Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1850: Change a demon master, judge the situation

Zhong Jie brushed his sleeves, and said with a cold voice: "This kind of cooperation is really impossible to cooperate. Lord Heaven should find someone else to cooperate."

The heavenly face was slightly cold, and said: "There are too few people in this world who can be qualified to cooperate with this seat, devil, you have to cherish this opportunity."

Zhong Jie sneered: "This shit-like opportunity, adults should keep it for themselves."

The heavenly person sighed quietly: "Since the demon lord disagrees, then I am not reluctant, so I have to talk to another demon lord."

Zhong Jie was frightened and said: "There is only one demon master in the sky and the ground, and that is the deity. How can I change one?"

The heavenly sneered, and said: "In this world, there are many people who are willing to be the devil, don't believe me."

As he said, the five fingers grabbed into the void, and large swaths of magic energy gathered from all directions, constantly becoming austere under the power of the heavens, and soon turned into a demon, condensing the human form of the head, body and limbs.

Zhong Jie was shocked.

The heaven said to the demon shadow: "This seat created you and gave you a name to replace it. Are you willing to become a new generation of demon lord?"

The demon was stunned for a while, then he was ecstatic, and hurriedly bowed to the ground, kowtow desperately, "Thank you for your name, master. For your willingness to become a demon master, you will always be loyal to your master."

Zhong Jie was furious, and fierce devilish energy erupted all over his body. The wild sword appeared in his hand at once, and a powerful edge shot out, smashing the space.

The blood-stained blade light ran across the sky and the earth, and then cut it away.

The heavenly sneered, his sleeves flicked, and a little finger shot out, like a thin firefly, not worth seeing.


But that little fluorescent light emitted a strange field energy, completely suppressing Zhong Jie's sword energy.

Then he zoomed in the air and shot down on the blade.

The whole knife bends instantly, making a roaring clank, almost breaking. At the same time, the huge sword energy instantly bounced back, rushing towards Zhong Jie's body with the finger light.

Zhong Jie spouted a mouthful of blood and flew back, with countless wounds appearing on his whole body, and his body was covered in blood instantly.

At this moment, around the heavens and above the Holy Demon Hall, powerful forces broke through the air, transforming into seven majestic demon heads, all seven or eight feet high, with terrifying faces and powerful aura.

Under the seal of each other's hands, countless demon qi rushed crazily, turning into thousands of devil patterns, constantly arranging and combining in space, and instantly turning into a vast array.

Under the rotation, such as the mountains suppressed.

"Seven Demon? Huh."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the heavenly man, he sneered, and said: "It seems that you will not give up if you don't kill you all."

He raised his hand, the five fingers were actually engraved with formations, the lines were extremely strange, and it was awe-inspiring to look at it.

The strange pattern gleamed, and purple bubbles continued to emerge from it, fused with each other, and finally formed a spherical purple light cluster, held in the hand.

The tyrannical aura swept away, revealing the slightest aura of destruction.

The seven demon in the air have their own shapes, staring at the purple ball, and the head of the demon flashed sarcasm in his eyes, and raised his hand a little bit into the battle.

When the large array was halfway down, countless characters were rearranged and combined, and the entire large array suddenly twisted and deformed, collapsed toward the center, turned into a six-sided cone of light, and shook down.

The heavenly person squeezed the light ball in his hand and crushed it in an instant, and the purple light rose sharply, like a galaxy spreading out, and struck the six-sided light cone.


The purple light soared to the sky, slashing the six-sided light cone at once.

The powerful purple light soared into the sky, straight into the sky above the Holy Demon Hall.

The top was neither gold nor jade, but a mass of pitch-black objects that directly swallowed the purple awns.

But the huge shock after breaking the mountain still turned into a light wave shaking in all directions.

The seven demons all showed a look of astonishment.

In the main hall, he lost the figure of the sky at the same time.

Leading the demon shouted: "This person is extremely tricky, be careful!"

After the words were finished, this demon's face became extremely weird, his face twitched unbearably, and then with a "crash", the whole person was shattered by the purple light.

The other Six Demons all cried out silently: "Big Brother!--"

But in an instant, the sound of "clap" came one after another, and the Six Demons were also split apart one after another, all screaming.

Zhong Jie was full of horror, holding a knife in both hands, and couldn't help but tremble.

After the Seven Demons were beheaded, the purple light flashed in the sky, turning into the figure of the heaven, and walking towards Zhong Jie step by step.

Excited all over, I knelt down on the ground and kept kowtow, "Master Shenwu, Master Shenwu!"

Zhong Jie gritted his teeth fiercely and said loudly: "Lord Heaven, I think your cooperation is very good. It represents the vital interests of every demon and is very conducive to the development of the demon. I agree with it with both hands."

As soon as the footsteps of the heavens stopped, a glimmer of light flashed in the hood, and he sneered: "Didn't you say this opportunity is shit?"

Zhong Jie said sternly: "That's because I was full of **** in my mind, so I misunderstood at the beginning, and now I finally understand that this is the inevitable trend of the development of the demons and the correct choice for all the demons."

Kneeling on the ground, raised his head abruptly, and said grimly: "Master, don't believe him! Quickly kill him and help me to the position of the demon lord. I am your most faithful servant, and only I will not Betray you."

For the look of desire.


Without any signs, Li's body exploded and continued to decompose into demonic energy.

"No! No, how could this be? Master, master save me! —"

Screaming for horror, watching myself melt away a little bit, return to demonic energy, his face full of fear and panic.

The heavenly said: "You are just a bad person I just made up. If you want you to live, if you want to die, how can there be so much nonsense? Helping you to be the master of the devil is a good idea, but it's too much trouble, I Why do you have to trouble yourself and not simply do things?"

Hearing this, Zhong Jie breathed a sigh of relief. Holding the wild sword in his hands, covered in cold sweat, he said loudly: "Heavenly Lord is a wise man, I don't know what I need to do?"

In the wailing and desperation, a little bit turned into a devil and dispersed, returning to the world.

Born in an instant, die in an instant.

The heaven said: "You know how to judge the situation and you are a smart person. I appreciate it. No wonder Yu Wuji will also cooperate with you."

Zhong Jie smiled and hurriedly said, "I don't know how well the people of Yu Wuji are now?"

The heaven nodded and said: "He is fine. I need you to open the passage of the Demon Realm. I am going to the Ancient Demon Realm."

"What?" Zhong Jie lost his voice in amazement, his face was in disbelief, he couldn't imagine that the purpose of the heavenly man would be this.

"Why, is it embarrassing?" The cold voice of the sky came from his hood.

Zhong Jie hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed, "Don't be embarrassed, don't be embarrassed, I'm ready to open the Ancient Demon Realm, and send a gift to the Lord.

When he raised his head again, the heaven had completely disappeared before his eyes.

//No more tonight, good night. The immortal body? lame! Better than it can be here! Wechat public account (taiyiss) and deduction official account (taiyiss) will be pushed at 22:30 tonight. Go and see if you are interested~

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