Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1856: Mountain patrol demon, long time no see

This little demon was hiding behind a fat golden giant ape, a member of the Golden Ape tribe.

The Great Demon King suddenly condensed, staring at the little demon and asking, "Who are you?"

This shock immediately shocked all the demon races in the hall, cast their gazes over, staring at the little demon.

Jin Ou's face changed slightly, and he asked the fat golden giant ape: "Suanshan, is he yours?"

Saruyama felt inexplicable, looked back, and said: "This little demon is indeed of our Golden Ape clan. Although it looks a bit strange, its appearance and demon-like aura are indeed correct."

Jin Ou's pupils constricted slightly, and he said "Oh", seemingly suspicious.

In fact, all the demon kings were strange in their hearts. They didn't understand why the strong demon bull king suddenly asked a little demon, and the little demon was of average strength and looked like in the early stage of immortality.

Yuanshan couldn't sit still a little longer, then looked back at the little demon and asked, "What's your name? There is an early stage of immortality. It's strange, why don't I have any impression?"

The little demon chuckled and said, "The little one is named Xiao Zuanfeng, who is in charge of patrolling the mountain on weekdays. For the meeting today, I was assigned to follow the king."

Saruyama just breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Oh, that's how it is."

Jin Ou stared at the little demon, hooked his fingers, and said, "Little diamond wind, right? Come here."

Xiao Zuanfeng hurriedly trot over, suddenly turned around again, ran back, shook his head and said: "No, I see the murderous flash in King Jin Ou's eyes, he will kill me."

Saruyama gave him a fierce look and shouted: "What nonsense! All the monster races are one family, how could Lord Jin Ou kill you for no reason? Go over."

Xiao Zuanfeng smiled, but instead of going up, he stood with his chest and looked at the powerful Demon Bull on the throne.

The faces of all the demons changed drastically.

Yuanshan was even more furious. He was the great king of the Golden Ape clan, and his subordinates were so disobedient. They were still appearing at the conference, losing their face, suddenly roared, and slapped them.


The Dali Demon King suddenly called out, his face became extremely calm, and he waved his hand: "Everyone retreats, and the little drill wind stays."


Saruyama stood there blankly, holding a huge slap, and could only retract it in anguish.

Who dares to disobey the command of the Great Demon King?

All the demon races, including the many demon kings, quickly retreated, but when everyone left, their eyes looked at the little diamond wind, revealing doubts, puzzles, and even fierce rays of light.

The hall became quiet.

Only Dali Demon Bull King and Xiao Zuanfeng were left, and the two actually looked at each other far away.

There was a smile at the corner of Xiao Zuan Feng's mouth.

The Great Demon Cow snorted coldly, and a cloud of air sprayed out from his nostrils, filling the entire hall, and then disappeared by itself.

Amidst the clouds and mist, Xiao Zuanfeng still stood with a smile, and looked at each other with the powerful Demon Bull King, without the slightest fear of retreat.

The gaze of the Great Demon Cow kept becoming clear and sharp, and he said coldly: "Yang Qingxuan, do you dare to come to Wanyao Mountain?"

The little drill wind "haha" smiled, his whole body was getting longer, returning to his body in an instant, revealing his true body, holding a fist to the Dali Demon Bull King, smiled and said: "Dali Devil Bull King, long time no see, don't come without trouble."

The Great Demon Bull King stared at Yang Qingxuan and nodded: "Five-star Realm King, really is a terrible talent and a great achievement. Humph, you are here at Ten Thousand Demons Mountain, don't you want to entrust this seat?!"

Dali Demon Bull King's demon spirit drenched, and immediately enveloped Yang Qingxuan, like a hundred thousand mountains, continuously pressing over, forming a huge aura in Yang Qingxuan's body, and there were continuous "booms" bursting out, the entire hall The void is shaking endlessly.

The matter of Yang Qingxuan's entrustment of hundreds of clans has long been spread in the world.

The Great Demon Bull King has long been informed, and the kings of alien races come to visit constantly, hoping to use the Great Demon Bull King as the banner to fight against the human race.

But Yang Qingxuan turned into a little demon and entered the demon clan without making a sound. The Dali Demon Bull King thought that the other party was going to entrust him, and he was immediately furious.

"Haha, Dali Demon Bull King is too far-sighted."

Yang Qingxuan waved his hand and formed an enchantment all over his body, repelling the pressure, and clasped his fists very sincerely, saying: "It depends on the condition, and what kind of method is used for what kind of race. The method is not static, and it is naturally not for the monster race. It may be divided, but only an alliance."

Dali Demon Cow's pupils shrank, gave a soft drink, raised his hand to dissipate the pressure, and hummed: "What alliance? I heard people say that you divided the world, and thought that after the Battle of the Peak, you would forget how many catties you have. Two."

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said, "Naturally I dare not forget. The demon clan is here to form an alliance with Lord Demon Bull King."

There was a complicated look in the eyes of the Great Demon Bull King, and said: "The line of alliance is suppressed. So four pieces of causal jade are in your control. Should I also fulfill what you promised me back then?"

Yang Qingxuan sighed, his complexion was as deep as water, and his tone was solemn: "Although the four pieces of causal jade are in my hands, let alone refining, even a little control is extremely difficult. I'm just afraid that if you operate it carelessly, you will miss the demon cow. King's business."

Dali Demon Bull King said: "The Five-Star Realm King wants to control the Karma Jade, it is indeed a bit embarrassing. So..." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Dali Demon Bull King, and when he raised his hand, it was formed by a blue light, covering Yang Qingxuan while his body moved , Carrying the mixed iron rod, rushed up, shouting: "The Four Truth Jade, let me control it!"

Yang Qingxuan's face changed slightly, and he couldn't expect that the Strong Demon King would suddenly shoot without warning, and the opponent was the Nine-Star Realm King, and he was only a five-star, and he was not on the same level.

Put your hands together now and then separate them.

Between the opening and closing of the palms, three bright lights, yellow, blue, and blue, rose in the air and turned into three small flags.

Wuji apricot yellow flag, countless golden lotus biochemical, disillusionment.

Xuan Yuan controlled the water flag and shook out the blue waves with great momentum.

The green lotus color flag, with infinite light, turned into a sky-like pressure.

The three flags are united into one, forming an image like the color of the sky, with thousands of golden lotus floating on it, constantly washing away the surrounding energy.

Since the Battle of the Peak, Yang Qingxuan has established the orthodox status of the human emperor, and Yin Yun handed over the green lotus color banner in his hand to Yang Qingxuan, hoping that one day the five banners can be restored, which is the strongest defense between heaven and earth. The enchantment is almost nothing to break.


Qing Guangyi fell on the Sanqi enchantment and was completely blocked.

Then the iron rod of the Great Demon King slammed on the barrier, and the space was torn and shattered, and large cracks appeared in the barrier.

Sanqi kept trembling in Yang Qingxuan's palm.

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