his life or death.

Only then did the clans realize that the human race is the overlord who dominates the world, monopolizing the central world and the 33 days.

There were still many races who were extremely dissatisfied with this world structure before.

After seeing Huang Yin and Shi Yan's move at this moment, the dissatisfaction disappeared instantly.

To the two human race camps in front of them, they were all sincere and frightened, not daring to approach, let alone provoking.

Huang Yin was even more shocked, Shi Yan's strength was far above him, and he was afraid that he had already reached eight stars.

Can not help but worry inside.

But when he thought of the mysterious black robe man, he was a little calmer.

Dongxuan, Dongxu and others looked a little sluggish.

Yang Qingxuan and others came forward generously and took the position of the love and hatred family.

The Wangchuan races on both sides shrank aside in shock, for fear that they might not have long eyes and bump into these people.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the huge space, feeling the abnormal flow of light above it, and looked inside, but couldn't see anything.

Can't help being taken aback.

Outside of the promotion to the world king, there are not many laws in the world that can hide his fiery eyes.

Wushan, Wu Yun and other members of the Wu family also shook their heads.

Yang Qingxuan said: "It seems that this space is extraordinary, and there is a great possibility of the Book of Wind and Moon in it. I hope this trip is worthwhile."

On the contrary, he was more eager and excited.

At this moment, almost the entire Wangchuan powerhouse has received the news, but all Wu Xiu who feels a little hopeful rushes to the excitement.

Around the huge space, more than 100,000 people gathered.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the sky, "The treasure of Forgotten Chuan was born, allowing the two teams of human races to occupy a position. You waited behind him, and really lost our face."

Another voice came, "Who said no. The old man has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he has never seen Humans so arrogant in Wangchuan."

Soon, the third voice sounded again, "Hey, who made the kid in Jijiang disappointed, he was injured by these human races. Even me, I want a crack to get in."

With the sound of three voices, thunder suddenly sounded from the horizon, and a cloud of ink pressed over.

That is a strong fighting spirit and murderous aura.

"It's a great clan! The three great clan chiefs have all arrived!"

In the field, all the foreign races shouted in shock, with uncertain expressions on their faces.

In the distance, a voice of grief and anger rose into the sky, "Shengton, Godin, Scarlet Infant, you three old men!"

It was Jijiang who was seriously injured by Shi Yan, but his men were merciful and spared his life.

With the help of his men, he was about to recover. Hearing the words of the three great clan chiefs, another blood spurted out.

Exhausted all of his energy, he gathered the inner anger into one line.

The sound wave soared to the sky, as if to break the clouds.

After Ji Jiang shouted this sentence, his whole body became stiff and he fell straight back.

He was not beaten to death by the human race, but was alive and furious by the other three big names.

The death of the patriarch of the daming clan is a major event in Wangchuan.

But without waiting for everyone's reaction, the powerful momentum swept like a storm.

Within the dark clouds, countless strong figures flashed uncertainly.

Especially for the first three people, the pressure is thousands of miles.

Sheng Dun twirled his beard and said, "The two teams of human races are very strong. I have a suggestion. How about we join hands and destroy them?"

Godin said: "That should be the case. Since the Book of Wind and Moon appeared in Wangchuan, it is the thing of Forgotten Chuan and should be owned by our locals. These human races occupy the vast resources of the 33 days and the Central Great World, and they actually returned Insufficient greed, come to Wangchuan to grab things. We should teach them a lesson they will never forget."

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