Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1886: Thirteen-style star tactics, defeat and betrayal

Ning Hongru's eyes flashed with joy, his hands moved tactics, bullied himself up, and shouted: "Second style, star wind!"

Countless runes turned out of their hands, forming a stellar storm, tearing apart the aftermath of the galaxy, and crushing it.

Under Ning Xiefeng's horror, it was also a star wind.

Under the impact of the two forces, there was a loud "bang", and the entire void was constantly shattered.

Ning Xiefeng's robe was rolled and shattered, and countless brilliance gathered in front of him and turned into an exquisite armor that stood in front of the storm.

But in a moment, Bao Jia exploded with a "bang" and turned into ashes.

Ning Xiefeng suppressed Ning Xiefeng by two consecutive moves. Ning Hongru immediately increased his confidence and shouted: "There are nine styles in the Star Jue, and the nine styles are in one. It is for Xing Xiao! Let me see why you, the so-called master of the division, will How is the cultivation in the style of star wars!"

Ning Hongru kept pinching the tactics. Around the body, the stars evolved, dispersed and gathered, and nine huge nebulae evolved.

For a time, the nebula revolved, shining brilliantly, like a gear that controls the rules of everything.

"Xing Yan!"

Ning Hongru yelled and slapped out a palm, exhausting all his strength.

The nine nebulae are like nine huge islands, rolling up.

Ning Xiefeng's face changed slightly, and under the flip of his wrist, a red pill appeared. He threw it in his mouth and swallowed it, his whole aura changed.

This little action was naturally seen in Ning Hongru's eyes, but for the battle of high-ranking realm kings, there were very few medicinal pills that could work, and they were all the best in the world, and the power that could be improved was limited, so they didn't care.

Ning Xiefeng also quickly pinched the tactics with both hands, and nine similar large nebulae appeared all over his body. Suddenly the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing an evil smile, "Hahahaha, the side system is the side system, only the nine-type nebula. My father is here. When suppressing Ning Qingyao, I found out that your line lacked the last four formulas. I don't know if it was lost or I didn't learn it. I don't know if it was lost or I didn't learn it. Three types, together is star 湮!"

"Tenth type star marrow!"

"Eleventh type star!"

"Twelfth-style star turn!"

"Tenth Star Fall!"

Following the auction of Ning Xiefeng's tactics, four more primitive and far-reaching nebulae emerged above the nine huge nebulae, whose breath is far stronger than the previous nine forms.

Ning Hongru's face changed drastically. Not only was the thirteen-style star-sharp in its power and mood, it had suppressed his nine-style star-sharp, and even the aura on Ning Xiefeng was no longer weaker than the eight-star realm king!

The pill that can promote high-level realm kings is rare in the sky star field.

But in the entire southern universe, although it is scarce, it is not without. There are quite a few in the ancient family like the Ning family.

"The thirteen-style unity is for Xingtan!"

Ning Xiefeng yelled and pushed his palms forward.

Thirteen nebulae are like the vast Milky Way, layered on top of each other, bursting with infinite brilliance, directly crushing on the nine nebulae.

The violent brilliance obscured the sky and covered the entire void, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

Everyone in the Ning family was even more shocked. From beginning to end, they thought that there were only nine types of Star Art, and they could not even dream that there were thirteen types. It seemed that everything the person said before him was true.

Many Ning family members were excited, hoping that Ning Hongru would be defeated so that they could go to the Ning family in the animal husbandry area.


Ning Hongru's nine nebulae finally couldn't hold it, and they spread out, and were swallowed up by Ning Xiefeng's moves in an instant.


Ning Hongru spouted blood wildly.

The energy of the whole body turned into this trick, and he was defeated at this moment, his breath was instantly wilted to the extreme, and his complexion was tragic, "Daughter, I'm sorry."

Ning Qingyu cried: "Father, father."

He hurriedly took out various elixirs and stuffed them into Ning Hongru's mouth.

But when Ning Hongru was defeated, his whole heart was ashamed, where he was willing to swallow the medicine, his eyes looked blankly at the void, and his pupils were a little dizzy.


Ning Xiefeng laughed wildly, the blood in his body was violent, breaking a large number of meridians, and even a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but it was difficult to hide his happy mood.

Especially looking at the faces of Ning Hongru, Ning Qingyu, etc., were ashamed, and it was hard to tell.

And this little injury is nothing to him.

Since then, in the sky star field, Ning Xiefeng's father specially gave a Zhuxing Pill in order to show his sincerity. For the high-ranking realm king, this pill is extremely effective and a rare treasure.

Before Ning Xiefeng came out, he had already made up his mind to swallow this pill alone, but he was afraid that Ning Hongru and others would rather die than surrender, so he came up with a three-stroke covenant, and he was fighting back by the effects of the medicine, which would also have a huge side effect. Dan swallowed it to instantly increase his strength and completely suppress Ning Hongru.

At this moment, the gloss on Ning Xiefeng's face looked a little strange, but it was refreshing and full of excitement.

Jiang Dan looked at Ning Xiefeng and said softly, "The young master has worked hard."

In the Ning family headquarters, the eldest sons also fought extremely fiercely in order to compete for power. Although Jiang Dan is the King of the Nine Stars Realm, he is enshrined by a foreign surname and must be attached to the same vein to survive well. Among the many young masters, due to the combination of karma, Ning Xiefeng was chosen, and he has been following with all his heart.

Ning Xiefeng stared at the people of the Ning family with weird eyes, and laughed: "Haha, who else is not convinced? You can come up to challenge this son."

In the Ning family, many people's eyes flashed with brilliance, and even passed over with joy.

Several people lowered their heads and exchanged eyes with each other.

Suddenly a loud laugh came, "Hahahaha, Ning Hongru, I didn't expect you to have today!"

Above the void, several figures appeared. It was the great elder Ning Changli and others who had escaped, Ning Ruosong, Ning Xingze, Ning Jingshan, and some faction powerhouses who were cleared by Ning Hongru.

Ning Changli was full of energy at the moment, and hurriedly brought everyone down, kneeling directly in front of Ning Xiefeng, kowtow and said: "I am willing to follow Master Xie Feng forever! Follow Master Xie Feng back to Ning's home."

Ning Xiefeng frowned lightly and hummed softly: "Who are you?"

Between Ning Changli's expressions, he was full of awe-inspiring righteousness, and said angrily: "I'm a member of the Ning family who was framed and driven away by Ning Hongru. Ning Hongru is fighting for power and power for his own selfish desires. Waiting for the **** suppression. I can't stand the bullying, the brutal suppression, and leave in anger. I have been waiting for the opportunity to counterattack the Ning family and rescue all the people from the Ning family. The arrival of Master Xie Feng is really God's will. Save the Ning family!"

Ning Changli said it impassioned and kowtow desperately after speaking, and Ning Ruosong and others behind him also kowtow desperately.

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