Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1757: Cause and effect in the past, return today

Midnight was shocked, and he didn't expect this level of origin.

What is even more unexpected is that this person is actually a certain generation of emperor!

Shi Yan said: "What kind of grievances does the Moon Soul and Baili Fu have? It seems that they are endlessly immortal."

Wu Shan shook his head and said: "The age is too old. The ancestors Witch and the Book of Fengyue are only a few words recorded in the reading notes. More details have long been unknown. This Bailifu is sinister and cunning, shameless, and will go everywhere. It’s no surprise to make enemies."

Shi Yan and Midnight frowned slightly.

The appearance of Baili Fu, with correct features, sword eyebrows and star eyes, looked awe-inspiring, not like that despicable person.

There are many personal emotions in Wushan's exposition.

The two remained silent and continued to look towards the sky, full of worry.

As soon as the black gold Ming Yan Feather came out, it instantly turned into twelve black firebirds, like a phoenix like a bird, giving birth to three-legged long feathers. Under the flap of their wings, they fanned out large black flames and broke through the air.

Thirty-six ancient beads condensed instantly.

The demon emperor phantoms above each pinch the tactics, and their auras are superimposed on each other, transforming a huge formation in the sky.

Bailifu's face changed slightly, and the Jue print in his hand moved forward.

Twelve firebirds hovered in the air, with one as the center, and the other eleven overlapped and turned into a huge black three-legged golden crow.

A gilded rune appeared on the forehead of the Golden Crow.

The black feathers spread out on their sides, and each thin feather was as pointed as a steel needle, splitting the void into countless pieces.


Two attacks exploded.

The terrible energy was connected in the air and rolled in all directions.

Everyone in Liusha Hanoi felt tremendous pressure, and the blood in their bodies was tumbling, making them extremely uncomfortable.

Some even sprayed blood directly and were shaken to death on the spot.

Moreover, the entire space was distorted severely, and everyone's sinking speed continued to increase, and the masses of warriors were directly above their heads, screaming and crying mixed together.

Shi Yan's faces were also very ugly, and the quicksand was almost reaching their necks.

People looked at each other and quickly formulated a response plan.

As long as one person sinks to the top of his head, he starts directly and fights hard.

Over the Liusha River, the impact of Baili Fu and Moon Soul is still spreading to layers of space, shattering all the rules and existence.

The entire Liusha River, and even the Wangchuan waters within a thousand miles, are directly deformed, suddenly long and short, flat and round, and even twisted into twists.

Baili Fu and Yuehun each pinched their tactics, coldly facing each other.

Black Feather and Ancient Pearl form two distinct worlds, and where they meet, terrifying energy billows like a thunder, disillusioning and swallowing each other, chaotic and terrifying like the beginning of a great monstrous bloom.

Below, the center of the entire Liusha River.

That huge ball of sand was gradually sinking under the power of destroying the world.

The rune on the ball accelerated its flow and disappeared, and the quicksand on it turned into a spiral pattern, spreading away in circles.

The inside of the sand ball, contrary to the violent turbulence of the outside world, is extremely peaceful and peaceful, with only fine sand flowing in certain rules.

Yang Qingxuan still maintained the posture of holding a halberd, countless fine sands winding around his body like a snake, as if there was life.

In addition, runes are constantly transformed into the fine sand, forming a seal, which flashes and disappears.

Yang Qingxuan stood there quietly, not knowing his death.

Suddenly, there was a "cracking" sound on the sand, and a small piece of Yang Qingxuan peeled off from his body, and it was burnt with white smoke.

Afterwards, the sound of "cracking" was continuous, and large patches of sand began to loosen and fell a little bit.

Those rune seals blocked on the body burst open.

Huge heat gushes from the sand and turns into an open flame.

The energy in the sand ball began to riot, and there was an endless rubbing sound, which made it extremely restless.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's body moved, raised his hand, and pinched out a tactical seal.

Suddenly, the yellow sand all over his body fell, and it turned into a torrent to splash around.

But there is a bright flame on every piece of sand.

In an instant, the world inside the ball turned into a sea of ​​flames.


A sorrowful cry came from the sand.

In the depths of the flames, countless grains of sand condensed into a red-haired and blue-skinned figure, with a horrified and distorted expression, screaming: "Let me go! I will send you out! Let me go!"

Yang Qingxuan snorted coldly, unmoved.

"Now I know to beg for mercy? Did you eat early?"

Under the pinch with both hands, countless flames gush out from themselves, condensed into a bone-like fire in the sky, with a cold face, a sneer, and hands are sealed.

Suddenly, the space inside the ball shook violently.

Countless flames formed a big golden seal in the hands of the bone elephant, and the flames inside were disillusioned and shot out fiercely.


The Emperor Yan Jue directly pressed the sand man to smash it.

The screams accompanied by yellow sand, flying in the ball.

The golden lines on the sand ball quickly faded, the runes burst one by one, and a lot of cracks began to appear.

Standing in the center of the sand ball, Yang Qingxuan suddenly moved in his heart, sensing this violent force, and couldn't help but pinch his hands to form a heart shape.

At the same time, it becomes the guardian of the sand, and the spiritual consciousness flows in all directions to communicate with these subtle spiritual sands.

Afterwards, countless sand particles bounced slightly and the frequency became stronger and stronger, which tended to be consistent with the fluctuations in Yang Qingxuan's body.

Thousands of quicksands began to gather around Yang Qingxuan, and then rushed to him, continuously pouring into the body of the guardian of the sand.

Everyone in Liusha Hanoi suddenly looked happy, showing weird and ecstatic expressions.

I only feel that the rules and power in Sand are passing fast.

The terrifying force that bound them also disappeared little by little.

Baili Fu and Moon Soul in the sky sensed something at the same time, lowered their eyebrows in surprise, looking down at the constantly decomposing sand ball and the changing Liusha River.

But in an instant, the two withdrew their spiritual thoughts again.

Because facing opponents like each other, there is nothing to share.

Suddenly, the seal of Moon Soul's hand changed, and the thirty-six ancient beads suddenly spread out, humming and shaking, and the frequency aperture was constantly waved.

Each iris represents an enchantment, a magical power.

Thirty-six layers are superimposed and turned into a strange space.

A huge force that destroys the world spread out.

The entire space is filled with a large number of runes, arranged and combined into strange forces.

On that largest ancient bead, a phantom sitting cross-legged was transformed into a phantom that looked like a clone in front of Moon Soul, almost identical in appearance and appearance.

Bailifu's complexion changed drastically, and he coldly snorted: "You really are an out-of-the-world wizard, and you have been ruthlessly trying to repair your body, and you can return to the Eight-Star Realm King, and you have also practiced such supreme supernatural powers as the Heavenly God Technique."

Moon Soul’s black robe rang in the wind, with a murderous intent in his eyes, and he said in a cold voice, “I’m all thanks to you. All of this, all causes and effects, will be returned to you today!”

The shadow of the figure on the ancient pearl changed, and his hands spread out in front of him.

The entire space stretches, like a bright flower in full bloom, to save countless lives.

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