Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1906: Break through Zhongdu and break through Seven Stars


Lei Qu, Sunny Sky Evening Photo, and all the powerhouses of Lei Family Realm's king class, all sensed the strange changes in Yang Qingxuan's body, and couldn't help being shocked.

The breakthrough vision was shattered, how come the breakthrough continues?

Especially in the evening in the clear sky, under the anger, there was a trace of fear in the heart. The two people joined hands to make the seal, so that the light of Shangbao Qinxin rake rose greatly. The vision on the world double list began to wilt, constantly under the power of the rake. Crumbled.

Yang Qingxuan's breakthrough was immediately hindered, Gui Zang screamed and turned into a giant sword, shot out from the Supreme Profound Realm, directly smashing the void, and Hyakki Yexing would rake towards Baoqin's heart.

Gui Zang shouted at the same time: "Old ghost Lei Qu, let's do it together!"

Lei Qu was shocked, and immediately understood that this was the best chance to defeat the clear sky evening photos. He immediately kept pinching and breaking into the Wan Lei magneto-optical disc. The entire defensive enchantment was closed, and the disc was compressed to the size of the bowl, but the entire void was lost. Twisted and torn.


Na Wan Lei twisted a few times and turned into a thunder palm, suddenly shot down from a high altitude, and at the same time blasted towards Bao Qin Xin.



Gui Zang and Lei Qu, the two great nine-star powerhouses joined forces, Bai Gui Ye Xing and Wan Lei magneto-optical disks are both sacred artifacts. Although they are not comparable to Shangbao Qinxin Rake, they are also powerful.

A black hole appeared in the void in an instant, consuming various forces continuously.

The four people's blow is really too powerful, even the Lord of the Thousand Realms may not be able to take it.

There was no suspense over the entire ancient realm, and it fell apart in an instant, continuously breaking apart.

Except for the golden light of the sacred instrument, all fell into darkness.

Yang Qingxuan held the double list of heaven and earth, and immediately sensed that Zhongdu was penetrated. In shock, he hurriedly ran his true essence, printed the secret on the double list, and stabilized the entire central world.

At the same time, the true essence in the body surging forward, constantly tearing the barrier of high-ranking realm kings.

Yang Qingxuan didn't know what was going on. He could continue to break through even though he was suppressed and suffered internal injuries by Shangbao Qinxin.


Finally, after reaching a certain critical value, the powerful energy burst out, like a flood that bursts through a bank, instantly breaking through the barrier.

The momentum of the whole body changed, and he was already stepping into the Seven Star Realm King.

In the evening in the clear sky, the confrontation with Lei Qu Gui Zang finally parted, and the four radiances shot away in the rapidly expanding black hole.

The space of the entire ancient domain began to continuously collapse into that black hole.

Waves are constantly making waves on the Taikoo Thunder Pool, and a large number of Thunder Element elements are also absorbed.

Yang Qingxuan had just broken through to the Seven Stars and hurriedly stabilized his lower realm, he couldn't wait to throw the double list of heaven and earth again, and flew towards the black hole.

The huge space spreads out, everything grows, manifests the rivers and mountains, suppressing the expansion of the black hole.

Even a large number of Lei family disciples were sucked into the black hole, struggling desperately and crying. Just as despair, a large swath of light was shot on the world double list, turned into countless green canes, flying in the black hole, and those who were about to be sucked in. The Lei family’s children were restrained.

Then, with the power of the double ranking of heaven and earth, the black hole made up a little bit, contracted toward the center and healed.

"Master Renhuang..."

Those disciples of the Lei family who were saved were crying with joy and shouting in gratitude.

Lei Qu was even more relieved, and then stared at the evening photos of the clear sky in the distance with cold eyes.

Gui Zang stood up with his sword, with a calm look, but his eyes were also staring at the evening photos of the clear sky, and his red tongue gently licked his lips.

Wan Zhao said with a gloomy face, "Brother, what should I do now?"

Given the situation at this moment, it would be extremely difficult to kill Yang Qingxuan.

And that huge ghost, the power of the Nine Star Realm King, although it has not reached its peak, it is not in the strength of their alone, plus Lei Qu, it can completely compete with their brothers and sisters.

Qingkong's face was also not good-looking, originally thought it would be easy to kill Yang Qingxuan to seize the treasure, especially after the Battle of the Star Palace and the Battle of Dao Ying, there are very few people in this star field who can compete with their own brothers and sisters, but they can't think of eating in the ancient domain.

Qingkong thought about it, and said, "It's no use staying more, and go! I don't believe Yang Qingxuan will hide in the ancient realm forever!"

The siblings are extremely unwilling, but there will be no results if they want to come and stay, even if they want to leave.

Yang Qingxuan narrowed his eyes, and suddenly shouted: "The two of you stay."

Qingkong turned around and snorted coldly: "Why, do you still want to leave my brother and sister behind?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said: "I do want to stay, but not by strength, but a few words I want to exchange with the two."

Qingkong's face changed slightly, and he hummed: "What are you talking about?"

Both the siblings lowered their faces gloomily, and they were stunned in the ancient realm. The other party was probably not a good thing, and they were all black and angry.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Let me ask first, why are you two looking for me?"

Qingkong hummed: "Naturally, it is for those sacred artifacts, the highest destiny, the four noble truths of cause and effect, and the double ranking of heaven and earth. How can you, there are three sacred artifacts, be careful not to be hard enough to hold it. !"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Whether I can hold it, I can't worry about it. Although the highest destiny is in my body, I don't dare to move at all. I don't know whether the spiritual consciousness in it has been lost. To be honest, even if you give it to the two Do you dare to release it from the seal?"

Clear Sky Evening Zhao frowned slightly and fell into hesitation.

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "In fact, I wish you could take away this sacred artifact. I lie in ambush in my body every day, and God knows when it will erupt. If there is a way for both of you, I will cooperate with both of you at any time to let you have the highest destiny Take it away."

The two were shocked, and Lei Qu and Gui Zang also showed surprise.

Qingkong said: "Really?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Naturally take it seriously. But there must be two prerequisites, one is not to hurt me, and the other is not to let the highest destiny come out again, otherwise, the two will be cocooned, afraid that the first one will be The fate is the highest to erase."

Looking at each other in the evening, the clear sky was silent.

Yang Qingxuan said again: "As for the four truths of cause and effect, I remember Xuantianji said that no one can control it at all, but even so, I can't give you brothers and sisters. The double ranking of heaven and earth is the symbol of the emperor, and the star Naturally, I can’t give it to the Jingyuan. I said so much to the two that I hope to turn the fighting into jade and stop thinking about unrealistic things. This star field has gone through so many accidents, and the strong have withered, I don’t want to. I hope something will happen to myself or the two of you."

Wan Zhao sneered: "My brother and sister will have an accident? Humph, you still worry about yourself!"

Qingkong said: "If we have the highest destiny, we will come to you again if we have a way. Also, my brothers and sisters will not give up on the Four Truths of Cause and Effect and the Double Ranking of Heaven and Earth. Yang Qingxuan, have the ability to hide in the ancient realm for a lifetime. Sister, let's go. ."

When the clear sky left this sentence, it turned into a escape with the evening light and disappeared over the ancient realm.

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