Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1787: Xingyao Island, projection

Logan had a bitter expression on his face, and said, "I will try my best."

Yang Qingxuan said: "It must be done."

Logan was depressed, and thought to himself that this Water God Palace was not owned by me. However, looking at the strong men of the Sky Alliance Star Alliance, one by one, they gathered all the masters of Tianhe. They were suppressed every time they met. All of his emotions are resolved, and I honestly say yes.

Afterwards, Logan immediately ordered the people to deal with the shattering of Hanlan Island, and took Yang Qingxuan and others to Xingyao Island, the second largest island of the Amo tribe.

There are scattered reefs scattered around this island, which work together to produce peculiar field energy, just like colorful aurora, floating on the island.

A huge temple of Amor stands at the center and highest point of the island.

Dozens of powerful world kings flew into the hall one after another.

Zhengxingmeng and the others are all calm, and Gujing has no waves.

The realm kings of the Tianhe hundreds of races were all alone, and their momentum was obviously lower.

After entering the temple, Logan said: "Is it because I contacted the messenger of the Water God Palace alone, or was Brother Qingxuan with me?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "You can communicate, I hide my breath and pretend to be your guard. I won't be seen by the water **** palace people."

Logan said: "Good."

At the moment, people gave Yang Qingxuan a suit of entourage.

Yang Qingxuan put the blue tooth ghost face on his face and turned into an aquarium, while covering his body, followed Logan into a secret room.

In addition to a large number of Ukiyo-e paintings of the Amo tribe, there are also various strange formations in the secret room.

Logan took out a token and pinched it with both hands.

In the large array in all directions, aura gushes out crazily, poured into the token, and a large pattern of light grows like a plant.

Then the token made a crisp metallic vibrato, and the ripples spread in all directions, and a figure slowly appeared in the patterns of light.

The man was wearing a silver robe, with silver scales on his face, handsome features, arrogant expression, indifference and disdain, and said, "What are you looking for?"

Logan hurriedly clasped his fists and said respectfully: "See the envoy, the water level of the Tianhe River has risen, the whole plane is turbulent, and the people of the hundreds of people are panicked."

The man frowned and hummed: "You can take care of the hundreds of races. Is the rising of the water level something you can manage? Humph, is there some vision that makes you think about it and you are just about to move?"

Logan hurriedly said: "Admiral Mingchao."

The man snorted disdainfully, and said contemptuously: "Shenzhen at the bottom of Tianhe Town, can you think of such a treasure?"

The man turned his gaze and collected all the sights in the secret room into his eyes, and fell on Yang Qingxuan, frowned slightly, stared for a few times, showing a suspicious look.

But he didn't care too much, hummed lightly, and then turned his gaze away.

Logan was angry and held back his emotions and said: "Even if my Amos don't want to, the Tianhe hundreds will have ideas, even outside of Tianhe, Humans and other alien races will have ideas."

The man pondered, staring at Logan and said, "What are your thoughts?"

Logan said: "According to my guess, God Zhen at the bottom of Tianhe Town must have been born, and it should be in the Eye of Tianyuan."

The person looked as usual, as if he had guessed that Logan would say this, and asked directly: "Do you want to go through the passage of the Water God Palace to the Eye of Heaven?"

Logan said: "Exactly. I hope to make the adults complete."

The human said: "The Water God Palace has been away from the world for many years, and originally didn't ask anything about the world. But it's about the gods of Tianhe Town, so you really have to ask. You wait three days, I will report to the palace lord, and then notify you of the result."

Logan said: "Thank you, sir."

The person waved his hand and the entire image disappeared instantly.

The token fell from the air, Logan stretched out his hand to grab it, then took it back, then looked at Yang Qingxuan, revealing the color of consultation.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Just wait for him for three days."

The two left the secret room and returned to the main hall.

Logan immediately ordered to arrange all the powerhouses in the Star Alliance and provide the highest-regulated training resources.

In the secret room where Yang Qingxuan is located, countless fire pearls are inlaid on the wall, and the high-level spirit gathering array is depicted, which is extremely aura.

After Yang Qingxuan looked around for a while, he sacrificed the Wuji Apricot and Yellow Banner, and enveloped the entire secret room with the flag light to prevent all investigations.

After a while, there was green lotus circulating on the barrier, emitting a slight microwave light.

Yang Qingxuan clapped his hands and tore a crack in the barrier, and Shi Yan entered straight in from the outside.

Yang Qingxuan asked, "Master Shi Yan, what's wrong?"

Shi Yan was dragging a circular object in his hand, and a large number of numbers flashed densely on it, like space-time coordinates.

Shi Yan said: "After the leader and Logan entered the secret room just now, they did capture some light and shadow connections, but the space is a bit wide. If you want to find out specifically, I am afraid it will take several months."

Yang Qingxuan said: "A few months are too long. Three days later, the people from the Water Temple will be projected again. Master Shi Yan has worked hard."

Shi Yan said: "It's so good. If you do it again, it should be possible to reduce the scope by more than double."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and said: "What do you think of the Water God Palace?"

Shi Yan pondered for a moment, and said, "I always thought that the Tianpeng Water Shrine was the same as that day. It has long been extinct. Unexpectedly, it has always been hidden in Tianhe, and also controls the fate of the entire Tianhe. Even the kings of Tianhe in the past. Tribute to them. It can be seen that his strength is strong enough to surpass the hundreds of races. We don’t have any understanding when dealing with them, so we must proceed with caution."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Actually, I was thinking that if the people in the Canopy Water Temple get the iron from the bottom of the town, it can be used to balance the water levels of the two rivers and resolve the yin and yang of the world. We don’t need to get it personally to avoid erecting more enemies. ."

Shi Yan said: "It is feasible for the leader to think this way. I am afraid that after the Canopy Water Temple acquires the Zhenzhen Zhenzhen, it will not only be used to balance the yin and yang, but will become a major disaster. It is really a dog.

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "This is exactly what I worry about. Our purpose is to balance the Yin and Yang and save all souls. At the same time, restrain the Star Palace and contain the Hundred Clan. If the purpose and ideas of the Water Palace are the same as ours, this Tianhe Town It's okay for Shenzhen to let them go. But if it doesn't, this Shenzhen iron must be obtained. Then it will inevitably be another big battle."

Shi Yan laughed and said: "Who is afraid of who fights when you fight? In this world, there are really not many forces that can compete with our Zhengxing League. Even in this legend, since the mysterious and powerful canopy water temple , I also need to weigh my own weight. Besides, this Tianhe Town Divine Treasure matter is not only us who spy, I am afraid that people with some strength and ideas in the entire star field will be coming. "

//The next chapter will be later.

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