Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1834: Perfect blue eyes, communication mirage

"who is it?!"

Wu Qiyue was shocked, recovered from the practice, and suddenly opened her eyes.

Wu Lin, who was on the side, also opened her eyes.

The blue eyes of the two are almost the same perfect, transparent as jade, flashing with spiritual brilliance.

In fact, Wu Lin is truly born with perfect blue eyes.

Wu Qiyue has only practiced the Book of Wind and Moon, and various opportunities have gradually made her blue eyes perfect, but compared to Wu Lin, she is still a bit different.

"Oh, two perfect-grade blue eyes. Tsk tsk, did the master of the Wu family really die? Just let the two of you come in and perceive the mirage Eye of Fantasy, are you not afraid of dying in it?"

Yingzheng snorted, his face full of murderous and hideous.

He has a deep hatred for blue eyes, anyone who has blue eyes deserves to die, let alone perfect blue eyes.

Wu Qiyue said in shock: "Yingzheng! Where's Lord Wuying? Could it be..."

Yingzheng said: "The old man, of course is dead. Don't worry, I will send you down to see him. There are also the ancestors of the Wu family, and Wu Xian and others. The family should be neatly together. , When you go down, don't forget to tell them that it was the boy with white eyes who sent you down!"

Wu Qiyue's face changed drastically, she pushed Wu Lin abruptly, and shouted, "Hurry up and inform Qingxuan and Master Shiyan!"

As soon as his figure flashed, he rushed to Yingzheng.

Wu Ying couldn't stop Yingzheng, and he was even less likely to be Yingzheng's opponent. Now I can only buy as much time as possible for Wu Lin, hoping that Wu Lin can escape.

However, in today's Xuanxiao Jiangque, and even the entire Zhengxing League, only Yang Qingxuan and Shi Yan can contend with the government.

A sneer flashed across Yingzheng's white eyes.

Both Wu Qiyue and Wu Lin were shocked and plunged into a huge darkness, as if they had fallen into an endless universe. Their bodies were sinking continuously without any light. The blue eyes of the two were like the only light source in the darkness. .


Wu Lin yelled.

The two leaned forward desperately, holding hands, but they were still sinking.

Wu Lin said anxiously: "Cousin, what should I do? How long will it take to sink?"

Wu Qiyue said solemnly: "This is a white-eyed illusion space. I am afraid that there will never be an end. We will sink forever. Unless someone interrupts Yingzheng's pupil technique at this moment."

Wu Lin's perfect blue eyes were full of fear and fear.

Wu Qiyue sighed. She naturally understood the purpose of Yingzheng. The Wu family suffered huge casualties in the first battle at the summit. The elders such as Wuxian, Wushan, and Wuyun have all fallen, and even the mountain-protecting green beasts are fighting In the battle of the spiritual tortoise, they all fell together.

Ying Zheng was just looking at Wu Jia's weakness at this moment, and then he dared to come to the door to smash the mirage and the idea of ​​the Eye of Fantasy.

Wu Qiyue's blue eyes suddenly lit up and said, "Wu Lin, let's communicate the mirage together with divine thoughts. If we can use the power of the mirage, we can get out of this eternal fall. Maybe we can also fight against Yingzheng."

Wu Lin was also Hui Zhilanxin's sister, and immediately calmed down.

The two faced each other and kept pinching the technique.


In the center of the forbidden area of ​​the Wu family.

After Ying Zheng sent away the two sisters, he looked solemnly at the formation on the ground.

Step gently in the formation, feeling the energy aura in this earth.

Yingzheng's eyes shined with excitement, and he muttered to himself excitedly: "Is this the quiet place of mirage, the birthplace of blue eyes?"

Suddenly, a very strong and mysterious aura came, and the formation runes on the ground seemed to be activated.

The surrounding space vibrated violently, and countless stone forests exploded.

Yingzheng only felt a sudden tingling in his eyes, and in shock, he flew up and left the big formation.

As soon as the space on the battlefield flashed, sisters Wu Qiyue and Wu Lin fell heavily and fell to the ground.

The moment Wu Qiyue landed, she slammed Wu Lin's hand and shouted, "Go!"

The two turned into escape and were about to leave.

Yingzheng's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "Joke! Two ants, but just kill you one more time. But it really surprised me that you actually communicated with you. Then you will be left behind."

As soon as Yingzheng's figure flickered, she appeared in front of the two women, cutting off the escape light.

Wu Qiyue was shocked and hurriedly pushed Wu Lin away, shouting: "Go!"

I mobilized my whole body strength, and huge blue light burst into his eyes. Under the pinch with both hands, the moon shadow appeared all over his body, "I'm fighting with you!"

Yingzheng sneered, "Haha, fight with me for something that the realm king can't reach? What do you do? Stupid!"

Five fingers grabbed straight forward.

Wu Qiyue's face was pale, but she wore a look of perseverance. As long as Yingzheng can hold a few breaths, Wu Lin has hope to escape.

"The tide of heaven and earth!"

Wu Qiyue screamed, and Fengyue's power surged away.

The brilliance falls, and the gang wind passes.

The whole world seems to echo and be led by it.

The energy of Wu Qiyue's whole body was immediately pumped out and turned into a huge ocean tide.

Wu Lin was anxious to cry, but she knew that if she didn't leave, her cousin would have sacrificed in vain, and immediately gritted her teeth and fled to the sky.

But as soon as he took a step, that exquisite and smaller body trembled and stopped.

Yingzheng held his five fingers in the air.

The cold cold light crushed Yuehua, and the entire Fengyue Field could be distorted in an instant and could not help but collapse.

The realm of the two is too far apart.

No matter how hard Wu Qiyue tried, she still couldn't stop Yingzheng's casual blow.

Wu Qiyue was desperate. Looking at the white light that broke through the sky, her heart sank. At this moment, Yang Qingxuan's face flashed in her mind, she couldn't help smiling bitterly, full of affection.

Suddenly, the world fell silent.

The broken moonlight seemed to be re-ignited, becoming extremely powerful.

Under the bright moon, the strong wind and moon suddenly descended, and violent energy fluctuations appeared between the sky and the earth, engulfing all the white light of Yingzheng.

The tide of all things, the terrible gravitational force like a tsunami, tears the distorted space, sweeping towards Yingzheng.

Wu Qiyue was ecstatic and exclaimed: "Qingxuan!"

In the tide of that Yuehua, a slender figure faintly descended from the sky.

Wu Lin also cried with joy and couldn't help hiding her face and crying.

"What? Impossible!"

Yingzheng was shocked suddenly, and hurriedly withdrew his hand, pinched the formula in front of him, and patted it suddenly. At the same time, his white eyes suddenly opened, a gleam of gloomy white light, once again shining brightly, sweeping everything in front of him.

The five-star pinnacle realm king's full blow, all gathered under this move!


But Baimang became strong for an instant, and was blocked by the stormy tide, making it difficult to make any progress.

And a familiar and long-lost face appeared in front of Ying Zheng, making Ying Zheng's face extremely ugly.

There was no emotion in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, but Ling Li's murderous aura was conveyed through that cold voice, "Qiyue, let's do it together!"

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