Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1908: Star rain, the way to check and balance

"Look, meteor shower?"

"No, it's not a meteor shower, it's...the power of the stars turns into a star shower?!"

The entire space in the upper and lower four directions of the Central Capital was filled with shocked voices and horrified expressions. Such a terrifying vision of heaven and earth is simply unheard of.

Countless stars flashed in the sky, leaving behind large trails and even illusions.

There are ghosts of stars and seas together, distorting magnetic fields and various energies, causing aurora and phantoms to appear, like ribbons thrown down by the heavens.

And all of this converged towards the huge jade-like land.

"This direction is... The Misty Star Palace?"

"Oh my God! With such a vision, someone is showing magical powers!"

"Hey! Who the **** is it? Could it be this generation of Lord Renhuang?"

"You mean Yang Qingxuan?!"

Countless horrified and excited voices resounded in every void in the huge realm of Zhongdu. All the warriors were surprised and happy. While appreciating the huge vision, they did not dare to waste this precious opportunity and hurriedly sat down to practice.

The power of the stars is one of the most original forces in the universe.

It is almost the direct source of power for the growth of everything, and it fills every corner of the universe.

It is these stars that are connected to each other to form such a vast and boundless universe.

Every Wu Xiu, after breaking through the bottleneck of the plane, has to go to the endless starry universe to find the origin of Tao.

At this moment, in the center of the jewel-like land, on the altar, Yang Qingxuan sat vacantly, constantly pinching the tactics to penetrate all directions.

The entire Zhou Tian Xing Dou, completely under the influence of his power, rained stars and was absorbed by the land.

On the one hand, the land that has begun to take shape is simple, and on the other hand, through the 100,000 formation method, the star power is gathered endlessly on the altar.

Various mountain and river visions, flower and bird visions, and vegetation visions began to appear on the altar, and then turned into runes and inscribed on them.

The originally ordinary altar became dazzling and brilliant, the power of countless stars, turned into golden light and silver light, transmitted in all directions of the altar, and was perfectly engraved on it.

All things live in the common people, the stars of the universe, all appear on the star platform, vividly.

I don't know how long it took, there was a sigh from the void, a heavy sigh of relief, with a slight joy.

With this sigh, all star visions began to return to their original positions, and various singular field energies were subdued one after another, and the visions of the posture of all things disappeared, and the universe returned to quiet and silent.

But on the ethereal land at this moment, it was a colorful star platform, dotted with countless stars, exuding a vast and profound aura.

"Hahahaha, congratulations, Lord Renhuang, re-concentrating the star platform, with immense merit."

Suddenly, a laugh came from the sky above the star platform. Under the trembling of the void, Mr. Xi Da, Ni Ba, and an elegant middle-aged man appeared.

All three of them were happy, flying down from the void and landing on the star platform, and couldn't help but marvel.

The elegant man's gaze was even more watery, and his brilliance flickered. While shocked, he was more surprised and relieved.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and then exulted: "Master Shiyan!" Then he clasped his fist and said, "Mr. Xi Da."

The elegant man is Shi Yan, with a clear water-like breath from all over his body, as if he merged with the road.

Yang Qingxuan said with joy: "Master Shiyan, you..." His eyes flashed, and he immediately noticed Shi Yan's cultivation status, and hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Congratulations, sir, stepping into the Nine-Star Realm King."

Shi Yan nodded, stroked his beard and smiled, saying: "It's a fluke because of luck."

Several people all smiled at each other. The so-called "luck" has always been the humility of the strong. There is no success in this world that can be based on "luck", especially on the path of martial arts, all without penance, experience, and comprehension. , Go through life and death, and get a chance.

Xi Da looked around and praised: "Master Renhuang re-concentrating on the star platform is really breathtaking, amazing. Your adults can finally go to the ancient star formation."

Xi Da's eyes were full of complex expressions and subtle brilliance. The firmament star field has lost contact with the ancient star array for many years. Is it finally time to restore contact?

Yang Qingxuan said: "When I was condensing, I captured the coordinates of the ancient star array, which is considered to be very lucky. The next step is to sacrifice the stars. This thing contains the rules of the thousand worlds, I am afraid it is so easy to control. ."

Xi Da laughed and said, "Given the talents of the Sovereign Lord, I am not worried at all. But..." Xi Da hesitated, and then said: "My lord, if you go here, you have thought about the follow-up arrangements for the sky star field ?"

Yang Qingxuan Shen Ning said: "Mr. Xi Da said that the sky can't and the clear sky is in the evening?"

Xi Da nodded and said, "There are various other things, these three people are considered the most difficult ones."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "What Mr. Xi Da said is exactly what I was worried about. But now that Master Shiyan has left the customs, and has been promoted to the Nine Star Realm King, I feel more relieved."

Shi Yan laughed bitterly and sighed, "I am born to run up and down. It doesn't matter if I work hard. I'm just worried about my baby girl. What should I do in the future?"

Yang Qingxuan was embarrassed, full of black lines, and didn't know how to answer the conversation.

In fact, in the long-term relationship, Yang Qingxuan's relationship with Wu Qiyue, Ziyuan, Midnight, and Shi Yuyan gradually transformed from extreme subtlety to the present harmony and harmony. The five of them were almost tacitly tasting together. Thing.

Shi Yan smiled "haha" and turned to the topic: "I can handle and suppress other things. Even if it involves big forces such as the Demon Race, the Demon Race, and the Tianhe Wangchuan, the power of our family is sufficient to suppress and deal with it. As Mr. Xi Da said, the night photo was ruthless and clear that day, alas."

Several people are at a loss.

In fact, even if Yang Qingxuan didn't go to the animal husbandry area, it would be difficult to suppress these three.

Yang Qingxuan pondered, and suddenly said, "Perhaps I have a solution that is not the solution."

Both Xi Da and Shi Yan were extremely surprised and looked at him suspiciously.

Yang Qingxuan’s eyes revealed deepness and remembrance, and slowly said: “In order to improve strength, Xuan Tianji sought the highest way to deal with the destiny, and refined a holy artifact called the'Four Holy Spirit Diagram'. This spiritual diagram has four sages. In addition to the power, it also contains a set of formations, which are the magical formations laid by the Four Holy Spirits when they dealt with the highest destiny. I discovered this formation when I was comprehending the "Four Holy Spirits Diagram"."

Mr. Xi Da was pleasantly surprised: "The formation of the four holy spirits? I have also heard about it. Xuantian Ji is really the talent of the heavens and wefts. He actually found this formation and refined the sacred artifact. It is a pity, a pity, not in the Tao Yingzhi Come in handy during the war."

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