Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1763: In the past, the oriole was behind

"What? The power of Fengyue?!"

Mrs. Bone was shocked, staring at the phantom, and cried out, "Who are you?!"

The demon shadow has handsome facial features, and his expression is cold. The depths of his eyes are full of silence, like moonlight.

"He is the Demon Moon of the past years."

An icy voice came, and behind Madame White, there was an extra figure with a gloomy face.

It was Baili Fu, staring at the moon soul, the witch bird, and the demon shadow, and slowly said: "The generation of the demon emperor that year, the eternal sky, the wind and the moon. It is known as the demon clan since the emperor, the most Powerful Moon Emperor."

In the space, all the strong are shocked.

Even the hundreds of people in the Forgotten Chuan are deep in the simple, but for the eternal sky, the wind and the moon are equally thunderous.

Yang Qingxuan, Zhengxingmeng and others, as well as the people of the Star Palace, are also horrified.

Looking at that stalwart and clear posture, and at this moment, the savage, almost crazy Moon Soul, his inner emotions are like wrinkled spring water.

Baili Fu said: "He was originally the prince of the Moon Clan in the Monster Race. This Fengyue Book came to the Yue Clan with his birth. He is the chosen son of heaven."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, looking at the high-hanging Fengyue Book, this book actually came along?

What is the Chosen Son?

Mrs. White Bone was horrified, her face full of shock.

Bailifu continued: "Originally, the Moon Soul’s life, if there were no accidents, should have achieved his Qianqiu Karma, eternal name, and then crossed the other shore, broke the boundary, and achieved an immortal myth. But there is no'hypothesis' in the world, he just happened. An accident happened. Wu Que was the one who hit the calamity. At the same time, he also met me, the eighth-generation emperor, who sits in the central world and rules over 33 days, the strongest under this star field. people."

An arrogant color flashed across Bailifu's face, and he said coldly: "What about the chosen son? The emperor holds a double ranking of heaven and earth and controls the star field. If anyone refuses to accept it, he will knock off the dust. Be the legendary When the Demon Emperor appeared in the Central Great World, his fate had already been determined, as well as the fate of my Baili Fu. This is also the fate of the Human Race and the Demon Race."

Mrs. White Bone was surprised: "Then what happened to his true body and soul shadow at this moment?"

Bailifu's face twitched, and his eyes shot out with a stern face, and said: "This man is really cruel. He is already the king of the nine-star peak world. Only one step away can cross the other shore, but I broke the divine body, Fengyuezhi The strength was dissipated. He actually gave up the physical body of the gong body and directly reincarnated and rebuilt. He made his physical body into a relic, and used it to control the other thirty-five demon emperor relics, and cultivated another celestial skill-Mahayana immeasurable. He is truly an out-of-the-world genius. Even if it is my Baili Fu, I have to be convinced."

Wu Shan shouted: "Bai Li Fu, what you said, I am afraid that you have concealed a lot, right? Moon Soul is the Nine Star Peak Realm King, what is your ability to break his divine body and disperse his wind and moon power. What's the matter with your lord? All this is thanks to you!"

Bailifu glanced at him contemptuously, and sneered: "The ant-like ignorant junior, what qualifications do you have to question this seat? Moon Soul and Witch Sparrow are all on their own account. And this seat is here to End the cause and effect of these tens of thousands of years, and make a complete end to the things of the year!"

Bailifu raised his hand to pinch in front of him.

Countless black fire spread from the seal of the tactics, and instantly enveloped the whole body.

The fire shadows of the twelve black golden crows turned into a circle, and the terrible coercion became a world of its own, spreading instantly and enveloped everyone's heart.

Baili Fu said: "Mrs. White Bone, please help me. I'll take care of this pair of evil barriers, and you can take the Book of Wind and Moon."

A cruel look flashed across Mrs. Bones' face, and she shouted: "Okay!"

The power of the wind and moon that turned on the demon shadow continued to rotate, causing the tide of all things to become stronger and stronger.

And the thirty-six Demon Emperor Ancient Beads controlled by the Moon Soul itself are superimposed in the world, and their power increases in a geometric progression.

If there is only one, Mrs. Bones has no problem asking herself.

But the two celestial tactics magical powers illusion, if they are superimposed together, even if she is the king of the nine-star realm, with the transparent glass body of the perfect soul, plus Jidiyu, she is not sure.

Madame White Bone folded her hands together, and the mysterious beads appeared between her eyebrows.

There is a phantom of self sitting in the bead.

Xuan Yin's energy gathered in his palms, like a huge wind sock, which could drain all energy.

From time to time there is golden light in the palms and fingers, which is the power of the jade of cause and effect.

Four forces erupted, and the entire Moonlight space trembled violently, turning into countless cobweb-like cracks, which were about to break apart at any time.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Master Moon Soul!"

Moon soul was immersed in emotions, turning a deaf ear to foreign objects, and from the hideous face, a pair of eyes fell on the witch sparrow tenderly, and said softly: "Queer, from now on, no one can take us separate."

Yang Qingxuan's mind trembled, and several pictures appeared in his mind, such as Wu Qiyue, Ziyuan, Shi Yuyan, Midnight, and even Hua Qinghua Ling, and other confidantes, passing through his mind one by one.

Hatred is not as good as the tide has faith, lovesickness begins to feel that the sea is not deep.

Shi Yan said anxiously: "Leader, let's retreat quickly, this space is about to burst. Moreover, under the moves of these people, we have no power to resist."

Yang Qingxuan glanced at the Fengyue Book and immediately shouted: "Withdraw!"

Everyone in the Star Alliance immediately flees to the golden giant gate.

Xing Gong and Wang Chuan Shui Clan, and even Sen Luo Temple people, felt the danger of destroying the world and fleeing to the giant gate together.

Just when Yang Qingxuan and others were about to step out of the giant gate, the gate suddenly shook, and a large rune appeared on it, like a curtain of beads falling.

Then the light flashed on the door and disappeared completely.


"The door is gone?!"

"what happened?"

"No! Someone has done tricks!"

Yang Qingxuan, Wushan and others looked with their spiritual eyes and supernatural powers, and at the moment when the door disappeared, they seemed to see the shadow of a person outside the door.

Wushan furiously asked, "Who is it? The oriole is behind?"

Shi Yan said anxiously: "It's too late to pay attention, I will try to split this space!"

He said, with a wave of one hand, he cut into the void and grabbed forward.

Countless spatial runes gathered, and were directly squeezed by a big hand.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Large areas of space burst regularly, and the cracks in front of them continue to expand.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank suddenly, shooting golden light, angrily said: "This is..."

I saw that the crack was filled with countless dense golden chains, criss-crossing, sealing the entire moonlight space!

Without saying a word, Yang Qingxuan shook the halberd and chopped off at those chains.

There was a "boom" bang, and countless Huaguang spread along the chain, dissolving the power of the slash.

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