Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1933: Not life or death, weird totem

Yu'an thought for a while, and then said, "It's true that I know more about this Zuotuo monument than ordinary people."

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved slightly, thinking of the peerless woman in that group of murals, who was in the same category as Yu'an.

Yu'an continued: "Do you remember that I said that this Zuotuo monument is ‘alive’?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "It is indeed a little weird, and I also feel it, saying that it is not alive or not, it seems that it is not a state of life or death."

Yu'an nodded and said: "Exactly. This kind of'living' is somewhat different from what we call'living'. But the monuments have indeed been'swallowing' all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures and medicines for countless years. Profound tools, all treasures, will be swallowed in. In addition to the ancient monuments all over the place, and the various treasures scattered in the rivers and mountains, there is also a core place, the heart of this Zuo ancient relic, called the'Zoda Temple '. The place where all the treasures converge is this Zoda Temple."

Yang Qingxuan was heartbroken, and said: "Then in this temple, don't talk about it, there will be hundreds of Shi Mingshi, right?"

Yu'an smiled and said: "There must be thousands of them, and I am afraid that more will dazzle you. Not only that, there is also a treasure inside, named Yuhai Rock. This thing can simulate the elemental decay circle, emitting a slight The power of decay."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "Simulate the elemental decay circle? If it is just a slight decay force, it is not enough to fight against the enemy, what use is this?"

Yu'an said: "You don't know anything about that. Why did Shizuo gather in the elemental decay circle? It is because the elemental decay circle is extremely safe for them. Ordinary Shizuo does not have much IQ, and the whole body is full. It is composed of irritable emotions, and it is difficult to distinguish true and false element decay circles in a short time."

Yang Qingxuan suddenly understood, and said in surprise, "Use this to attract Shi Zuo?"

Yu'an smiled and said: "It's really smart, it is. This simulated elemental decay circle is still harmful to us. But Shi Zuo can sense this slight decay force, and will mistake it for the formation of the elemental decay circle. At the beginning, they will come from all directions."

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed, as long as Shi Zuo who came under the Nine Stars peak, relying on himself and Gui Zang, he could almost receive them all.

Even the Shi Zuo of Nine Star Peak might not have the power to kill.

Thinking of this, Yang Qingxuan's eyes burst into light.

Yu An felt his excitement, and was also a little emotional, as if he had seen a large piece of Shi Yanshi flying over.

She said: "Let's go to the temple of Nazuto first, in fact, the direction I lead the way is not aimless. I have been looking for traces of the temple."

The two immediately turned into streamers and fled into the distance.


There was a huge shock somewhere in the ancient ruins of Zuotuo, and the sound of rumbling resounded like a rolling thunder on this desolate land.

Many Wu Xiu heard the noise and hurriedly flew away in that direction.

"How is this going?"

The first to come were two young men, one fat and one thin. Seeing the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but stunned.

A huge totem suddenly appeared on the earth. It was a weird woman with closed eyes. A little blood was spilled on it, but besides that, there were no traces. Even the vibration of energy was extremely stable, like Nothing happened in general.

If it weren't for the few blood spilled on the totem, it would really be nothing.

The two stared at the scarlet blood for a while, it was extremely dazzling, and soon the blood became gray, and then was buried by dust.

The thin and tall man grunted and swallowed, "Brother Chu Xing, do you want to go and have a look?"

The fat man snorted coldly: "Gao Ming, you are going to go, don't think I don't know what you are thinking."

Gao Ming was said to be the central issue by Chu Xing, his face flushed, and said: "I will go if I go."

Speaking of raising his hand to pinch the tactics, a piece of golden light circled around his body, transforming into a majestic dark golden armor, shrouded around the body, appearing extremely empty, but it did not affect flexibility at all.

At this moment, there are dozens of rays of light, converging from all directions, standing in the distance and stopping to watch, also showing a look of surprise.

Seeing that there were too many people, Gao Ming became courageous, so he flew to the totem.

As soon as she approached, the woman above suddenly opened her eyes, and an invisible quantity could shoot out from her eyes, straight into the sky.

"Ah!" Gao Ming was taken aback and hurried back.

Wu Xiu on all sides became alert one by one.

The energy in the monuments of Zuo is as chaotic as the earth outside, but there is no elemental decay circle. At this moment, inspired by the woman's bizarre binoculars, huge vortices are transformed into thousands of miles, and countless chaos and dark forces are like a waterfall tilting , Shrouded the area of ​​one party.

"What energy is this?!"

Chu Xing and the rest of Wu Xiu were horrified. They seemed to be covered by a barrier. Although they were not sure, the feeling was very strong.

Soon, the vortex on the sky shrank rapidly, and everyone was involved in this chaotic power and immediately noticed something wrong.

"Quick! Quickly attack and cut through this barrier! Otherwise we will all die!"

Gao Ming shouted desperately, thinking of the little blood on the totem before, and his heart was anxious.

More than twenty martial artists, all powerful in the realm of the king, desperately displayed their supernatural powers and cut them in all directions.

"Boom! Boom!"

All kinds of attacks, varied, and the power that hit this chaos didn't last long, and they all annihilated.

The whirlpool is getting smaller and smaller, and it will soon affect everyone, all in great panic.

"The power of this whirlpool, I'm afraid it has eight stars or even stronger, what should I do?!"

"Let's attack together a little bit, otherwise we will all be dead!"

"Attack? Who will lead!"

All kinds of noisy voices, anxious and urgent, everyone is all kinds of attacks, there is no uniform point, and after a while, they all shouted "My direction", "North", "East", "You MLGB, where are you Huh?!", "Nothing, we are dying!", "A bunch of pigs, don't mess up!"...

"Attack the flames."

Suddenly, a peaceful sound entered the storm, without any emotion, but with incomparable penetrating power, it gently entered everyone's ears.

Then, in this dark storm, a dazzling light lit up, and a spark came out.

Time and space seemed to be quiet for a moment, and everyone's violent and anxious emotions disappeared for some reason when the spark appeared, replaced by endless hope in their hearts.

"Boom! Boom!"

More than twenty powerful world kings, all burst out with the strongest power in their lives, attacking the fire of hope.

In an instant, those twenty or so attacks twisted into a huge beam of light, and the powers continued to stack.

Wherever he passed, the storm was directly discharged, tearing out a huge passage.

The flames on both sides burned, like the road of God, leading to the light.

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