Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1820: The Battle of the Pinnacle (22): The Four Truths of Cause and Effect

The last side of the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth finally reappeared.

The Wuji Apricot Yellow Banner is in Yang Qingxuan's hands.

Xuan Yuan controlled the water flag in Yang Yunjing's hands and later gave it to Shi Yuyan.

The off-ground flame flag was in the hands of Xuantianji.

The plain-colored cloud boundary flag is in the hands of Tian Ruqing.

On the last side, the Qinglian Bao color banner appeared in the hands of the black man, who was called Yin Yun.

Yang Qingxuan withdrew his horrified gaze, looked at Yin Yun, and said in a daze, "Who are you?"

Yin Yun's face was solemn and said, "This is not the time to say these words. You immediately sit down and take back Taixuantian, and then stay away from the Star Palace. In this life, never show up again."

Yang Qingxuan's heart shook, and then he laughed: "Haha, never show up again in this life? Huh, what is the difference between death? Tian Ruqing and I have a vengeance for killing father and mother, and this hatred is not shared!"

After speaking, I thought that my mother was not dead, and said that there was something wrong with killing mothers. But on another thought, if it were not for the ruthlessness of the sky, my mother would not have fallen to where she is today, swept away by the storm of time and space, where she is unknown and missing.

Yin Yun sighed and said, "None of your parents are dead."


Yang Qingxuan's heart shook wildly, and said in shock: "Do you know that my father is not dead? Where is he?"

Yin Yun shook his head and said, "I don't know where he is."

Yang Qingxuan said anxiously: "Then how do you know that he is not dead?"

"If I'm right, the owner of Shuhengdun is also carrying a green lotus color flag. Your Excellency should be the previous generation emperor, who passed the throne of the emperor to the tenth generation emperor of Yang Yunjing!"

Shi Yan's voice came from the ground with a serious face.

The identities of the emperors of the past dynasties are extremely mysterious, and a few of them are even more elusive. Even their names have not been left behind, making people nowhere to be found.

And this black-clothed man named Yin Yun, if he hadn't been holding the Shouheng shield and the Qinglian color flag, no one knew his identity.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and the entire human race, as well as all foreign races, were all taken aback.

Actually the emperor of the previous generation?

Then what is the relationship between him and Tian Ruqing?

Yin Yun nodded lightly, acknowledging his clone.

The Five Flags of Heaven and Earth was originally a thing of the Star Palace, but it was lost because of the disturbance in the Star Palace.

Holding one of the five flags has something to do with the star palace.

So Shi Yan can guess like this.

Yang Qingxuan was pleasantly surprised. Since it was said by the tenth-generation emperor, his father was very likely to be alive. He hurriedly asked, "Master Yinyun, what is going on with my father?"

Yin Yun sighed: "This is a long story. The events of the year involved many things. But your father has disappeared, and he is afraid that it will be more or less bad. Although this incident was caused by the ruthless nature, but in the final analysis, it is because For my sake, I don't want to shirk my responsibility. So today, no matter what, I will save you and keep the Yang family blood for Yun Jing!"

Yinyun's eyes were full of determination.

The brilliance of the Qinglian Baoguang Banner merged into the barrier, turning into an indestructible barrier, and Yin Yun passed through this barrier and confronted the sky mercilessly.

"Keep this trace of Yang family blood? Humph, can you do it? A joke!"

Tian gave a ruthless sneer, and took a step forward. There was a flash of light on the center of his eyebrows, and the whole person was immediately in a strange state.

The rules of Zhouhe Time and Space were distorted around him, forming huge field energy.

There are constantly new rules present in the scene, illusion and destruction, countless rays of light shuttle through this bizarre but chaotic rule, as if connecting cause and effect, it is the only established law.

As soon as this feeling came out, Yang Qingxuan's heart was shocked, and he cried out, "The Four Truths!"

The three true jade pieces in his body were induced to emit the same glow.

Tian ruthlessly said grimly: "Ten thousand dharmas come and die impermanent, but cause and effect do not change! It is the jade of bitter truth. The other three jade pieces are in your hands, and they are completely dusted with gems. Use your blood to wash these three jade pieces. Be humiliated!"

Tian screamed mercilessly, and the word "bitter" appeared in his palm.

All sentient and ruthless sentient beings, since the beginning, from delusion to self-holding ignorance, to build up the cause of good and evil karma, to inspire the suffering of life and death in the Three Realms.

People suffer from birth, old age, sickness, and death.

Things have the suffering of life, dwelling, difference, and extinction.

The Dharma has the suffering of success, dwelling, degeneration, and voidness.

"Sorrowful six senses, sinking into eight sufferings, without a great sage, who will save Huiqiao."

The sky is ruthless and fierce, slapped into the barrier with a palm.

The array of light transformed by the Hengheng shield instantly became chaotic.

The Qing Lian Bao Se Qi also vibrated violently, constantly drifting towards Yin Yun.

Yin Yun was shocked and exclaimed: "Yang Qingxuan, hurry up!"

The barrier froze for a few times, and finally shattered under the power of Kudiyu.

Tian's ruthless palm came out even more, shouting: "Yin Yun, let's get on the road!"


Numerous golden lights, turned into bitter fruits, entangle Yinyun.

Yinyun gave a wry smile and said: "Dying under the bitter fruit is really a good time. Ten thousand laws are impermanent, only cause and effect remain unchanged."

The three true jade in Yang Qingxuan's body could no longer be suppressed, and all of them flew out, manifesting in the sky, reflecting each other with that bitter jade.

"The Four Truths of Jade! After ten thousand years, the Four Truths of Jade have finally gathered!"

The strong bull demon king shrank his pupils and rushed forward excitedly. The mixed iron rod exploded with great power, sweeping all the power, "The Four Truths Jade! Even if I die here today, I will definitely get it! Those who stop me die! !"

A generation of demon emperors, who have persisted in their determination for tens of thousands of years, burst out at this moment.

"Uh, finally there is a good reason to do it."

A huge magical shadow appeared on the void, and under the flashing of the pupils, a purple light was emitted, and he sneered: "Great Demon Bull King, you are already a figure eliminated by the times. Go back to your era. You are not welcome under this starry sky."

Void Ancient Demon tore his hands, and the sword mound was shattered.

At the same time, he raised his hand and grabbed the three pieces of Causal Truth Jade.

Tian Ruoqing's face was cold, and he sneered: "The two are blind. Didn't you see this seat here? When is it your turn for the Four Truths to watch you too? Yu Wuji, the Great Demon King, the Four Truths You dare to think about jade, it's swollen."

With five fingers on his right hand, he shot out a yellow light, patted it into Yin Yun's body, and flew it out.

Then pinched the Jue in front of him, bitter words shined brightly, staring coldly at the attacking two masters, showing contempt and arrogance.

Yinyun spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and his whole body was rapidly aging, his face faded, and his body began to turn into loess.

Yang Qingxuan was anxious, Yin Yun might know some clues about his father, and rushed over to catch Yin Yun.

But the power of time passed quickly, and Yin Yun was about to turn into loess in a flash. He had the sun, moon, and stars, and he forced time back. How many seconds could it go back?

Yin Yun decayed and died a little bit.

Suddenly, just in front of Yang Qingxuan, a tranceful light appeared. It turned into a martial arts spirit, touching Yin Yun's forehead with one hand, and the rapidly passing time began to fall back.

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