Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1790: Reunion Demon Cow King

Logan exclaimed in horror: "Strong Demon Bull King!"

It was the first time that he saw the Great Demon Bull King. Although there were long rumors that the Great Demon Bull King was born, they only existed in the message, and he felt very far away from him.

At this moment, seeing the true face of the Dali Demon King, my heart suddenly trembled, and my whole body couldn't help but shudder.

Strong Demon Bull King, but a powerful man of the same age as the eternal sky!

It was suppressed only because of competing with the eternal sky for the position of the demon emperor. I could not think of it for millions of years. Not only did he not die, nor surpass the other shore, but he survived in this star field.

All the hundreds of people in the square shivered like Logan.

The demon clan aura that suppressed one side was too tyrannical, covering all the auras of the hundred clan, directly colliding with the aura of Yang Qingxuan and others.

The Dali Demon Cow had round eyes and stared directly at Yang Qingxuan. The rest of them seemed to be out of his eyes.

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fist and said, "Master Demon Cow, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The Dali Demon King hummed softly, which was regarded as a response.

But just by humming, a cloud of gas was emitted, which turned into a whirlpool and swept in all directions. Some low-powered martial artists screamed immediately, and were lost by the shock.

No one in the square did not change color.

The purple lightning in the sky dissipated one after another with the appearance of the monsters, but at this moment, another extremely powerful force, accompanied by countless strange laughs, came from the void.


The whole world collapsed, and a large group of black air poured out, like a huge tadpole, walking up and down in the air, spinning around the huge square, as if looking for some direction.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed, staring away with fiery eyes, and immediately saw the scene in the black air clearly.


Heiqi made a full circle and rammed into the crowded place on the square.

"No! Run away!"

In that area, there were more than 30 Wu Xiu who were shocked when they saw this, and they hurriedly turned into a escape and were about to flee.

But the inexplicable body stagnated, stiffening in place, and could only watch the black energy crash down, "No! Don't!—"

Yang Qingxuan saw it really, among the black qi, a great demon pinched the tactics with one hand and suppressed all the people below.


More than thirty people, including two powerful world kings, were directly swallowed by black energy.

The surrounding Wu Xiu was so frightened, and immediately scattered into birds and beasts, vacating a large vacuum for the black air.



"Jie Jie Jie Jie."

The black air rolled over, and a lot of weird smiles continued to come from it, and as it shrank a little, all the monsters inside appeared.

The headed person is Zhong Jie, carrying the Yuxinghuangdao.

The powerful demon aura rises to the sky, and it is in competition with the demon aura of the demon race and the true aura of the human race.

The breath of the other hundred races interspersed in it, almost negligible.

The blockbuster Wu Xiu was pressured to breathe under these three magnificent forces.

Qin Wudao, the head of the Seven Ghosts, suddenly jumped his eyelids and said in surprise: "Huang Yin? Dong Xuan Dong Xu, Feng Jinyu..."

In front of the great demons, stood a group of human races with a dark complexion. It was Huang Yin and others who were besieged on Wangchuan, but their skin was covered with dense black scales, their eyes were red, and their expressions were gloomy.

Shi Yan said solemnly: "It's actually a demon! The demon clan didn't kill them, but demonized them. Huang Yin and others have good strength, no wonder, it is a pity to kill them."

It is not only Huang Yin and others who have been demonized.

Even the more than thirty people who had just been swallowed by the devil qi were wailing in pain, with scales growing out of their bodies, turning into a demon clan, being demonized.

Yang Qingxuan looked solemn, staring at the past, just colliding with Zhong Jie's gaze.

Zhong Jie's pupils shrank violently, and he was severely shocked by Yang Qingxuan's cultivation of the Second Star Realm King. His heart sank further, and a heavy "hum" sound came from his nostrils.

At the same time, I was very surprised by the power of the Star Alliance. Except for Logan’s Tianhe race, there are more than forty realm kings in the Star Alliance, and there are no shortage of high and middle-level realm kings. There are hundreds of people, and all of them have experienced many battles, and they are as desolate as the sea.

Zhong Jie let out a cold snort, then looked away and looked towards the Yaozu.

The people of the three factions are all looking at each other.

In this battle for Shen Zhen at the bottom of Tianhe Town, the three factions are the strongest rivals among each other. Next is the Tianhe Hundred Clan led by Logan. The rest are basically out of the sight of the three schools.

In addition, the only things that the people of the three factions are a little worried about are the mysterious canopy water temple and the star palace that has not yet appeared.

Among the monster clan, Longxi clan patriarch Jin Ou stood up and said coldly: "Everyone, the **** at the bottom of Tianhe Town, the whole world knows that it is the weapon of my monster clan Emperor Kong. Ignoring the existence of my monster clan, you all want to grab it. The treasure of our clan simply doesn’t put my monster clan in the eyes. The consequences are not generally serious. I advise you to be kind, so as not to cause murder!"

Jin Ou's gaze mainly looked at Zhong Jie and Yang Qingxuan, and slightly passed Xia Logan. The rest of the eyes were never looked at at all.

Logan immediately felt a huge insult, and said angrily: "Are you brain-dead? The name of this weapon has the word'Tianhe' on it. It is obviously something from Tianhe! Back then, it was only stolen by Kona. That's it. Returning to my Tianhe now is the return of things to their original owners!"

Jin Ou's face sank, his gaze shot over, and he shouted, "Where are the miscellaneous fishes! Lord Kong Emperor crossed the world and suppressed the Hundred Clan, but you, the miscellaneous fish race, didn't know where to eat shi! Now dare you. Say bad words to Master Kong Emperor!"

Mochen, the head of the Demon Clan’s Celestial Elephant Clan, hummed, "Heh, who is it? The word'Tianhe' can only mean that this weapon comes from Tianhe, but it is not owned by anyone. And Lord Kong, is the **** of the town. Master Jane, everyone knows!"

Logan was shocked by the momentum of the two demon kings. He only felt that his chest was stuffy, and he didn't dare to carry it hard. He hurriedly retreated, his face flushed.

Yang Qingxuan lazily said, "Everyone knows the world? Then you find the world, we don't know."


Behind Yang Qingxuan, there was a burst of laughter immediately.

Mo Chen's face changed drastically, and his body swelled up instantly, stepping forward like a giant elephant, causing the square to tremble, pointing to Yang Qingxuan with thick fingers like sugarcane, and shouting: "Yang Qingxuan, stand up and speak!"

Yang Qingxuan put his arms around his chest and sneered: "What are you? As far as your status is concerned, you are just a demon king of a small family. This seat is the twelfth generation of the emperor. If you want to talk to me, you must have the strong demon king. Qualification, you go down!"

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