Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1807: Battle of the Peak (9): No one can stop

Xi Dadao: "Actually, this is just a bet. How difficult it is to step into the Lord of Thousand Realms, Lord Swordsman should know better than me. How many people have surpassed the other side through the ages? Even at the nine-star peak, want to cross the last one. There is no one in a million obstacles."

Jun Dao Hao said: "Even if it is only the peak of the Nine Stars, the True Star Alliance is unstoppable."

Xi laughed and said, "Actually, what fate is there in this world? The sky is healthy, and the gentleman strives for self-improvement; the terrain is great, and the gentleman carries his wealth with virtue."

Dao Haojun grabbed the sword intent on his body, and fell into deep thought.


Within the golden light of the mighty Heavenly Phoenix, Wu Xiu from the Star Alliance and the Star Palace fought again. The massive killings and energy fluctuations caused the golden light to sway continuously, like a wisp of blue smoke blown by the wind, straight into the sky.

"this is……"

Yang Qingxuan followed the phoenix light straight into the sky, and soon saw a cloud of white smoke in the distance.

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed and hurried over.

He was quickly blocked by the cloud, making it difficult to move.

Yang Qingxuan took a palm shot, and a large flame roared out, rushing to the misty cloud, and the entire long sky immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire.

But the fire became higher and higher, forming two distinct worlds with clouds.

Fire dragons, tigers, bears, wolves, birds and other forms of fire continue to roar in the sea of ​​fire, tearing the cloud.

There are even a variety of alien races, Pippi shrimp, etc., rushing towards the cloud one after another.

The power of the enchantment of the entire cloud pressure virtual column, under the power of this fire source, was burnt little by little, and the sea of ​​fire steadily burned forward.

"Yang Qingxuan, stop!"

A sharp shout came from behind, and a man in Jinyi rushed into the sea of ​​fire while flashing in the air, breaking the flame with his mighty palm, and slashed towards Yang Qingxuan.

"Hunyuan Palm?!"

The person Yang Qingxuan recognized immediately was Zhuo Yuqing, the head of Hun Yuan Zhuo's family, who sneered at the moment, "What are you, you are qualified to let me stop?"

Tianxu swayed in the air, and slashed forward at the moment of birth and death.

Zhuo Yuqing was shocked and angry. What was shocked was that Yang Qingxuan's strength was so tyrannical that he could compete with their twenty-four Patriarchs, and the anger was that the opponent looked down on him so much.


Hun Yuan blasted on the Tianxu, and the two forces immediately exploded.

Yang Qingxuan's figure shook, and he was shaken back for a few steps. The flames around his body were completely split by the Hun Yuan Jin, forming a huge vacuum zone.

Zhuo Yuqing has a four-star realm king's cultivation base, and hasn't done much before. At this moment, he faced Yang Qingxuan with one move that prevailed.

But Zhuo Yuqing's heart was extremely shocked. Yang Qingxuan rushed in and out of the battlefield. His cultivation base was one star lower than him, but he was able to resist him with a palm without losing. He just took a few steps back and resolved the attack. .

This made Zhuo Yuqing feel extremely scared, if the person in front of him did not die this time, he would become a terrifying existence that was difficult to suppress.

He took a sharp breath, bullied himself up again, and slapped Yang Qingxuan's forehead.

Numerous Hun Yuan Jin pressed in all directions, and the entire sea of ​​fire was suppressed, forming a vacuum of thousands of feet.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed his left hand, and the Wuji apricot and yellow flag flew out, spreading out an enchantment, and thousands of golden lotus appeared to protect him.


Zhuo Yuqing's palm pressed **** the barrier, and the golden lotus blossoms burst one after another.

The entire fire is weak.

Yang Qingxuan pushed a few more steps again, before being crushed by the clouds, there was almost no way to go back.

Yang Qingxuan's face was green, starting from the hideous face, he began to transform into a dragon's body, and the dragon's breath was suppressed in circles, around his body, and scattered in all directions.

The more Yang Qingxuan resisted, the more feared Zhuo Yuqing's heart was. He gritted his teeth, the Hun Yuan Jin in his hands continued to increase, and the shocking Yang Qingxuan's luck behind him was all over.

"If you don't kill you today, it will be a disaster in the future!"

Zhuo Yuqing's complexion became cold, and his Qi strength increased again, and the slightest amount of strength in his body was completely poured into his palms and pressed forward.

The brilliance on the Wuji Apricot Yellow Banner quickly became dim and could no longer be maintained.

A large amount of blood exploded on Yang Qingxuan's dragon body, and he finally couldn't hold it anymore, and desperately backed away, being pressed against the large array of Yunqi empty fence, his body burst one after another.

"In the future? If there is no evil, you can no longer see it!"

Yang Qingxuan sneered, then shouted: "Ghost! Come out soon!"

The sword mark on the center of Yang Qingxuan's eyebrows flashed, and a turquoise ghost sword immediately shot out, zoomed in instantly, and cut it to Zhuo Yuqing.


Zhuo Yuqing was shocked, the sword exuded an aura that made him palpitate, as if he was about to smash the entire sky.

All the power in Zhuo Yuqing's body was suppressing Yang Qingxuan. Under this situation, he could not stop the ghost hiding a sword. In panic, he hurriedly withdrew his palm and was about to flee.

"Jiejie, idiot, if you let you escape, do you still have the face to mess around in this world?"

The light and shadow on the sword flashed, directly smashing the sky, as if a huge ghost appeared in the void.

Without taking a few steps, Zhuo Yuqing was cut in half by Baigui Yexing, screamed, and blood splashed into the sky.

The ghost-hidden body appeared at once, like the heavens and the earth, stretched out the palm of his hand to grasp it, Zhuo Yuqing's body, flesh and blood, and soul were twisted together and compressed into a light ball , Was eaten by the ghost in the mouth.

In the last Wangchuan battle, the entire Wangchuan strong clan was almost killed and wounded. Numerous grievances and ghosts were raided by ghosts. After more than a year of retreat, he reappeared at this moment and is already the king of the six-star world.

Originally it was two stars higher than Zhuo Yuqing, let alone a sudden attack, how could Zhuo Yuqing survive.

After Gui Zang swallowed Zhuo Yuqing's flesh and soul, his eyes kept shining, staring at the vast void, and desperately licking his lips.

In his eyes, countless grievances and ghosts scattered between heaven and earth, just waiting to eat by himself.


Gui Zang laughed wildly, then strode towards the world.

The soul born after this battle was enough to make him rush into the seven-star or even eight-star realm.

The people of the two factions who fought in the distance were all shocked by Zhuo Yuqing's tragic death.

Especially the members of the Star Palace and the Hunyuan family, all faceless.

Yang Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, swallowed a large amount of pill, sat cross-legged in the void, adjusting his breath and real essence.

Suddenly, an extremely fierce wind struck, and the wind blew up in the void, and the entire large array of luck that was blowing was shaken.

In shock, Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes hurriedly, and saw a man standing one hundred meters in front of him. He was wearing a royal blue robe and his face was vicissitudes of life, giving people the feeling of being independent on the top of ten thousand mountains.

The power of this gang wind is extremely familiar.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Supo Qianfeng, Jian Xiao!"

//Yang Qingxuan loves the country or the beauty?

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