Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1854: Act as the head, gather top strength

Yang Qingxuan and the four daughters were walking in the thunder hall. As soon as they arrived in the hall of the hall, a purple thunder shuttled over, imagining a middle-aged man in the air and slowly falling.

Wearing a navy blue robe, the man was short and stocky, and looked a little honest and cute. He clasped his fists to Yang Qingxuan and the four daughters, saying: "Welcome the Emperor Ren Huang to visit the ancient realm. In Xia Leixu, he is the current head of the Lei family. , Which means that the Lei family has met Lord Renhuang."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, the man in front of him was not good looking, but he gave him a feeling of extreme jealousy, even when facing Lei Yang, he had never had this feeling.

Yang Qingxuan remained silent, clasping his fist and said: "It turns out to be Lord Lei Xu. I wonder if Elder Lei Qu is here? Isn't the head of the Lei family Lord Lei Yang? Somehow it changed?"

Lei Xu smiled softly, waved Yang Qingxuan and the others to sit down, and then they were served tea. Then he said: "Lei Yang made a big mistake when he was discussing martial arts in the sky, and Master Ren Huang knew about this. Deprived of the role of the head of the generation, pressed into the dungeon to practice hard. Therefore, the head of this generation, alas, I had to take the post."

Yang Qingxuan and the four daughters were all in a trance. How many people struggled to fight for the position of the Patriarch, and the person in front of them sighed, as if they were forced to death.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "The greater the ability and the greater the responsibility, the more difficult things will be for the ancient domain, Master Lei Xu. From now on, I really want to see the old man Lei Qu. I wonder if the old man can be in the ancient domain?"

Lei Xu took a sip of tea and said casually: "The old man is still in retreat."

Yang Qingxuan frowned slightly, then stretched out, and asked with a fist, "I have sent people to see Old Man Lei Qu many times, and I have been in retreat. Since I am sensible, all the questions that involve him seem to be the same. In retreat. I don’t know how long Elder Lei Qu has been shut down. Is it going to attack the Lord of the Thousand Realms?"


Lei Xu smiled and said, "I don't know about that. I'm really sorry to see the old man, but I can't. In fact, the whole Lei family is now in my control. You can tell me anything, Lord Ren Huang. I can decide on anything. Except seeing the old man, haha."

Yang Qingxuan pondered, stood up and said, "So, then I will discuss with Master Lei Xu. I hope the Lei family can send a master to Xuanxiao to help me deal with all kinds of things in the world."

The smile on Lei Xu's face gradually dissipated, and he asked seriously: "I don't know what the Lord of the People is going to do with the current situation?"

Yang Qingxuan asked back: "What's your opinion, Lord Lei Xu?"

Lei Xu smiled softly, restored his salty appearance again, stroked his beard and said: "I am a bad old man, how can I have any insights. The world is changing so fast that I can't understand it. It belongs to you young people." The world."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "Bad old man? My lord...very young."

Lei Xu laughed and said, "Compared to Lord Ren Huang, he is too old."

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly, and did not say anything, and continued: "I don't have any insights down here. The throne of the emperor is really frightening and fearful. If the old man Lei Qu can leave the customs, let the old man take this position, first, he can conquer the world. , The second is that all peoples will give birth to infinite confidence."

Lei Xu smiled and said: "Haha, you really look up to our old man Lei Qu. No matter how strong the old man is, he can't dare to divide the world. If the hundred tribes join forces to retaliate, my ancient domain will not be able to bear it."

Yang Qingxuan said: "This is one of the reasons why I came to the ancient realm. I hope that the ancient realm can send a strong man to stay in Xuanxiao Cangque. If Lei Qu and Lei Xu can also go, it will be the best. That's great."

Lei Xu raised his eyebrows and said faintly: "Do you want the masters of the ancient domain to help you withstand the anger of the hundreds of people?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Master Lei Xu's remarks are wrong. It is not for me to block the anger of the hundreds, but for the entire human race. Since the peak of the First World War, the human race has begun to decline. At this moment, if you can't cheer up strongly and suppress the world, I am afraid it is the situation It will become uncontrollable. I entrusted the world, and I had no choice but to do it. First, we would no longer have the strength to drive out the Hundred Clan from the land of resources of Lingshan and Dachuan. Second, even if we drove out, there would be one day. The clan will still come back. In this case, blocking is better than sparse. Establish a system of enfeoffment, and control all the hundreds of clans in your own hands and become part of your own power. In this way, although I dare not say that it will be hegemony forever, it is at least better than expelling a hundred clans and human races. It will last long."

Lei Xu was silent, stood up and paced back and forth in the hall.

After a while, he said, "This method of enfeoffment has indeed never existed in the past. The rise and fall of the original race is an unchangeable rule of heaven. If you say that, it may indeed continue the prosperity of the human race. "

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Does the lord recognize my law?"

Lei Xu said: "Acknowledgement, does not mean that you have to send the Lei family's children to help you. After all, this is a very dangerous thing, I don't want the Lei family's disciple to be killed or injured inexplicably."

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "For the past and present, those who have achieved great things are not dangerous? Everyone is alive and dead, running on a set trajectory. Why do adults insist on being dangerous and not dangerous?"

Lei Xu blinked and looked at Yang Qingxuan and said, "Are you thinking around me?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly, clasped his fist and said: "How dare, I hope Master Lei Xu will carefully consider this matter. Without the power of the ancient domain, the Xuanxiao Crimson Bridge would be very difficult to shock the world. I have already been to the Dao Domain, Swallowing Heaven City, Sword Lord Master Tianshu and Master Tianshu are willing to stay in Xuanxiao Jiangque. Later, I will go to the family of Qin family, the family of public losers and other big human forces to convince them one by one."

Lei Xu's gaze became a little erratic, and suddenly he said, "Master Human Sovereign wants to gather the top power of the entire human race. I'm afraid it's not just to deal with the hundreds?"

Yang Qingxuan said sternly: "Everything can't escape the eyes of Lord Lei Xu."

Lei Xu waved his hand and said, "Don't flatter me. If it's a bad thing, even if you kneel down and lick the soles of the old man, the old man won't agree. Just tell the truth."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, adjusted his thoughts, and said, "It is to prepare for the Dao Ying Conference. Of course, I am not using the power of the human race to participate in the Dao Ying. It is that I will participate in the Dao Ying. I am afraid that the time will come. Whatever happens, my death is small, and I am afraid that the entire human race will collapse. Then I will also become a sinner of my race through the ages."

Lei Xu stared at him like a sharp light knife, as if he was about to cut through all of Yang Qingxuan's coats, and looked straight into his heart, "You want to participate in the Dao Ying incident?"

Lei Xu asked word by word.

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