Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1779: Earthly things, the origin of the star wheel

All Wu Xiu Wu's expressions changed, and they all looked at the void.

The consciousness and aura of Shi Yan, Ning Hongru, and thousands of powerful men immediately locked the void.

Under this powerful aura, that space was like a candle, melting directly and melting away little by little.

Two figures, a man and a woman, gradually appeared under thousands of eyes.

The man wears a mysterious robe with a golden silk moire pattern, handsome features, and his eyes are cold and strange.

The woman is wearing a red shirt, with deep eyebrows, snowy skin, and long hair raised by the wind.

Both of them have strong auras, and the aura directly freezes the surrounding time and space.

Wu Xian said in shock: "Moon Soul!"

Wushan was even more shocked. He saw the woman on Wangchuan, hurriedly clasped his fists, and respectfully said: "My ancestor Wuque!"

Wu Xian and all the disciples of the Wu family, as well as the strong of the Star Alliance, all changed their colors in amazement.

In the battle of Wangchuan, various details have been spread all over the world.

The Moon Soul and the Witch Sparrow were also known to the world like figures in mythology.

In particular, the identity of Moon Soul was actually the greatest emperor of the Demon Race after the eternal sky.

Wu Xian and others from the Witch family immediately stepped forward to salute Wu Que.

Wu Que glanced at Wu Xian and stopped saying: "You are the contemporary Patriarch of the Wu Family, with a noble status, so you don't need to pay this great gift."

Wu Xian hurriedly said: "Congratulations to the ancestors and Lord Yuehun for getting out of trouble. Since the First World War in Forgetting Sichuan, I sent people all over the world to find two traces, but to no avail. At this moment, seeing the two adults is well, I am finally relieved. "

Wu Que smiled faintly, and said: "After the First World War in Wangchuan, both of me were seriously injured and almost lost our lives. Thanks to the help of a friend, I was lucky enough to survive. I have been healing in one place for more than half a year. The two of me also heard from that friend that your daughter Wu Qiyue had an accident, and she rushed over from that place, hoping to help one or two. Unexpectedly, it has been resolved by Yang Qingxuan."

When speaking of the last sentence, Wuque's eyes flashed with strange colors, and there was a slight surprise.

Wu Xian said: "Congratulations to the ancestors of the ancestors of the witch bird to return to the clan. With the arrival of the ancestors and the moon souls, not only the strength of the witch family is doubled, but the power of the entire Star Alliance is strengthened."

Yue Soul said: "I came here mainly to save Wu Qiyue. Since she is all right, I will not stay much. However, I still have something to tell Yang Qingxuan. When Yang Qingxuan wakes up, he finishes talking about it. Will leave."

Wu Xian asked in shock: "In such a hurry?"

Wu Que nodded and said: "It's not a rush, but this worldly matter. We don't want to be contaminated. After that, I will find a place where no one and brother Yuedi will live in seclusion, and devote ourselves to enlightenment, so as to surpass the other shore as soon as possible. universe."

Wu Xian still wanted to stay, but seeing that the two of them had decided, he couldn't help but sighed and had to give up.


Half a month later, Xuan Xiao Jiang Que.

Moon Soul and Wu Que sat in the first two positions, Yang Qingxuan and Wu Xian were the first to accompany each other, Wu Qiyue stood behind Yang Qingxuan, and the senior leaders of the Wu family and Zhengxing alliance should be present.

Yuehun and Wuque stared at Yang Qingxuan and Wu Qiyue for a long time.

And used a secret method to help the two of them check their bodies, especially Wu Que, and couldn't help but look at Yang Qingxuan several times.

Everyone watched silently, no one dared to say anything.

Until Yuexun spoke first, he said: "The disorder in Wu Qiyue's body has been temporarily resolved. But the stakes brought about by the wrong cultivation technique are still there. But don't worry. Since Yang Qingxuan has obtained the true magic art, he can practice later. In the middle, slowly guide Wu Qiyue. When there is no more mistakes."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "The stakes have not been resolved?" He stood up hurriedly and said respectfully: "The book of the younger generation's practice of Fengyue is still shallow, and there is no real meaning in it. I also hope that the two adults will stay and instruct Qiyue to practice."

Yuehun smiled and said: "You don't need to be too Qian. The power of Fengyue you displayed on the cliff of the gods before has the essence. If you want to directly resolve the stubborn illness in Wu Qiyue, it is not impossible, and it is very simple."

Yang Qingxuan stunned: "Simple? Then what should I do."

Moon Soul smiled and said: "You know why before two months of fusion, it would still be disassembled? This caused disaster. If you hadn't had the sun, moon, star wheel, and the supernatural powers of the time and space giants, it would be hard to make up for it. ."

The Wuque on the side suddenly looked a little unnatural, even his cheeks blushed slightly.

Thinking of the situation at that time, Yang Qingxuan was also afraid for a while, and hurriedly said: "The juniors don't know it, but Master Wangyuehun gave instructions."

Yuehun smiled and said: "Because your powers are fused, but your bodies are not. Only when men and women are combined, can you truly integrate the power of Fengyue. As long as you are combined with each other, Yang Qingxuan can use his own Power resolves the crux in Wu Qiyue's body and at the same time participates in good luck.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly this was the reason, and almost led to a failure.

Wu Qiyue's body was stiff, she was stunned on the spot.

Yue Hun smiled and said: "I remember that in On the Sky of Martial Arts, didn't you already get married? Why haven't you done the thing about men and women. Yang Qingxuan, wouldn't it be you?"

Yang Qingxuan was full of black lines and said hurriedly: "It's my fault. I will definitely resolve the crux in Qiyue's body."

The people in the hall looked at them with weird eyes.

Yang Qingxuan seemed to realize what was wrong, and his face was reddish.

Wu Qiyue was red from her neck to the root of her ears, and stomped her feet and flew away.


Everyone smiled knowingly, as if you knew it.

Ning Qingyu and other women all had a reddened face, and their eyes were a little angry, as if they were in a group of hooligans.

Moon Soul looked at Yang Qingxuan, and said, "Fortunately, you have the sun, moon and star wheel in your body, which not only resolved this disaster, but also allowed the sun, moon, star wheel to gain the power of the'moon'. The power of the day."

Yang Qingxuan was startled, and asked hurriedly, "What exactly is the sun, moon and star wheel? What is the origin?"

Moon Soul said: "We are here this time just to talk about this matter with you." He glanced at Wu Que and said, "After all, this matter is a matter of the human race, so it's up to you."

Wu Que nodded and said: "The human emperor inheritance, from the sky to Yang Qingxuan, has been passed on for a total of twelve years. You should know the conditions of the human emperor inheritance, one of which is to be recognized by the human emperor star. But this person The imperial star has not existed since ancient times, but a fragment of the sun, moon and star wheel, transformed by the power of the'star' on it. During the last time in the star palace, it had returned to the body of the sun, moon and star wheel. Now, this sun, moon and star wheel was originally a sacred artifact created by the third generation of Huangyuan Yao. Its purpose is to counter the strongest sacred artifact—the highest destiny!"

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