Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1890: Ning Qingyao's whereabouts, how to come and go

Ning Hongru and others all found it funny in their hearts. Yang Qingxuan was calm in his work and did not leak water. It was true that he had the city and wisdom to be an emperor, but at the same time, they were worried and listened.

Jiang Yan glanced at Ning Xiefeng, as if he was consulting, but Ning Xiefeng just stood there with bitterness and coldness, completely unresponsive to these things.

Jiang Dan pondered, and said: "It turns out that Ning Qingyao was swept away by time and space storms. No wonder. About three years ago, the Ning family had a fierce conflict with another major force in the animal husbandry area, and they spread out in space. It’s a grand battle. The spread is beyond measure."

Speaking of this battle, a look of panic and fear flashed across Jiang Dan's face, calmed his emotions, and continued: "The other big power is also a resounding existence in the animal husbandry area, and it is slightly stronger than the Ning family. Some. The result of World War I was naturally both defeated. Ning Shenghao, the master of the Ning family, was defeated in that exquisite battle and was severely injured by his opponent and his whereabouts were unknown. For a while, the entire animal husbandry area was searching for Master Ning Shenghao. One day, Master Ning Shenghao and Ning Qingyao returned to the Ning family together. It turned out that Master Ning Shenghao fell into a small space in the border of the animal husbandry area after being seriously injured, and was rescued by Ning Qingyao. In the middle, it was discovered that Ning Qingyao was actually a collateral of the Ning family, but the time was too long to be traced at all. After returning to the family, Master Ning Shenghao collected Ning Qingyao’s blood for a test, and it turned out to be the Ning family’s Blood. Master Shenghao was extremely happy, and immediately accepted Ning Qingyao as a righteous daughter."

Both Yang Qingxuan and the Ning family have weird faces.

I originally thought that Ning Qingyao must endure hardships in the Ning family, and might even be imprisoned and abused, but she never thought that she would become a Ning family doctrine.

Yang Qingxuan even snorted inexplicably, feeling a little unhappy. Then why did Ning Shenghao accept his mother as a righteous daughter, didn't he directly become his ancestor? It's really inexplicable to have an elder for no reason.

Jiang Yan observed his words and looked and found that Yang Qingxuan seemed a little displeased, but he didn't know, so he continued cautiously said: "Ning Qingyao has superb looks and extremely talented talents, plus becoming the righteous daughter of Lord Shenghao, and saving Lord Shenghao's life. The grace and respect of status are naturally the same for the time being, and naturally... it has attracted the love of Lord Ning Jinsheng." After speaking, he looked at Ning Xiefeng carefully.

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood that Ning Jinsheng must be Ning Xiefeng's father, his face was even more ugly, and he snorted coldly, and said, "What then? Who is this Ning Jinsheng?"

Jiang Dan said: "Sir Jinsheng is the son of the great elder Ning Mouzhe." After a pause, he added: "It is also one of the few adults who are most likely to succeed the Patriarch in the second generation of the Ning family."

"Is it the Great Elder again?"

Yang Qingxuan frowned and hummed: "Why are the Ning family's great elders doing so many things? I think the Ning family's better not to set up the position of great elders to avoid more troubles."

Ning Hongru and Ning Qingyu were also speechless for a while.

"what did you say?!"

Ning Xiefeng was furious and stared at Yang Qingxuan fiercely.

Jiang Dan was full of black lines, and continued: "Master Jinsheng has an amazing talent and has the greatest potential among the heirs. It stands to reason that he can see Ning Qingyao, which is Ning Qingyao's blessing. Besides, everyone could see that Ning Qingyao was no longer a virgin, but she later confirmed that she had not only been married as a woman, but also had a son. Even so, Mr. Jinsheng was still infatuated, regardless of the predecessors. It stands to reason that this is the blessing of Ning Qingyao's cultivation for several generations? This woman actually doesn't know how to cherish, and doesn't know how to be grateful, but she doesn't follow it. She really doesn't know how to promote her and is extremely self-willed."

Yang Qingxuan looked weird and thought to himself that his mother was so attractive? The son is so old, he can still attract the heirs of the big family.

Yang Qingxuan smiled faintly, and said to Jiang Dan: "You think that marrying Ning Jinsheng is a blessing for several generations. Why don't you marry? I think you have a great skill in licking PY. I think Ning Jinsheng will like it. "


Jiang Dan was furious, and his face went purple immediately, feeling insulted.

"Sorry, sorry."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said sincerely and earnestly: "I'm making a false statement, and I have asked the lord Haihan. What then? What happens after Ning Qingyao refuses?"

After Yang Qingxuan mocked Jiang Dan, he immediately reacted. Jiang Dan's information has not been shaken yet, so it is not suitable to offend him for the time being, so he apologized again and again.

Jiang Yan snorted heavily, looked at the cold eyes of the ghost, and was extremely jealous, so he continued: "Ning Qingyao is willful in every way, but Master Jinsheng is not reluctant to give up, and he is kind to her in every way. , If in the future can inherit the position of Patriarch, Ning Qingyao will definitely help Ning Qingyao to become the mistress of the entire Ning family. That is really under one person, above ten thousand people. Humph, it’s all like this, then Ning Qingyao is still She doesn't know how to raise her. She said to Mr. Jin Sheng, "I am a married woman and it is not suitable to marry again, and my father is still alive. How can we decide this kind of marriage?"

Yang Qingxuan, Ning Hongru and others immediately understood that it was Ning Qingyao's words that caused the situation at this moment.

Jiang Dan said, "Master Jinsheng said,'It doesn't matter if you have married, you can leave the man off. As for the old father, you can come to the border of the animal husbandry area to witness this beautiful event.' Ning Qingyao just smiled faintly upon hearing this. , Don’t say it or not. Master Jinsheng was a little uncontrollable, so he sent Master Xie Feng and me to the Sky Star Territory to take Ning Hongru to the Ning family headquarters."

In fact, Ning Jinsheng had another task, which was to inquire about Ning Qingyao's husband and then beheaded, but Jiang Dan concealed this task.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Ning Qingyao is in the Ning family of the Muhai area at the moment, is there no danger for the time being?"

Jiang Yan was stunned and said: "Naturally, there is no danger. There is the love of Master Shenghao and the love of Master Jinsheng. Who dares to put her in danger?"

Yang Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled and said, "I'm relieved. One more thing, how did you come to the Sky Star Territory?"

Jiang Dan said: "Through the large array of stars all over the southern universe. However, the location of the sky star field seems to be hidden, and it is in a state of cutting off from the large array of stars. We have been searching in the starry sky wasteland for a long time, not long ago. Suddenly felt it."

Yang Qingxuan was slightly surprised, knowing that what the two felt was that Yuan Yao borrowed the power of the ancient stars. It was too coincidental, and continued to ask: "Then how do you go back?"

Jiang Dan said: "Generally, all major star regions will have a connection channel with the star array. If there is no channel, you can only rely on the magic weapon that shuttles through time and space. The more common ones are the star disk and the time and space shuttle."

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