Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1860: The Secret in the Cave, the Four Holy Spirit Figure

"Yang Qingxuan?"

Everyone outside the cave was blank.

In fact, they have been trapped in Wuyue Mountain all the year round, and their knowledge of everything outside the scope of the domain only stays before they enter.

Aning gritted his teeth and stepped into the hole as well.

There was hesitation in Xuan Xuan's beautiful eyes, and she said anxiously: "A Ning..."

Aning’s face was solemn, and her tone was determined: "Keep up with this person. I have a hunch, whether we can get out alive or not depends on this person. And he saved us. We have already died once just now. There is nothing to be afraid of. of."

After that, he was catching up with Yang Qingxuan's figure.

The other ten people looked at each other a few times, and all cheered up, followed Aning and entered the cave.


The cave is wide and deep. Hundreds of long bright lights ignite faintly, illuminating the surrounding bright hall. Numerous Ukiyo-e pictures are engraved on the walls of the cave, swaying under the shadow of the lights, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

In the depths of the cave, a large hall was directly pulled out, and countless ukiyo-e paintings were also engraved everywhere. The difference is that there are four huge statues on all sides, namely the blue dragon, the red bird, the white tiger, and the black dragon, which are lifelike.

On the ground, there is a large array formed by four small arrays. One of the small formations was extremely defeated, and the remaining three small formations exuded Xu Xu's glow, which were still in motion, but fell into a static state.

Yang Qingxuan looked towards the center of the big formation, and placed a futon with traces of sitting and practicing.

It seems that this place should be the place where Sundial often practices.

Aning and the others quickly ran in, looking at the surroundings and the big formation curiously.

This cave is the top secret of the entire Wuyue Mountain, none of them have been here, and their curiosity was immediately satisfied, but soon they were also a little lost.

I originally thought there would be a way to lift the taboos on them, but it was empty and there was nothing.

More than a dozen people have extremely ugly faces.

The sundial hadn't appeared for a long time, maybe it was dead outside, no one gave them blood to continue practicing, then the state of being unable to advance or retreat at this moment would only lead to crazy death.

Yang Qingxuan walked around the formation, then raised his hand, took a print of the tactic, and entered one of the small formations.

A ray of brilliance bounced up from the formation, and then, a large swath of scarlet blood surged in that area, which evaporated continuously and turned into blood mist.

"This blood fog again!"

More than a dozen people backed away in fright.

Aning was surprised: "Have you noticed that this blood mist is very similar to the blood we usually take."

More than a dozen people froze for a while, gently sniffing the smell of blood in the air.

Xuan Xuan covered her mouth in surprise, and said, "No, the blood was a bit like it just now, but now it doesn't seem to be the same."

Aning suddenly said: "I understand! It was the blood of the Suzaku just now, so the first thing to get lost was the one who had cultivated the Suzaku Tome. At this moment, it was the blood of the blue dragon, so people with the physique of the blue dragon felt first. ."

As soon as this statement came out, a few people with Azure Dragon physique all had pale faces, nodding their heads, and looking at the blood mist with fear in their eyes.

Aning said: "Be careful, don't let these blood fog get contaminated again."

But their worries are unnecessary.

As soon as the blood mist appeared, Yang Qingxuan grabbed it all and absorbed it into his palm directly into his body.

Aning and others were dumbfounded.

Subsequently, Yang Qingxuan concocted several other areas in the same way, absorbing all the blood of the White Tiger and Xuanwu.

At this point, the four small formations were completely emptied, and the big formation became incomplete, as if aura was lost.

Yang Qingxuan felt the essence and blood that had melted into the body, and said in amazement: "This blood is so pure, is it really left by the Holy Spirit? Where did the short-lived ghost, Fang Sundial, get it?"

After Yang Qingxuan had absorbed the four kinds of blood, he was about to leave. Suddenly, he felt something and looked up suddenly. At some unknown time, the sky suddenly skyrocketed, reflecting a long scroll, floating in the void, exuding inexplicable rules. .

It depicts birds, animals, mountains and rivers.

"Four Holy Spirit Charts!"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. What he saw in front of him was exactly the four holy spirits he once had. And the power radiated at this moment is far greater than when he had previously, "Is it complete?"

Since the four holy spirit pictures appear here, it proves that Xuantian Ji must have been here, and left this picture, it seems that it should be for myself.

Yang Qingxuan pinched the tactics with both hands and kept breaking into the picture.

The entire four holy spirits map fluctuates, revealing the projections of the four holy spirits. The phoenix roars and the dragon roars, slowly wandering through the scrolls, as if guarding and patrolling the heavens and the earth. Four powerful forces spread out, dividing the heaven and the earth into Quartet, but they feel each other.

There was a shock in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, and with a movement of his mind, the Holy Spirit returned to the picture, the brilliance converged, and the huge scroll automatically rolled inward, turning into about two feet, and falling into Yang Qingxuan's hands.

At this point, all the aura in the cave was scattered, and it became the most ordinary cave.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flickered, and with a light smile, thunder and lightning appeared on his body and he wanted to flee directly.

With sharp eyes, Aning hurriedly stepped forward and knelt at the sight, kowtow desperately, "My lord! Please help us, my lord, please, save us, my lord!"

The other partners also reacted instantly, and all ran over, kneeling and kowtow for help.

Yang Qingxuan frowned, looked at each person's subtle features clearly, remembering the Fu and Bai Xia he met in the Black Sea before, and immediately understood, and said: "You can follow me back to Xuan Xiao Jiang Que, I will slowly figure out ways to help you. But my power is limited after all, and the shackles of the four holy spirits are extremely powerful, and I may not be able to save you in the end, but I will do my best."

When everyone heard it, they might not be able to save themselves, they all showed hesitation.

Yang Qingxuan smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't come." He said, he wanted to leave.

Aning said anxiously: "I'll go, let's go! Everyone stay!"

Yang Qingxuan's figure has been wrapped up by the thunder light, and he threw a token at will, saying: "You take this token to Xuanxiao Cangque, someone will arrange you."

With that, the lightning flashed and disappeared completely into the hole.

Aning took the token, and it was as heavy as it was carved in jade. He started with a warm and cool character, and there was a dragon flying and phoenix "person" on it, which was extremely public.

"What token is this?"

The comrades all gathered around and turned the token upside down without recognizing it.

Aning said firmly: "I believe him, he will not lie to us, go!"

In the entire Wuyue Mountain, in addition to more than a dozen of them, there are hundreds of people under the control of Sundial. Several people also spent some time, rescued all of them, and went to Xuanxiao Cangque together.

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