Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1915: Cut knowledge, heaven and earth with one sword

"go to hell!"

Wei Qin was anxious and furious at first, but was provoked by Yang Qingxuan, and his emotions were directly blown up. He didn't care about fighting Song Min and shook his big hand into the void.

Numerous whirlpools flowed in, and phantoms melted into the fist.

Large pieces of gold elements were directly shaken apart under this fist, and fluttered in the surrounding void.

"Things that do not have eyes! I will send you to the West first!"

Wei Qin yelled, and the compressed fist slammed into the sky.


The dark red fist glow spurted out, with a strong smell of blood and corrosiveness, everything melted wherever it passed, and even the golden glow of the sky was annihilated under this fist wind.

"It's really interesting."

Yang Qingxuan didn't rush, stretched out his hand to grab the void, a piece of soul light swirled out of his arm, flowed into the palm of his hand, and turned into an elegant blue sword, constantly consolidating.

The pattern on the sword continues to manifest itself with the inflow of true essence, emitting a blue radiance, like the magnificent waves of the sea.

Yang Qingxuan's whole person's aura suddenly changed, and he almost merged with this sword.

"Sea Dust Sword!"


A cold light flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, raised the sword, and cut it down suddenly.

A big blue gem on the sword suddenly shined brightly. If the blue sea, if the sky is deep, the magnificent sword spirit will turn into a stream of light and slash away.


Wei Qin's fist was smashed, and suddenly burst open, and countless blue sword lights poured into the void in all directions, smashing the power of that punch and the rules around it.

At the same time, countless small blue sword auras, breaking through the power of the fist, turned into blue cracks in the sky, and blasted Wei Qin in all directions and on his body.

"Bang! Bang!—"

"No! Impossible!—"

Wei Qin trembled, and the fist shattered, and the shock hit his arm, making half of his body numb. Afterwards, he was hit by Haichen Sword's surpassing prestige, and suddenly felt countless blue silver needles piercing his brain, grinning in pain, and screaming "Ah".

The blood flowed out of the seven holes instantly, and the right half of his body also burst into pieces of meridians, and his hands dropped weakly, his eyes full of horror, fear, and unbelief.

At the same time, with Haichen Sword and Yang Qingxuan as the core, a powerful sword barrier spreads, repelling all chaotic rules and gold elements, forming an awe-inspiring and independent field.

Gao Yaokun and Song Min were both shocked, and Yu'an was even more stunned.

Within the realm king, it is so difficult to leapfrog the challenge, even if it can be overcome, it is both wise and courageous, plus some magical powers, it can be realized.

It is an extremely abnormal situation to defeat one level higher with one move like this.

The golden eyes in the void snorted coldly, and said: "Sure enough, it's a bit famous, no wonder it's a little arrogant. But in front of my Song family disciples, these are not worthy of vulture skills. If I read correctly, you So you can easily defeat Wei Qin by relying on the good sacred sword in your hand? Haha, I am interested in knowing what star field you are from? A sacred weapon that can easily achieve cross-layer challenges It is also extremely rare."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I thought you would be a little different from these two ants, but it turned out to be the same verbosely. Only the ants like to spend more time talking and brush their presence."


Song Min yelled immediately, and his golden eyes suddenly widened in the air, shooting out a substantial radiance, as if to tear Yang Qingxuan into pieces.

Accompanied by that huge anger, all the gold elements instantly condensed, turned into countless strangely shaped and even shapeless sharp weapons, all shot at Yang Qingxuan.

A huge metal storm blew up in the void immediately, and the sky was split into countless filaments, all of them shattered.

Yang Qingxuan's figure was instantly wrapped in the storm, completely invisible.

Gao Yaokun was surprised and delighted. What was shocked was that Yang Qingxuan had this ability and dared to directly attack Song Min. He was really a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers. What was so happy was that the two of them were facing each other. If they can fight both losers, they might be able to do so. Pick up the leak.

Evil grew out of the guts, Gao Yaokun's eyes shot greedy and cruel eyes, if he could seize Song Min's belongings, his chances of surviving in this land of nirvana would increase greatly.

Gao Yaokun's figure flickered and appeared directly behind Wei Qin, saying: "Brother Wei Qin."

As soon as Wei Qin turned around, he suddenly noticed something wrong, and exclaimed: "You! Ah!--"

There was a sharp pain in his chest, and Gao Yaokun was attacked by him. He directly used the sharp claws on his helmet to blast a mouth with a big mouth, and countless flesh and blood flew across.

Wei Qin's face was full of fright and despair. It was obvious that he would not be able to live, and he never dreamed that Gao Yaokun would attack him at this time. Resolutely, he quickly pinched his hands with his hands, and countless streams of light flowed towards his dantian.

"Hey, want to explode? Is it possible?"

Gao Yaokun laughed wildly, the hand helmet that pierced Wei Qin's heart flicked, and a large burst of light burst, instantly shattering Wei Qin, and then grabbed with five fingers, all the meat and bones were condensed into a ball with the distortion of the space, and exploded directly in front .


At this point, Wei Qin completely died and had no place to bury his life, only some storage elements were left, which was accepted by Gao Yaokun excitedly, and all of them were taken into the bag as soon as he caught it.

"Huh?" Gao Yaokun turned around and found that Yu'an had disappeared in the same place. His eyes became cold and he looked around.

Suddenly, there was a noisy sound of sharp metal collision, and the pierced ears ached for a while, and accompanied by a huge sharp air, the cut skin ached.

Gao Yaokun hurriedly turned around in horror, unable to open a piece of brilliant eyes.

In the center of the metal storm, there was constant sound of impact, splitting large areas of gold elements, and colorful sword qi burst out of the air.

Gao Yaokun's pupils enlarged at once, revealing a look of horror.

Song Min's metal storm turned into a substantial barrier, but at this moment it was split apart by countless sword energy, spreading in the void little by little.

Looking from the cracks that appeared, Yang Qingxuan was hovering with countless divine swords, all of which showed impressive power. Song Min's metal storm was not worth a breath under these condensed divine swords.


Yang Qingxuan uttered a word, and his figure shook, he grabbed a bronze long sword beside him, and slashed forward.

Almost all the sword energy of the sword is integrated into this sword, and the sword light continues to add to the past, attached to this sword energy, and instantly swallows out a long rainbow, smashing the sky and the earth!


The metal storm shattered in an instant, and the sword aura was like a rainbow, straight into the void, chasing Song Min's breath.

Under this sword, the whole world broke apart and was split in half.

Song Min's figure suddenly appeared, full of horror and disbelief, but the sword light blinked and was too late to think. With a wave of his hand, the whole person turned into gold, and countless gold elements were condensed into a golden shield, protecting the body. before.

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