Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1910: The unknown world, Shi Zuo

The boy discovered that in a broken sky crater, the light burst out inexplicably, and then shot out an aurora, shaking the whole sky to pieces.

The rules of all things are twisted under this huge impact.

The young man was horrified to discover that the coverage of this twisting force was directly transmitted to his body, he couldn't help but spit out another blood and flew out again.

This time, he broke the meridian bones all over his body, lying on the ground limply, leaving only a breath.

The young man was full of bitterness and despair. Even with this physical condition, even if he could escape from Shi Zuo's hands, he would never be able to survive in the land of Nirvana.


The aurora shot down and shook down on the ground not far away, setting off a huge energy storm.

The earth composed of countless earth element elements shattered one after another, turning into huge dust that swept across the area.

Large patches of dirt and dust fell on the young man. The choking young man coughed violently and was buried in ashes. Thinking that he was dying, he was so embarrassed to die.

When the young man heard the low roar from Shi Zuo, he seemed extremely alert and couldn't help but look curiously.

In fact, it's no surprise to see such an inexplicable appearance. In this land of broken Nirvana, anything can happen.

The young man was stunned, only to see the place where the aurora burst, slowly walking out of a slender figure.

It was also a young man, with beautiful eyes and beautiful eyes, and his whole body spotlessly clean, with a suspicious and curious look, he looked up and down into the void.

"Flying fairy outside the sky?"

The young man was astonished and looked up at the void, unable to find any passage at all.

Moreover, this land of Nirvana cannot be entered casually at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be stuck here for so long to get out.

But the boy was suddenly stunned, and another teleportation failed and landed here. Although such situations are rare, after staying for a long time, anything with a small probability may be encountered.

And the boy's eyes lit up, and his eyes flashed with a strong desire to survive.

The young man in front of him who was not much older than him, his cultivation level actually made him unable to see through. That one who is intriguing and not fascinated, and has a spotless temperament, at first glance is a peerless powerhouse, and even a high-level realm king.

The teenager shouted desperately, "Help me!"

After spitting out the two words, the whole body's breath dissipated, and he fell soft again, without any strength, and could only lie on the ground with longing eyes.

Suddenly, Shi Zuo flashed his body, stretched out his hand and patted it, and a ray of light spread from the palm of his palm and swept towards the young man to destroy it.

The black-robed youth frowned, the golden light flashed in his eyes, revealing a strange color, he stepped out, countless rules of time and space appeared all over his body, directly teleported to the front of at least Nian, turned and waved, and patted Shi Zuo's light waves. .

A group of red sun emerged from the hands of the young man in the black robe, and he lived for three in an instant, like the bleak blazing sun that is hard to see in this void space, pressing it like stars to Shizuo.

"Three suns follow the day."

The young man in the black robe was Yang Qingxuan. On the way to the ancient star formation, he did not know what situation he encountered, whether he was not proficient in the control of the star disk, or was shocked by the inexplicable regular force in the universe. As a result, coordinated time and space were directly descended This wonderfully ruined place.

Moreover, Yang Qingxuan was very surprised that under the fiery eyes, the round flesh ball-like disgusting monster in front of him had no physical body and was completely transformed by chaotic energy.

Moreover, the movement of the meridians in this monster's body is also chaotic, completely different from the creatures.

And inside the monster's left shoulder, there is a strange blue crystal nucleus, resembling a cut corner of the universe, zoomed into the spar, continuously sending energy to the monster's body.


The light wave of that monster was instantly crushed under the power of Yang Qingxuan's three blazing suns.

Moreover, the scorching sun did not reduce its momentum, and under the swirling air, it merged into a scorching sun again, and slammed it over.


The monster roared fiercely, full of anger and unwillingness, as well as deep fear. The sarcoma all over the body shrank desperately into the body and burst out suddenly.


An extremely strong dim force swept out, blasting on the blazing sun, but it was difficult to block the huge brilliance, but it was completely shattered after blocking the moment.

The scorching sun hit the monster directly.


The monster screamed and struggled desperately, and the sarcomas on his body exploded one by one and decomposed.

Yang Qingxuan looked at it with golden eyes, and the "flesh body" in front of him was indeed not a flesh body. Under decomposition, it was all chaotic power that dissipated in all directions.

The young man opened his mouth in amazement and looked at him in disbelief. Six-star Shi Zuo, under this starry sky, able to display the strength of the six-star peak, and even the seven-star strength, was actually wiped out by this young man's trick?

The teenager only felt a little dreamy, and even for the rest of his life he forgot his ecstasy.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and he found that after the monster was decomposed, the blue crystals, like a corner of the universe, were quietly suspended in the flames, seeming to be extremely resistant to burning, and they shrank and burned.

Yang Qingxuan hesitated for a while, stretched out his hand and grabbed, the crystal came out of the air and fell into his own hand.

Looking carefully, it seems to be natural, very irregular in shape, but it seems to contain certain rules, and it is extremely heavy in the hand, and the strange star power is poured into the whole body along the direction of the contact.

Only then did the young man come back to his senses, looking at the blue crystal, and exclaiming: "Shi Mingshi! Six-star Shi Mingshi!"

The voice was full of excitement, and a look of greed flashed in his eyes, but seeing Yang Qingxuan's gaze, the greed disappeared instantly, replaced by panic and fear.

The thin body was buried in a pile of dust, struggling to crawl back.

Yang Qingxuan put away the Shi Mingshi, looked at the young man, a bright light flashed in his eyes, showing a look of surprise, and then he smiled.

Although the young man in front of him was exquisitely dressed and even used extremely clever secret techniques, under Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes, he could see through his daughter at once.

And if this face and body are transformed into a daughter, it will be a beautiful beauty.

Yang Qingxuan couldn't help but think of the scene when he saw Zi Yuan when he was in Xu Tianyu. Zi Yuan was also disguised as a man.

At this moment, Zi Yuan was in the star ring, and she felt her thoughts through Yang Qingxuan's heart. She couldn't help but pursed her mouth and hummed: "You have a girl everywhere. I think this girl is not bad, and it’s surrounded by wild mountains and mountains. No one, this girl has lost the ability to resist again. It's cheaper for you. Don't be polite, you should go there, otherwise you can't help yourself."

Yang Qingxuan was full of black lines, chuckled twice, too lazy to talk to Ziyuan, turned to the "boy" and asked, "Where is this?"

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